Peltola votes against police — again


Alaska Representative Mary Peltola on Wednesday voted against dismissing an anti-police local ordinance in Washington D.C., drawing criticism from law enforcement and conservative groups.

The House resolution, which passed 229-189, was to disapprove of the D.C. Council’s Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act, which was enacted on a temporary basis after the police killing of George Floyd in 2020.

Only the hardest of the hard left in the House voted against the resolution, including Peltola.

The D.C. Council’s local ordinance had put a target on the backs of police, and by law Congress and the President have the authority to overturn things like that in the District of Columbia, because it is not a state. The House took the first step today.

Peltola, however, backed the extreme Washington D.C. plan that gives more power to anti-police activists and subjects individual police officers to career-ending harassment by protestors who bring specious complaints.

The D.C. measure has provisions that to fast-track the firing of officers for misconduct, prohibit the hiring of officers with prior misconduct, establish civilian oversight of police, and require the release of the names and body-worn camera recordings of officers involved in officer-involved deaths or serious use of force incidents. The D.C. Council also aimed to release the disciplinary records of officers, prohibit chokeholds or other airway restraints.

Peltola’s vote against the bill has been characterized as “anti-police” by critics, who point out that she is prioritizing criminals once again over law enforcement officers.

Fourteen Democrats joined Republicans in voting for the disapproval resolution that would block the D.C. Council. They were Reps. Nikki Budzinski (Ill.), Angie Craig (Minn.), Henry Cuellar (Texas), Don Davis (N.C.), Jared Golden (Maine), Josh Gottheimer (N.J.), Susie Lee (Nevada), Wiley Nickel (N.C.), Jimmy Panetta (Calif.), Chris Pappas (N.H.), Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (Wash.), Pat Ryan (N.Y.), Kim Schrier (Wash.) and Eric Sorensen (Ill.). These Democrats recognize that it’s hard enough to hire police officers these days without putting their every action under the microscope in such a way that it can ruin their careers.

President Joe Biden has said he will veto the action if it reaches his desk. Its fate in the Senate is currently unknown, but it could pass.

The vote comes after Peltola’s previous vote in favor of reduced penalties for violent criminals in Washington, D.C. earlier this year, a position that has drawn criticism from victim advocates and law-and-order lawmakers.

“Mary Peltola’s shameful anti-police vote shows our law enforcement that she doesn’t have their back. Peltola clearly cares more about coddling criminals than keeping Alaskans safe,” said NRCC spokesperson Ben Petersen.


  1. Is there a different plan that she favors or is she simply letting her inner 12 year old run wild with a F the Pigs message? This makes no sense.

  2. Another round of applause to Sarah Palin who gave live birth to this complete *ss Mary Peltola. Abortion would have worked well in this instance.

  3. The title of this story should have been, Mary Peltola does not fall into step, lock, stock and barrel, with the D.C. Metro Police Union. See the 2021 investigation by DCist and Reveal, that showed just how difficult it is for the D.C. Metro P.D. to fire officers who HAVE BEEN DETERMINED to commit criminal offenses, even when internal investigators recommended their firing. The D.C. Police Union tried to challenge that provision in court, but ultimately lost. So thankyou Mary. You did the right thing.

    Among the emergency measures that would be made permanent under the D.C. Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment is a requirement that body camera footage be released publicly in use-of-force incidents, limiting the use of tear gas, and a prohibition on neck restraints. The 2022 bill also introduced new changes, like creating a database of police discipline files that would be available for open-records requests. The database is scheduled to go live at the end of 2024, and is expected to be a major transformation in the public’s ability to see how and which officers were disciplined internally for misconduct.

    Mary cast the right vote. Faux fear should take no seat in policing, or reporting.

    • Lincoln, no one in their right mind will join the DC police force at this point. No officer can make even the slightest misstep. The Metro Police Department is now short over 400 sworn officers because it can’t get people to work there. A 7% drop in officers year over year from 2021 to 2022. They are not sticking around to have their careers ruined by people like Peltola. Metro PD is even giving $25,000 hiring bonuses but still, cops are going elsewhere. Why? Because DC Council is anti public safety. Even Biden saw that on his last vote to uphold the law, something Mary wouldn’t do when she voted to let hardcore criminals out of jail. The entire district is a crime scene at this point. But no, you are going to sit comfy in your home and pimp for the thieves and drug dealers and Mary Peltola in DC. Meanwhile, wasn’t it Mary who called the cops because a reporter was asking her questions?

