Peltola goes from ‘toss up’ to being in top-10 most vulnerable incumbents by Cook Political Report

Mary Peltola

Rep. Mary Peltola is on the list at Cook Political Reports as being among the top 10 most vulnerable incumbents of the House of Representatives this year.

Polls have shown that Nick Begich, a Republican, has a solid chance to win on Nov. 5.

In addition to Peltola, her two co-chairs of the Rural Antifa Blue Dog Democrat Caucus are on the list — Jared Golden of Maine and Marie Glusenkamp-Perez of Washington state are at risk.

In addition, Roll Call just published a “most vulnerable” list and Peltola is at the top of that list, as well.

The reason Peltola is vulnerable is that she has sided with President Joe Biden, called him the smartest man in Washington, D.C., and she has not been truthful in other ways with Alaskans, taking credit for things that she didn’t have anything to do with, such as the Willow project on the North Slope.

The leaders of the Western Caucus now don’t want anything to do with her, realizing she is using the caucus to try to look moderate.

Her campaign has resorted to saying there will be “zero fish” in Alaska and no children either, if Begich wins. The electorate is seeing past the lies.

Even worse, Peltola’s ads have targeted white men with messages saying if they don’t vote for Peltola, their wives and girlfriends will leave them. She voted to allow men to use women’s locker rooms in schools, but then later told reporters that she is against that.

One of the first indicators that she was in in trouble was in Anchorage at the Alaska Oil and Gas Association candidate forum, when she showed up shaking and nervous, and then read all of her comments word for word from her prepared notes, to the extent that at one point she looked at the moderator and acknowledged she was answering the wrong question.


  1. Peltola additionally claimed to be carrying out Rep. Don Young’s legacy. It’s laughable.

  2. The plaintive concern of our nation’s most heroic and unifying statesman, Barack Obama: “Why are we so divided?”
    Mary Peltola’s campaign: “I am wildly successful, and that nasty Nick Begich will prohibit your right to an elective abortion up to nine months gestation.”

    Truly, we live in an interesting time.

    • She needs to take it to the next level like the party of death is trying to do in California.
      They are working on a second ballot measure which allows up to 30 days after the hour of birth to take your infant to an abortion clinic to be euthanized in the event you suffer from post partum depression or just plain decide raising children is not for you…..dirty diapers can be a real game changer for some people who make decisions unaware of the consequences.

  3. Beyond disgusted the latest American Hunter magazine (NRA) ENDORSED Peltola. ? This is why we no longer give a dime to the NRA despite being Lifetime members. Join GOA (Gun Owners of America) instead.

  4. I do feel for her. Her two year gig that every democratic Alaska legislator would have killed for is about to end. I don’t understand why people hate on her. She originally had no chance to win but because two thick headed Republican candidates could not pull out for the good of the party and the state, that set a nobody up to win. She got the greatest plum job (except the one her idol Lisa has)that no one thought she could win.

    She now will be Congresswoman Petola for the rest of her life and get such great consulting $$ jobs. She will be retired by 50 years (Just like Obama and Palin), and a multi-millionaire and then really go dip netting and catch all the fish she wants.

    • I fully agree with you on everything but your last statement.
      Havent you heard the latest news about the fish?
      When Nick Begich takes over her job there wont be ANY fish left!

      If Nick can pull that one off I think I will vote for him just to see what other miracles he may be capable of 🙂

    • You don’t dip on the Kuskokwim. KNew her as a young adult in Bethel and hate Palin. Thought she had the guts to fight for Alaskans, but she did not. 20 percentAlaska/ 80 percent democrat agenda.
      And the video Biden “just fine” (know her so know she is not dumb) and not voting for HEAD OF HOMELAND IMPEACHMENT were the final straw. What do abortion rights have to do with a woman/ girl when she is murdered by illegal migrants. What about their right to life. I am pro choice to 20-22 weeks and yes I realized it is killing a living thing especially after 18 weeks but pregnancy does carry risks (major ones especially the further along you get) Lets develop technology to let these pregnancies grow outside the mom. Oh wait we started to do that but. My own daughter almost died secondary to a wanted pregnancy. Worked in reproductive health, but do realize a few women use it as birth control. Now reproductive health means puberty blockers for children. Where did we lose our way. Most kids who think they are transgender are gay. If I had been born in this century I probably would have been convinced I was “transgender” ultimate tomboy. The doctors won’t published the data that shows that the treatment does not prevent the mental health issues. We should make more mental health care for kids not more transgender care. If they are true dysmorphic ok treat. But studies in Europe show minimal mental health evaluation and follow up- let’s just jump to puberty blockers and start chopping things off.

  5. Ducan, RCV passed in 2020. Peltola knew full well she would have the opportunity to win the first US Congress seat as a Democrat for AK when she put her hat in the ring in 2022 and went along with the plan for her RCV opponent, Al Gross, to drop out and endorse her.

  6. Why can’t you idiots see that 2 years into the Trump presidency, we knew that he wasn’t running anything. Instead of “locking her up”, We got locked down to “slow the spread”… You can clearly see that Joe Biden runs absolutely nothing. You’re going crazy to vote for people who don’t even run anything. You lame ass Republicans vote because you’re scared to fight. Girls and college boys run the Republican party, You should already see the writing on the wall

  7. This election year, I think the Democrat Presidential candidate has opened up a LOT of people’s eyes to exactly how hollow their party really is. The candidates are all post turtles, and no one know who is really making the decisions.
    If Peltola loses, it is because she brings nothing but meaningless platitudes and accusations against her opponent.

  8. A corrupt salmon swimming upstream on DUMBA** Alaskan ignorance…you idi*ts will get what’s coming to you in “Peltola’s AK”…and YOUR children will rue the day because of your stupidity! FOESAD!

  9. dont be fool and listen to polls! get out and vote and make it so big! snd make it so that shes out of there! she votes bad democrat policies everytime!

  10. Don’t get complacent,make sure you get all the votes you can manage submitted and counted! Send that worthless POS back to her village

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