Peltola poaches Don Young, but Rep. Pete Stauber zings her: ‘Young would have voted for Alaska’s Right to Produce Act’


Rep. Mary Peltola is pushing extremely negative campaign messages about Nick Begich, her Republican challenger, as she continues her pivot to a “mean girl” campaign to fight the threat Begich poses to her reelection. Polling shows Begich has pulled ahead of Peltola, which is often what causes the kind of vicious campaigning now being done at the Peltola headquarters.

In her latest messages, she plays audio of Don Young saying he would not vote for Nick Begich. Begich was running for Congress after Young told him and many others he was retiring. But then Young changed his mind and decided to make it an even 50 years in Congress. He subsequently attacked Begich for running, although he had told him earlier he approved of his candidacy.

Peltola is now using the actual voice of a dead man in her ads.

But Rep. Pete Stauber, the key author of the Alaska’s Right to Produce Act, is having none of this from her. Peltola burned him by pretending she supported the pro-energy legislation, but at the last minute pulling her vote from it and telling Democrats in Congress to vote no on it.

Peltola has not only used Don Young’s name without his permission, she used Stauber’s name in her recent ad without his permission.

Stauber said, “I like Mary personally, but I support @NickforAlaska. He would have voted FOR the Alaska Right to Produce Act, and so would have Don Young.”

Begich said Peltola continues to co-opt Young’s legacy. In 2022, it was Begich who received the Republican Party endorsement, something Peltola has not disclosed. His campaign chair was Rhonda Boyles, one of Don Young’s longtime campaign chairs. Many thought it was time for the 88-year-old lawmaker to retire after he had served 49 years in Congress.

“The truth is that in contrast to Peltola, our late congressman and Congressional Republicans champion Alaska’s right to responsibly produce our resources – always,” Begich said.

Peltola, on the other hand, double-crossed Alaskans by telling her comrades to vote against the Alaska’s Right to Produce Act, which she had signed onto as a sponsor, but then refused to vote for.

Peltola continues to tell Alaskas that she is like Don Young, repeating that line to a room full of oil and gas workers earlier this week at a candidate forum.

But also this week, she received the endorsement she requested of the defund-the-police group, something Don Young would not have done.


  1. Mary Peltola has no shame, and no class. Kamala Harris is losing too, and she is getting meaner and nastier by the day. A horrible woman. The same can be said for Mary Peltola.
    When it’s finished, Peltola will go back to Bethel and claim it was a racist election.

    • Unfortunately, Peltola won’t go back to Bethel. She will stay in her nice cushy home in South Anchorage. Bethel will only be a side trip to visit family

  2. I sort of remember in the day of newbie bliss her going from the swearing in ceremony to some gala with prominent footage of Peltola being led about by Pelosi. Then rumors of where Pelosi was. Right from the start Alaska’s issues were not given any support. Her naivete did not serve Alaskan economic challenges then or now. More is the pity. Nick Begich will not be led astray by Pelosi. That will be an improvement right there.

  3. She has NEVER been a replacement for Young..She was used as a “stoolie” to replace him. Once she got in, she NEVER NEVER did anything to replace Young.. She’s been a “stoolie” for everything against ALASKA.

  4. Earlier campaign ads indicated that Mean Mary voted against military pay increases—now Mean Mary is saying she supports the military. Her endorsers ( are against any law enforcement and want do defund it–military or otherwise. Mean Mary is desperate. Vote for Nick! No ranking necessary!

  5. Look, Republicans lie too. Get off you ivory pedestal. It’s just that Democats lie the loudest. Listen to me defending the loud mouth liar Trump. Actually he used to be a Democrat, partying with Hillary back in the day, so he comes by it rightfully. In a race where there clearly all no good candidates, what are you to do? The answer is to weigh the good vs the bad traits, and vote your heart. Use your brain. In this election year, there are no winners, only losers, including voters. We’ll get through this, but just in case, better stock up on necessities.


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