Rep. Mary Peltola has broken state law before and is doing it again, since the State of Alaska didn’t penalize her the first time.
Earlier this year, she held a campaign event at North Pole High School, in violation of state law. No party or legal entity challenged her, although Must Read Alaska pointed out the clear violation of state statute.
Next week, she’ll be a repeat offender. as she and Alaska Senate candidate Savannah Fletcher host a partisan political event at Fort Yukon School on Oct. 12.
In Alaska, school districts are prohibited from using public resources, including school facilities, for political events or activities that promote a particular candidate, party, or ballot measure. Sate law restricts the use of public resources for political purposes.
School districts may host nonpartisan events, but this is a meet-and-greet that is sponsored by specific active candidates for office and who are in the act of campaigning.
She needs to be held accountable by the state! As does Fletcher and Hopkins. Will they be?
She is a leftist. Laws do not apply.
Of course they won’t. They are democrats.
Hopkins campaigned at high schools too and loves having his photo with the kiddies. A very weird fellow. Fletcher is the little tyrant on the Assembly who thinks conflicts of interest don’t exist unless committed by a Republican. How did this LGBTQ, Hezbollah-loving, Marxist get past ethics studies at law school?
NPP……Fletcher isn’t very bright in case you didn’t notice. Clever people cover their doodoo so they can’t be followed. Fletcher leaves her doodoo to easily be discovered, as though she can’t get over her own doodoo.
Either you have a law or you don’t. If we do, she and all should be held accountable which mean????
Peltola will do whatever she wants, true or false, right or wrong. She has no compass. She’s one of those women who gets by on their looks.
She used the Bethel Highschool for a “broadband” gig with Jill Biden a year and a half ago. It was nothing but illegal.
Laws are for Republicans. Not for Democrats.
Little Mary may do as she pleases. As long as the DNC finds her useful.
Desperate Democrats disregard the law,
and flaunt their violations. Someone please step up and get the Attorney General’s Office involved.
Mary Peltola is not above the law.
This is sickening to say the least! Peltola
is thumbing her nose at the authorities!!! Don’t kid yourself, if we had done what she has done and continues to do, we would have been arrested. To whom ever is in charge of monitoring the candidates, “SHAME ON YOU! DO YOUR JOB!!!”
Who exactly enforces there laws ??
Where is Alaska’s Republican party? Carmela Warfield? Zackary Gottshall? Brian Hove? Cynthia Henry? Where are you?
Agree! She needs to be called onto the carpet.
Alaska has a Republican party?
Since when?
The ASD Superintendent was hired in violation of the minimum requirements, the Anchorage assembly violates the charter and racketeering laws at will, so why are people surprised that this cabal of liberal society wreckers would hesitate to violate state laws? This is the new reality for us. If you are part of the wrecking crew, you get to do whatever you choose and the judges will help you do it. If you are a conservative, you are robbed of your income to support these misfits and you are demanded to obey ALL laws and bureaucratic directives, regardless that many of them violate the protections listed in the bill of rights.
It seems someone would have to file a complaint with the AG. Maybe any taxpayer. The school won’t. They are participants. The school, based on the law quoted, should have prohibited the event. Maybe the candidates view the event as non-partisan because, in Mary’s case, she avoids controversy. ?
Whose responsibility is it to uphold these statutes? Add also the ballot measure 1, the minimum wage measure that is also in violation of state statute, albeit it seems to me the division of elections should recognize violations in ballot measures and not allow such into the ballot. Thank you Suzanne for bringing all of this to our attention.
Nothing to see here. ASD and the Division of Elections only holds Republicans to task for violations such as this. Would it be asking too much for the teachers’ unions in Alaska to have the integrity to just admit that they’re in the tank for Peltola and that they plan to help her bend or break the law in order to win?
Remember, boys and girls, it’s (D)ifferent when Democrats do it. And you can’t hate public employees unions enough.
It high time for Conservatives to get out and vote, vote, VOTE. We need to get these looney lefties out of Alaska politics. While we are at it Murkowski needs to be replaced with her left leaning ways.
Lisa plastered her name in every school in every village as a write in candidate. Should have nipped this in the bud then.
Standing tall right?
Be nice to make sense of it all.
At least secure our elections.
If you vote for people who fund genocide and proxy war’s, you’re a loser.
A cheating Democrat? NO WAY!
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