Peltola votes to shut government down, allow illegal aliens to vote


Rep. Mary Peltola and her Democrat colleagues in the House voted against a continuing resolution that would have kept the government open past Sept. 30. A government shutdown is now 11 days away.

The measure failed; Peltola and the Democrats decided that as of Sept. 30, military members and border security agents will remain on duty, but simply won’t be paid.

The Democrats’ objection? The SAVE Act was attached to the spending bill. The bill ensures that no aliens may vote in federal elections. Voting is a right granted to citizens alone.

By choosing to not fund the government and allowing it to potentially shut down, Peltola and the Democrats seek to sow chaos in the weeks leading up to the presidential election as part of an election strategy.

The SAVE Act, written by Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, is in response to the growing crisis of illegal immigration, including thousands of illegals being discovered on voter rolls. Recently, Virginia removed over 6,300 non-citizens from its voting rolls and Texas removed over 6,500, but tens of thousands are believed to remain.

“The threat of both non-citizens voting and a lame duck session is why the House Freedom Caucus is in the historically unique position of formally pushing for a continuing resolution into 2025 with the SAVE Act attached,” Rep. Roy wrote.

Peltola, moving farther to the left, split with her fellow co-chairs of the Rural Antifa Blue Dog Democrats caucus who voted in favor of continuing government funding; Democrat Rep. Jared Golden of Maine and Rep. Marie Glusenkamp-Perez of Washington State were two of three Democrats who voted with the majority of Republicans.

Golden said his vote reflects an important principle: “First, that keeping the government funded and avoiding a shutdown is a basic obligation of any Congress.”

Earlier, Peltola voted against a bill that cracked down on foreign money being laundered through nonprofits to influence elections.


  1. Go ahead and shut it down as we are already a broken nation and need to cut the unlimited flow of money to everybody but Americans needs.
    I hope the bush goes into a deep depression because of her commitment to the Democratic Party and their commitment to destroy America.

  2. Mary has no shame. She has no loyalty to anyone or anything that doesn’t benefit her. She would sell out this country in a heartbeat! She is out of touch with reality and she’s playing a dangerous game.

  3. ID would make elections much more secure and safe from fraud. Why would any sane person not want that for our country, unless, of course, they prefer the opportunity to cheat.

    • But… it is racist because it implies minorities are not smart enough to know where the DMV is, or they cannot use the internet to find out, or they do not know how to get a photo ID, or whatever other BS the leftists pull out of their backsides to justify allowing people to vote multiple times.

  4. Move Mary Cr*pola back to Bethel so she can live with her illegal aliens and all of the drugs brought in by the traffickers.
    I’m voting NB3.

  5. Well… there is a reason. A stupid meaningless BS reason, but there is a reason.
    Apparently, the narrative is the SAVE act will make it more difficult for US Citizens to register to vote.
    Read that again.
    The SAVE act, the requires States to ensure a person registering to vote is an actual citizen, makes it more difficult for an American Citizen to register to vote. Yeah. The justification is as STUPID and unreasonable as their claim Voter ID laws discriminate against minorities. (Because minorities are too stupid to figure out how to get a photo ID, or locate the DMV.)
    It is as if they are not even trying to hide it.

  6. This is such a BS article and purposefully misleading. Its already illegal for non-citizens to vote in Federal elections. This is just the Speaker being a good boy and carrying Trumps water. Nobody that voted against this useless bill is FOR illegal voting just because they voted no.

    • Obviously you have not paid much attention to what’s happening and just want to stir the pot. 1300 Ukrainian’s selected not to register to vote when they came into Alaska and all of them were registered anyway. So yes, your party of destruction

    • Oh, it is illegal.
      So is murder, but I find it hard to believe that you think there is no murder.
      And, the SAVE act is not making it illegal for non-citizens to vote. It is requiring states to determine citizenship before they register someone to vote. Do you know how many non-citizens are given voter registration forms? No? Neither do I, but I do know that several states do give voter registration forms to illegal aliens.
      So there you are, thinking you are such a smarty pants, when in reality, you do not understand the issue.

  7. She is a puppet pf the criminal cabal allowing an illegal invasion of the United States and using your tax money to do it! They are literally operating and funding an overthrow of the United States. Yes, it is that serious! Do you folks get it yet? You are being replaced by illegals that will keep voting for these clowns because they are receiving free stuff on your dime. We will become the newest 3rd world nation of the world. Your retirements, homes and standard of living will go up in smoke! Welcome to communism, where you will own nothing and be miserable working for despots that look at people as cattle to be herded like sheep to the slaughter. The Devil is alive and well and wants the USA to fall for his one world government. There is just one problem, Jesus is King and is standing in his way. There is power in prayer and there are millions of Americans on their knees calling down this evil. The Angels are in direct combat with the Demons. If you want to save America, get on your knees and ask God to drive out these demons. Then, vote for Trump and every person he endorses. We need real people, not politicians in Washington.

    Ephesians 6:12 –
    For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

  8. All the commercials says Mary is supporting the military are lies it seems. With 3000 military in combat conditions (Not what Harris says) and not getting paid is a horrible joke on the solders and navy seamen.

  9. Oh, this is good – “The SAVE Act was attached to the spending bill.” No wonder they voted to shut down the government. So, if the government gets shut down, is this when we all are sent to our prison camps for re-education?


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