    • Honestly, does it even matter? DC is a cesspool, and exactly the type of city liberal policies create.

    • The last group that tried to wrap itself around Lincoln for making political commentary was quickly exposed as grifters, cuckholds, and sexual predators. Very quickly broomed into irrelevance.

      Their commentary had about 1/3% facts and over 99% wishful thinking.

      Nice to see the tradition being continued.

  4. welp …..

    guess this is what “family … fish …. freedom!” gets ya …

    Ole “Second Choice” peltola

  5. I’m sure there’s someone keeping track of every vote she’s making, tallying up a score sheet, and it will be quite evident how many times Mary-P has voted against the overall Alaskan fundamental beliefs. Provided the GOP has a sound candidate in the next election cycle, and we don’t split the vote like last time, it should be easy to defeat her.

  6. This why our u.s representative goes no where in d.c w/o a chauffer car, she too fearful to go out by herself knowing what’s happened to other capital employees. By the
    Way how is loussac stabbing victim doing with her paralysis? Because of own leftist leaders and commenters as lincoln’s.

  7. Mary Peltola has failed Alaskans in almost every single vote. And it’s disgusting to see ads on “Alaska’s News Source” thanking her for Alaskan energy when she had nothing to do w/it. I don’t even see her standing up for Alaska Native vets whose land is still being held by the Feds.

  8. Peltola wants so badly to be part of The Squad and, she’s well on her way. It appears that the police are just an extension of the colonizers that occupy her land. She only represents like-minded people and the leftists that virtue signal their approval.

  9. My question is how much is she being paid to vote for this nonsense? At least her family will be rich at the expense of the DC victims and any Police officers who are so desperate to take these jobs in a war zone! Alaskan are so proud of their choice. I still see her signs in their yards and the villages are still beaming with native pride having one of their “own” representing “them” making very important decisions on their behalf. Thanks Suzanne for keeping tabs on her all important decisions but I only wish her supporters were aware of her choices and how it reflects on them as voters. But after having spent many years living in bush communities what happens in DC matters absolutely nothing to them unless there is money coming their way!

  10. So logical that there’s a story on MRAK about a bill that only affects DC but not a single peep about the more then $700 million judgement against Fox News over its election lies about Dominion voting machines and our NATIONAL elections. Guess that doesn’t play as well on the right as this story does. Balanced reporting indeed.

    • Thank you for being a commenter. Since you are here often, you’ll probably remember that this story on Dominion and/or and Fox has never been part of my beat. But I appreciate your criticism and accept it in the spirit it is given. – sd

      • Yes, I have noticed the conspicuous absence of this nationally important story in MRAK. Thanks for the reminder.

        • Considering Constitutional lawyer Alan Dershowitz considers the lawsuit a political hack job … why comment on it? A hanging judge and a hanging jury in the Blue Biden state… I guess that should be commented on. These are sure bet show trials just as in DC. Note… the settlement is not a judgment …. no judgment was made as there was no trial.

    • The Dominion / Fox case didn’t end in a judgment it was ended by settlement outside the courtroom.

      I would like to point out that there have been complaints about the voting machines for years. Both pre and post the 2016 election the Democrats also brought up many complaints about how these machines can be easily hacked, etc. I took the time to actually sit and listen to some of the presentations that they did back then, and quite frankly I was in agreement with them and horrified at how easily the machines can be manipulated.


      As the story I linked to here talks about the machines like computers have to be updated regularly, honestly should probably be replaced every 4 years or so to keep up with the rapid changes we have in technology. I know the political climate has become so divided and the vitriol just keeps getting more intense on both sides, but this isn’t a right or left issue it is actually a national issue that we should all be concerned about regardless of our political leanings.

  11. How is the ranked choice election feeling now? You now have a radical and an extreme RINO representing you. Shoulda woulda coulda had Joe Miller fighting for you along with other real conservative patriots. The commies are afoot and if you didn’t care enough to vote, you are responsible.

  12. Most police work is just intimidation of the working class and enforcing arbitrary social norms. Police, self admittedly, only solve about 2% of serious crimes. All this police hero worship is virtue signalling nonsense, imho.

    This is one of those issues where Republicans are schizophrenic. On one hand they’re outraged at violations of there civil liberties like gun ownership, freedom of speech, etc…, yet still proudly defer to the authoritarian practice of policing in America, no questions asked. It’s odd.

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