While her campaign staff was operating what appeared to be an illegal a game of chance at her campaign booth last week at the Alaska Federation of Natives convention, Rep. Mary Peltola was on stage playing the race card and playing it hard:
“There is a concerted effort to erase us. There is a concerted effort to silence our votes, to make it harder for you to vote,” she said, referring to a failed piece of legislation that would have allowed people to mail in their ballots without even so much as a witness’ signature.
The irony of running a game of chance for t-shirts, berry buckets, and bumper stickers — without a visible state permit — in order to harvest voter names and addresses, at the same time insulting rural voters by implying they are incompetent was not lost on observers at AFN.
Not requiring a witness’ signature is the smallest of hurdles to voting, which started weeks ago with absentee by-mail ballots.
To vote by absentee by-mail ballot, a person has to send in a request to the Division of Elections. Then, the voter must mark the ballot, put it in its security envelope and mailing envelope, and affix two regular postage stamps, and mail it back by Nov. 5.
But Democrats think rural voters cannot get that one step right, which is someone’s signature who is attesting that the person voting that ballot is who he or she says they are. Peltola says this is an affront to “us,” and to “our votes.”
The irony was not lost on some who went to the AFN convention. AFN not only allowed Peltola free rein on the convention stage to campaign, it refused to allow Republican candidate Nick Begich even one minute to get up to the stage and say hello to the convention goers.
Rather than silencing Native votes, as Peltola claimed is being done by non-Native Alaskan, AFN was, in fact, silencing non-Native voices, by preventing a leading Republican candidate from even being heard by delegates.
During Peltola’s speech, in which she spoke the remarks about the “silencing” of Native votes, she didn’t mention that her opponent had been banned by Natives from the stage, and she did not rise to defend the principle of fairness for Nick Begich.
I will take advice from the devil himself BEFORE, I EVER take advice from a nitwit like Peltola!
One will lead you into Hades. Free choice is yours, but blasphemy is unforgivable.
Valid point, Greg.
Taking advice from leftist/globalists/socialists will definitely lead you to Hades. History is full of examples.
I’m a semi rural voter and I’m smart enough to know not to vote for her.
All true, but didn’t sweet Lisa fly around giving spelling lessons for her write in campain? Maybe Nich should rip a page out of their playback. Better prepare him for the mud slinging in DC.
Only reason Lisa did that was because a Judge said any write ins where her name was misspelled would not count. As soon as she got that decision overturned, she stopped the “spell it this way” campaign.
whahoo! early voting has begun! just got through casting my ballot. line was long but calm, people laughing and talking, sipping coffee. you can cast an early ballot at 2525 gambell st. 8-5 pm or at city hall, 8-5pm . This link will take you to the early voting hours for cities across the state. ‘https://www.elections.alaska.gov/avo/
i cast mine at the regional elections office 2525 gambell st. you can also drop off your absentee ballot too, if that’s your voting method. it was gratifying to see so many cars, so many people waiting in the cool breezy weather to cast their votes. btw, there was no weirdness, no people lurking about outside looking threatening. just a bunch of regular ol citizens doing their civic duty.
Eagle River and Chugiak at the library next to the Alaska Club on Business Boulevard. Same hours. Let’s kick Merrick to the curb, FOR GOOD.
Mary has always talked down to people. It’s no unusual to have her talk down to her own. Have you tried calling her office lately? No real responses. No help. Ask her staff, they will tell you she even treats them poorly, thus the reason for the high turnover.
I am a disabled veteran who has repeatedly asked her to help me resolve a problem with the local VA. After speaking to six different (successive) staff members who all quit and having to start over with each new one, I went up a fundraiser for her to ask about the unresolved VA problem. After she got my name she said she would not help me because at that point I was “too angry”.
When Mary says she helps all Alaskans and veterans, I say LIAR, LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!
Senator Sullivan. His staff for constituent issues are fantastic.
When I wrote letters about UAP (UFOs), she (and Murkowski) responded by talking about the southern border.
Leftists ALWAYS talk down to people. They are so convinced in their own intellectual superiority that it is inevitable.
