Polls close in Wyoming: Liz Cheney, leader of the anti-Trump Republicans, poised to lose to Harriet Hageman


Wyoming’s primary election rivals Alaska’s primary for drama on Aug. 16. Polls closed in Wyoming at 5 pm Alaska time, with the nation’s eyes on Rep. Liz Cheney, who is predicted to lose to Republican Harriet Hageman, a Republican ranching attorney from Cheyenne.

Cheney is the Republican leader on the House select committee that has been investigating and subpoenaing people with knowledge of the activities leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021 surge into the U.S. Capitol, as Trump supporters gathered to try to stop the certification of the presidential election.

Many Democrat voters were urged by their party leaders to switch party affiliations to Republican at the polls to vote for Cheney in the Republican primary, fearing Hageman, who has the Trump Republicans behind her. Voters in Wyoming can make a same-day switch of parties and then vote.

Cheney told reporters that democracy is under attack and under threat.

“And those of us across the board — Republicans, Democrats, and independents who believe deeply in freedom and who care about the Constitution and the future of the country — have an obligation to put that above party,” she said to reporters. But voters appear to think that it is Cheney who is the threat.

Donald Trump wrote on Truth Social, his media platform, “If Liz Cheney loses tonight, the Fake News Media will do everything within their power to play it down and pretend that it was not a referendum on the Unselects – That it was no big deal. Actually, it would be a very big deal, one of the biggest!”

His term “unselects” referred to the three-term Republican congresswoman who is the vice chair of the House “select committee.”

Sixty-seven percent of Wyoming voters chose Trump in 2020, and Wyoming is by far the reddest state in the union. A University of Wyoming poll showed Cheney trailing Hageman by 29 points prior to Election Day.

This story will be updated as results are available. Check back


  1. Liz Cheney is a pathetic, self-serving, self-worshipping, turn-coating, lying joke.

    And those are her good points.

    Her bad points cannot be revealed within polite company.

  2. Liz is to Wyoming what Lisa is to Alaska! Traitors to their responding states! There’s no room for them in America!

    • Not before she does a whole lot more damage, because she’s not leaving yet. Her obsession is to prevent President Trump from ever running for office again. Then she will probably pull a Hillary and run in some blue state, or get appointed to a high position of power with the current regime. Her ‘career’ is not over.
      She’s not even a true Wyomingan, only did what was absolutely necessary as far as residency requirements to qualify for her first election as Congress rep from WY.

  3. A one time dedicated public servant who got lost in the swamp.

    Liz, it’s not that you had concerns about Trump. It’s the way you went about pursuing them.

    MSNBC awaits.

    • “Liz, it’s not that you had concerns about Trump. It’s the way you went about pursuing them”
      Correct. Absolutely correct.

  4. That’s my prayer is Alaska show a northwest state can be evangelized despite its wilderness; furthermore be so red that it ain’t going back blue. That’s a tall order of a requested miracle, if God permits it and shows off his glory using alaskans that he can make what was so dead, so alive.

    • Wyoming residents
      are such kind happy and foward thinking peoples. You don’t learn that kind of forward thinking if you hadn’t been brought up in the . Word of God.

  5. That’s my home state right there. I’m so happy to see my state, one of the few free and simple places left, fixed it’s wrong. I’m no “trumper” but all I hear from Liz Cheney is “we need to save democracy and I vow to do everything, including putting democracy, due process, and integrity aside, in order to save it.”

    I’m ready for our country to not be run by bad arrogant actors in the media, CIA, FBI, Soros and Bill Gates foundations, WEF, and the military industrial complex and the only person I have ever seen to have any guts to take on those forces is Trump. I wish honestly somebody else would step up but that’s all we’ve got. I really don’t understand why my fellow Americans, Democrat or Republican, that all know that DC is rotten to the core keep letting themselves be fooled into thinking someone like myself that believes most of the same things as they do is just a nut job extremist that believes in conspiracy theories just because I don’t think we should exaggerate, lie, cheat, and ignore evidence, facts, and due process to get rid of Trump.

  6. Liz Cheny’s loss is also a message to Alaska’s establishment Republicans who endorsed the AK GOP choice for Senator-Nick Begich who thinks that the current White House resident actually “won” the 2020 election-we had foreign government intervention in that election that most “real republicans” recognized

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