Payback time: Murkowski cuts an ad for ranked-choice voting, which was designed for her


The latest ads paid for by $12.7 million in dark-money opposing Ballot Measure 2 star the very person the entire ranked-choice voting scheme was designed to re-elect: Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

Murkowski is asking voters to vote “no” on Ballot Measure 2, and keep the new system of voting, which voters barely approved in 2020.

The Alaska Republican Party says to vote “yes” and repeal the scheming system. Former Lt. Governors Craig Campbell and Loren Leman have said to vote “yes” in columns at Must Read Alaska.

Murkowski had been censured by the Alaska Republican Party for her behavior in the past, particularly her impeachment vote to convict President Donald Trump — after he left office. Without Republican support, her liberal followers, led by attorney Scott Kendall, put together a scheme whereby she would not have to run in a Republican primary, which she would not be able to win. With dark money from Outside the state, they painted a rosy picture for voters and concealed their main intent — turning Alaska blue.

Voters approved of the scheme, which combines no-party primaries and ranked-choice general elections.

Then, in 2022, the Alaska Democratic Party put up a place-holder candidate who was running in order to placate the national Democratic Party. Local Republicans advanced conservative Kelly Tshibaka, who was endorsed by not only by the party but President Donald Trump.

Using the new system, Murkowski easily won reelection in 2022, with the help of Alaskans who vote Democrat. In fact, Murkowski, due to ranked choice voting, ended up with the highest percentage of votes she has ever gotten, due to Democrat voters marking her either first or second on their ballot. Murkowski won 48.6% of the vote in 2004, 39.5% in 2010, 44.4% in 2016 and — due to the ranked choice advantage she and her supporters designed for her — 53.7% in 2022.

Now, with many Alaskans disillusioned with the false promises made by backers of ranked choice voting, the “No on 2” group brought in Murkowski, who is paying back the favor to the same people who helped her retain her seat in the Senate.

This month, Murkowski also endorsed Democrat Mary Peltola for Congress, the second time she has endorsed Peltola. Murkowski is once again on the outs with her own party, she continues to align more closely with the Alaska Democratic Party, which fully embraces ranked choice voting, after seeing how it worked for Murkowski and Peltola.

In the end, Murkowski became beholden to the Democrats because they helped her defeat Republican voters.

The $12.8 million in Outside money being spent to keep ranked-choice voting in Alaska is motivated by liberal entities who are in the process of spreading the system to other states. They’ve spent tens of millions of dollars and would be set back if Alaskans take back their elections from the outsiders like John Arnold of Texas, and the dark money entities that have taken over Alaska elections. Most of the funds they are expending this year are in Alaska — to save what they created as the model for other states.

Seeing the danger of dark money, five states this year banned the use of ranked-choice voting. They are Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oklahoma.

On Nov. 5, Colorado, Idaho, and Nevada will vote on whether to adopt ranked-choice voting. Oregon and Washington, D.C. will also vote on adopting RCV in both party primaries and the general election.

Missouri will vote on a ballot measure to ban ranked-choice voting.


  1. I hate to say this..but just based on the advertising alone…ranked choice voting is here to stay. You can’t take a breath these days without a “no on 2” flyer or commercial hitting you in the head.
    I hope I’m wrong and I’m voting to end the rank choice mess but I’m definitely feeling like the mice will follow pied piper on this one.

    • Sal, yours is a sad but true commentary. It’s really about the entire American electorate drifting towards Marxist communism. As government grows larger, the opportunity for average people to gain personal economic progress grows more difficult accordingly. As this happens, they lose hope in the free market and constitutional liberties. They begin seeking hope in collectivist ideology. It’s very difficult, if not impossible, to reverse this trend.

    • Go to the No on 2 page on Facebook, go to the comments. You’ll feel better. I’m in touch with people across the State. Early voting is overwhelmingly repeal.

      I wouldn’t be worried

  2. Wait! I thought politicians were supposed to listen to voters and act accordingly…not advocate for what they want!

  3. We told Lisa not to do this political ad. The last thing you want to do with your voters is add insult to injury. Lisa got elected in 2022 only because of RCV where she didn’t have to face Kelly Tshibaka in a Republican primary like she did when she got tossed by Joe Miller in 2010. These things must be quietly kept so as not to get caught fooling the voters. It worked for me all the way to 2006 when that nasty Sarah Palin caught me.

    • Lisa is not even waiting for us to croak, Frankie. Your defiant daughter has cut bait and run……
      right to the Democrat Party. Didn’t we actually adopt her?

      • We tried to give her up but the Church intermeddled again and made us take her back without the adoption papers. The Catholics are always sticking their heads into other people’s private affairs.

        • Now I’m beginning to wonder if Liz Cheney was adopted. These older, disrespectful RINOs women can’t get over themselves. And they look so old and weather beaten. Lisa looks like she’s ready for surgery in Brazil.

          • Lisa is looking for a good plastic surgeon, somewhere cheap. She looks like she could be about the same age as Nancy Pelosi. Lying, cheating, complaining, and being hostile has worn about a decade and a half off of life.