Peltola and her supporters are just plain stupid Hey people! Fish did not make Alaska rich
And never will.
Alaska isn’t rich by any measure if you are referring to finances. We are, sadly, still a ward of the federal government in many regards.
We spent too much of our non-renewable oil revenue and saved too little.
Oh well …….
Uh, the PF is almost 90 billion. That’s analogous to a savings account. What planet are you from, homeboy?
The Natives out in the Bush communities should take this as a HUGE insult from one of their own haughty Native leaders. These kind of put-downs are meant to show who the boss is. Well, the Bush communities should consider Nick Begich as a better person than Peltola.
Sounds like another woman politician……..
Lisa Murkowski. She instructed Bush residents to write down the correct spelling of her last name for her write-in vote, after Joe Miller kicked Murkowski’s *SS in the 2010 primary. I’d like to think that Alaska Natives can think for themselves without a couple of nasty women telling them what to do.
They can but still, inept people get elected. If you ever sat in on a native meeting, you would see that intelligent, spirited conversation is occurring.
As much as I abhor Murkowski, her “spell my name correctly” campaign was because the Election division said they would not accept any variations on spelling of her name. Murkowsky would not get counted as a vote for her. That decision was overturned and her spell it correctly campaign stopped.
There are so many reasons to disparage Lisa, but not that one. It was a good campaign strategy.
NOTE: the judge who had his decision overturned about spelling a name correctly was unquestionably influenced by what happened to Walter Hikkel, er Hickell, um HICKEL in the stolen primary election of 1978. Hickel had the money to mail to every registered voter a peel-off sticker to place on the write-in box.
Credit Nancy and me for the write-in. We weren’t ready to throw in the towel with our family dynasty just yet. It was brilliant, wasn’t it?
Mary Peltola is a committed democrat. She takes a page out of the democrat handbook: control minority voters with child like guidance to ensure they get to the polls to vote democrat. Any criticism of this process is defended as being racist. The good news is that minorities are waking up to the notion that they won’t be controlled anymore.
You belittle native voters. Pitty.
Actually, you just did.
How so?
Go re read Wayne’s comment. Proceed to remove foot from mouth.
I did read it. He says natives are waking up from the manipulating ruling. No? I’m saying they were never asleep. You woke yet?
You presume they have been asleep. They havent.
Oh, that’s why they have been overwhelmingly voting for Democrats? You know, the party that encourages baby-killing, and targets minorities? Of course there are exceptions, but if you analyze the historical trends, the Bush votes for the party of federal dependency … and control.
Oh, and do not forget the Democrats are the party of restrictive gun control laws.
A real American Native should know better than to trust the government to protect them after they are disarmed. But, nope, they insist on voting left. Must be because they are so completely awake and aware of history and current policy.
Alaska GOP House Speaker Tilton on killing election reform bill: It “would have leaned the election towards Mary Peltola”. Facts matter and suppressing the vote is the key to having the GOP in charge. The GOP we will do our best to keep people who do not support us from voting.
When did the GOP gain control? I must have missed that! As nearly as I can tell, our larger cities (and the state legislature) are controlled by left-wingers. By the way, I am not a Republican.
The GOP holds the majority of seats in both chambers of the Alaska Legislature, they just can’t organize as a few in each chamber are unreasonable. The Alaska House is 22 Republicans 13 Democrats and 5 others, the Senate is 11 Republicans, 9 Democrats. Simple ratio says the GOP is in control.
Killing an election reform bill that does.. what exactly? Make fraud and cheating easier, and more difficult to detect?
Explain this to me, without making baseless claims that insult minorities and Natives. So, no “they might not know how to…” is not an explanation.
How, exactly is requiring a voter to demonstrate they are who they claim, and they are legally eligible to vote suppressing the vote?
There should be a process to cure absentee ballots that were not properly witnessed.
If you are too stupid to see there is a second line on the envelope and ask yourself “why is there a ‘witness’ line here?” you are too stupid to be allowed to vote.
Send them through the shredder. That cures them.
When I ran for Lt. Governor with Governor Parnell, just before I was to speak at AFN, Julie Kitka gets up and informs the crowd that AFN has officially endorsed our opponents Bill Walker and Byron Mallot. She could have waited until after my remarks, which would have been the respectful thing to do.
