Rep. Mary Peltola has marketed herself as a boat captain and village elder. She likes fish, mainly to eat them, but also because they are good campaign companions. Her fish theme is her most persistent and sticky image.
But the record shows that, far from being the hunter-gatherer she portrays, she actually lives in one of the highest-priced neighborhoods in Alaska — in South Anchorage’s Goldenview neighborhood, where she owns a house valued at more than $823,000.
Her ads show a different side of her, however. She wears a kuspuk and puts a kerchief on her head when she is out in rural Alaska, where she is currently hosting a series of “free food” for votes events with rural Alaskans; she has one schedule for Fort Yukon this week, where she will slip on her village persona.

According to, Peltola’s palace in Goldenview is more than double the $398,900 that is the median price of a home in Alaska. She also owns a home in Bethel, but is seldom seen there. Her Bethel home is a mansion compared to the average village home in Alaska. It sits across from a homeless encampment, however.
Peltola attended private boarding school in Allentown, Pennsylvania and high school in Fort Collins, Colorado, as well as attending Bethel Regional High School. Earlier she claimed to have graduated from college, but that claim was found to be a lie.
This is not to say that she has not spent many years in rural Alaska, where she has many family members and political alliances. But Peltola has moved on, not only from her several marriages, but also from harsh village life, to her wealthy suburban estate in the city, where she actually lays her head when not in Washington, D.C.
I remember a picture of Mary on here a number of weeks, of her holding a rod and reel, pretending to be fishing, and I commented then that she looked exactly like someone who was holding a fishing rod for the very first time.
And yes, she was wearing the obligatory “I’m just folks” kerchief, all to impress upon people who don’t know better, that she is authentically “bush Alaska”…..
Yup and I believe she was holding it upside down
Not a sport fisher. In all my years in the bush, I never saw a fellow native use a rod and reel. Only dip nets, gill nets or purse seine from a boat. It likely she never used a rod and reel before because it wasn’t in her culture.
Village idiot
And still the bush will go all in on her.
Their choice.
Of course.
Absolutely no one who spends as much time with the wealthy elites goes home to Bethel.
She fits right in with the Goldenview neighborhood so she can be near the Anchorage ASSembly.
Fits her like a glove better than those smelly old fish drying racks.
This is just another politician that is willing to lie about their residence on their filing for office forms.
Mary has a lot of company from Western Alaska. So much company it seems like a fad. Lying about your real residence and having lots of power like her buddies Senator Lyman Hoffman and Representative Bryce Edgmon always gets the blind eye treatment from Division of Elections and the Alaska State Troopers every year when the Kings are running and subsistence is by State and Federal Law, for qualified rural residents only.
Mary and Lyman both continually violate subsistence fishing violations, which has had many a boat and motor confiscated along with Court fines for simple violations by true Villagers.
When you fill your paperwork out, State tells you it’s perjury too lie, because you have to sign under oath..
P. S. Hoffman left Bethel with his illegal fish that his son in law illegally helped him catch, almost a month ago…. Anchorage hillside seems to be a magnet for corrupt politicians.
Only Federal law allows for a rural preference. Under State law, all state residents are qualified subsistence users.
Oh, how unusual, a politician is “exaggerating” their credentials.
The only thing interesting about this is when a Republican does it, they are called out by the main stream media, and it gets placed on the list if lies they have told. But, a dedicated leftist democrat? No mention whatsoever.
Actually, this shows Peltola has some sense. Living in a rural, Alaska village- as this article suggests- is indeed harsh. And that is being VERY polite.
I’m still not going to vote for her. As she has done all that she can to aid those who want to hirt our country. We have open borders, high inflation, high housing costs, and endangered national security thanks to the Democrat traitors.
My God! Please move on these people. They are literally illiterate
So you can’t be Native and own a nice home in Anchorage at the same time?
Sure you can. The difference is that Peltoa makes it sound like she lived the village life…when she hasn’t. She is no more in touch with villagers than I am.
There’s a HUGE difference between being just a “Native” and being a “native Elder respecting and understanding her culture.”
Your comment shades as one of the most racist things I’ve heard in a long time.
I don’t know your background nor do I care to, but I expect that your life hasn’t bridged between city and village enough to qualify your statement.
Where do these politicians get money for all this stuff?
The job pays pretty good, plus there are are living and travel perks. Her deceased husband made pretty good money, could have been a life policy. Maybe had investments. If you had put $100k in gold a year ago,, it would be valued at almost a million today, (wink) Just because someone has money doesn’t mean they should be frowned upon. Some of us have earned it.
Politics is a profitable scam, if you can get in it.
She’s got a ticket to ride but she don’t care. Can’t you see?
Did I hear somewhere …. It’s illegal to trade….things for votes? Like food, alcohol, gift cards? Maybe it’s my imagination….
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