  4. Susan Collins & Lisa murkowski WOW we will know dem by their deeds, meek & kind looking evil is so sleek & cunning fake & cruel. Your deeds have been exposed to all Lisa, your at the wrong rally Lisa. Evil fake is so exposed & busted. Give us back our oath integrity oath takers so help you GOD.

    • You should have added Jesse Sumner to your list of names. As a “republican,” he cut his ties by dropping out of his race and declaring that he supports Ranked Choice Voting.

  5. When the princess tells you to do something, it clearly means you need to do just the opposite.

    I really wish Mary and her would have just taken the bush plane and gone moose hunting last month.

  6. Lisa left the GOP when she was beat by Joe Miller in the primary. She then ran as a write in, and with the assistance of our cortupt AK DOE, and the Democrat machine, she “won”.

    The GOP took her back in, as it’s really just one party when all said and done.

    The so called “dark money” deployed during elections is the tip of iceberg. Fact is, once elected, regardless of what the politician said to voters to be elected, they are bribed or threatened into conformity to secure the elite power base. The concept in Spanish is called “Plata o Plomo”.

    Track the course of how spending bills are passed, the final public votes are just showtime theater.

    The special interests need their massive pay days to recoup their investments in buying the government.

  7. Vern should take lessons from Doug Emhoff, learning the finer art of delivering a strong and forceful back//front hand in multiple successions in an effort to muzzle the significant other.

  8. The Senator from the Great State of Alaska did not need RCV to win, and those who say she would did not win the republican primary, she proved that she could win as a write in against a good candidate Joe Miller.
    As for policy, she is pro choice as was Senator Ted Stevens which does not sit well with the extreme right wingers who are bent on hi-jacking the Republican Party.
    Summarize; Senator Murkowski is a keeper.

    • “………The Senator from the Great State of Alaska did not need RCV to win………”
      2010 proved that true, but RCV makes her type of candidacy exponentially easier. She is a party killer. She cares about the party platform as much as the opposing party. She’s a gangster, ruling by oligarchy. This is a political phase the entire nation will have to go through. It will likely endure for at least a half century.

    • She won as a write in candidate in 2016. What makes you think that success would have continued in 2022? Especially after all the votes she cast that angered a LOT of Alaskans. She is the one that put that anti-development woman in charge of the Dept. of Interior. Her refusal to vote put Kavanaugh on the SCOTUS. People see that she is just a puppet of the leftists.
      Remember, the NY Jets won the Super Bowl once too…

  9. Rank Choice Voting is Lisa Murkowski’s political life blood. After all, she suffered an embarrassing loss to Joe Miller in the Republican Party primary. Being rejected by her party, she conjured up an election ‘write in’ campaign for the general election that left many scratching their heads. Rank Choice Voting saved Murkowski’s bacon in her race against Kelly Tshibaka. Lowest turnout in forever. Many Alaskans apparently opted out in participating in what they perceived to be a gimmicky RCV election. So now Murkowski is a woman without a party. Republicans have disowned her. She lacks the courage to declare what she always has been: a democrat. It is no wonder she is a staunch RCV supporter. RCV is what is keeping her politically viable.

  10. There is proof that the Ranked Choice Voting / Open Jungle Primary election system is flawed. The State of Alaska Official Election Pamphlet devotes 4 pages to the 4 final candidates for the U.S. House seat. This includes the incumbent, Mary Peltola, and main challenger Nick Begich. But also there is Eric Hafner who has his full-page write-up and photo on one of the 4 pages.
    But Eric Hafner has never stepped foot in Alaska and is also serving a prison sentence in New York, though he does not mention that on his position statement page. How in the world did he manage to get his own full-page in the official State of Alaska pamphlet as one of the final 4 in the November general election?
    The answer, is because the flawed Ranked Choice / open primary system destroyed 2 important filtration/vetting mechanisms that were part of the traditional election system that we had prior to 2020.
    First, is the normal primary. Eric Hafner is listed in the election pamphlet as a “Registered Democrat”. But there is no way that he would have ever won the normal Democrat primary. He would have been filtered out.
    The second filtration mechanism in the traditional (pre-2020) system, is the procedure for becoming a “No-party candidate” on the November general election ballot and bypassing the August primary. But the “filter” is that you are required to gather signatures on a nominating petition in the amount of one percent of all the voters in the last election. But if you have never stepped foot in Alaska, that would be hard to accomplish. Eric Hafner would have been filtered out.
    I hope we vote “YES – we want to get rid of the Ranked Choice / jungle primary system”, on Ballot Measure #2.

  11. The arrogance is breathtaking. Vote to get rid of rank choice voting and back to the norm which is the Division of Elections doesn’t have to try and explain how to vote. Vote YES on our effort to get rid of this stain. Vote YES on 2.

    • Lisa shows up after the election to Senate Republican headquarters with a fist full of her opponents blonde hair and all hell breaks loose, I love it, I love it.

  12. Im living in a bizarro world..she’s clearly a democrat. This should not be allowed to take place. Just offically join the insane side and put the correct label on those crazy looking eyes.

  13. Murkowski can put all this controversy aside by simply changing her party affiliation to “democrat.” Then she wouldn’t have to worry about getting nominated and on the general election ballot.

    Why is she still pretending to be a Republican (after she was kicked out of the party)? Does she really think there are any Republicans left who still fall for her deception?


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