The Native community loved Bill Walker, who then whittled down their fair share of the families’ PFD who needed it the most.
They were unable to realize the result of their choices made for them at AFN.
I remember that. Then, Governor Dunleavy and his beautiful Eskimo wife, Rose, went to Fairbanks to address the AFN. They received boos and plenty of disrespectful comments from the Natives. But lets not blame the Natives for being disrespectful and obtuse. The left-wing, white, Democrats have been indoctrinating the business of hate, greed, and spite with Natives for 60 years. That’s what Democrats do. They divide us across cultural, racial, economic and religious lines. Democrats thrive on hate. This is their business and their acumen proves out in spades.
Like all democrats, Mary is under orders to maintain racial division as much as possible.
Native as much as she needs to be, when she needs to be. Why doesn’t she talk about her other ethnicity? Is there something about Ward she would rather not mention??
At least Ward doesn’t go around proclaiming to be a “Doctor” with a phony diploma mill PhD.
Who is doing that? So much bad behavior to keep up with!
The Dems have taken the once proud Native Culture and made a mockery of it by brainwashing many of these poor people into a total reliance on Government Agencies, they have changed the Native Culture into a life of victimhood and grievance , the Natives of old would have seen right through all of this, but now the culture is so watered down , there are so many now days striving for handouts, special rights, and pretending to have Native roots who are trying to inject themselves into the arena, they did the same thing with the tribes in the lower 48, it’s now all people claiming to be native or American Indian who really are not that are the ones who are hoodwinking the few real Natives left into a lifestyle of Government dependance and reliance, the Real True Natives left would survive without All this nonsense, it’s the self proclaimed natives who are 1/4, 1/8, or less who latching on and lashing out, The Real Natives which are few don’t need all this nonsense , they are proud and strong , it’s all the younger ones who don’t have any intentions of practicing real native culture, they a pretending to, they are just looking for handouts, Mary’s just another Elizabeth Warren Tyoe . Mary herself could not survive a week out in the bush without modern day advances and a weekly or monthly supply shipment, she’s a total fraud and just another a rabble rouser looking for decades more of handouts! Pathetic!
You speak of watered down, but you fail to realize that blood is thicker than water and no amount of manipulation is going to change that either way. It’s a native thing, just like it’s a black thing, and a white thing and an asian thing.
Weird how DJT has broken your it’s a racial thing. Go check out social media and see for yourself. He is uniting people of all races to support him.
Natives support other natives.
He’s is gaining support of all other races within our American family. If you can’t see that, you are blind.
No, I just spit out the Kool-aid you have been drinking. I refuse to lower my moral guard. Ruling based on bullying and insults is not my cup of tea.
Sounds like you better plug your nose and go jump In and vote harris/ Walz. We all know you are a uniparty type.
That’s why I’m a member of the fence party. I can jump to either side, whichever way I feel like.
I’m sure that in Koliganek the village idiot is king
Sounds like a Chamber of Commerce,Uniparty RINO to me.
Some Natives aren’t so gullible. Some remember history.
Preaching to the choir.
Truth is that she’s way out of her depth. She speaks in (D)em talking points. Has articulated few original thoughts and seems to live in her public persona that was crafted by leftist political consultants. She believes her own advertising. The question remains: who really is pulling her strings and putting words in her mouth.
I disagree, Suzanne. I don’t think this violates gaming law because the participant is not gambling anything. It’s just a giveaway with nothing to lose by the participant. I would gladly take money away from the Peltola campaign.
Dan, They have actually given something of value to the campaign — their name and contact information. – sd
We are voting for Nick Begich. Period.
Voting must be restored as an event rather than a process. The event had built-in security procedures that made cheating and voter fraud very difficult. The process (mail-in) is replete with opportunities for cheating and fraud. Anyone promoting any system other than traditional, in-person, voting has questionable motives.
Same thing happened to Joe Miller after he won the primary against Lisa Murkowski. AFN welcomed Murkowski lavishly but flat out refused Joe even a minute on stage!!
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