Polls are open, check your polling place here


Across the country, voting has begun for the 2022 midterm election. In Alaska, polls opened at 7 am, and will close at 8 pm. If you are mailing in your ballot, make sure you get a hand-cancel on your envelope at a post office.

In most areas of the state, the weather looks stable for Election Day. It’s a balmy 26 degrees in Barrow, 23 degrees in Fairbanks, 34 degrees in Anchorage, 39 degrees in Homer, 10 degrees in Juneau, and 16 degrees in Ketchikan.

Polling places can be found at this link. The map is slow to load, so be patient.

If you have weaker internet, a list of polling places, without mapping, is at this link.

District numbers and polling places have changed for many due to redistricting, which happens every 10 years. You can vote at any voting location, but it will be a questioned ballot and will require review before it’s counted. The regional voting offices have the ability to provide ballots for all House districts. Be sure to bring identification with you to the polls and dress warmly, as lines may stretch out of the building.

Must Read Alaska is interested in hearing from voters who encounter good or bad behavior from poll workers or others in the voting process on Election Day. You may relay your experiences — good or bad — in the comment section below.


  1. God willing, today we can put the twin plagues of Princess Lisa and Queen Sarah in the trash heap of history forever.

    • Avenger, oh, that it were so simple! Politics is an endless tragicomedy of fools and villains: all the heroes or heroines are but now long dead! I suspect you know this, Avenger, but are hoping against hope that reality isn’t so!

      Hit the polls and vote if you haven’t done so yet! I’m heading out the door with the faint hope that the coming production wouldn’t be as “shabby” as this past one!

      And, of course, thank you Suzanne for your belief in a better humanity!

  2. So the Dominion machine was coming back with errors of incomplete ballot for me and the next person after me. I checked my ballot and sure enough there was a circle I didn’t fill in for a write in. everything else was done and complete – same error message. I did not take the time to go through it again and have it maybe not accept the ballot at all.

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