Pat Pitney, Walker budget director, hired by legislature


The numbers guru to replace former Legislative Finance Director David Teal is Pat Pitney, the former budget office director for Gov. Bill Walker. Teal retired in December.

Pitney was the Office of Management and Budget director for Walker’s entire term in office, and came to the Walker Administration from the administration of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. She will now lead the Division of Legislative Finance.

Pitney, along with Walker Administration Tax Division Director Ken Alper, and Administrative Services Director Rob Carpenter were finalists for the job.

The three were interviewed by the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee this week. That committee is chaired by Democrat Rep. Chris Tuck and its members include six Republicans and six Democrats.

Pitney has an MBA from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and an engineering degree from Murray State University. She is a Gold Medal Olympian in air rifle in the 1984 Summer Olympics.


  1. I hear Ms. Pitney is a hard working and pragmatic leader that seems happy to work outside the political fray. The Legislature made a good choice, especially in light of the options.

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