Passing: Ben Stevens, former state senator

Ben Stevens

Former State Sen. Ben Stevens has died at age 63. His passing was unexpected.

Benjamin Aavan Stevens was born March 18, 1959, the son of former U.S. Sen. Ted and Ann Stevens. Ben served as senator and was elected Senate President, and was a member of the Republican Party. Later in life, he was chief of staff to Gov. Mike Dunleavy, and at the time of his death worked for ConocoPhillips.

During his life he had worked as a commercial fisherman and as the president of Cook Inlet Tug and Barge. He was married to Elizabeth Stevens.

Ben received his B.A. in economics at Arizona State University and earned his Master of Business Administration from George Washington University.

Ben Stevens was a victim of a relentless investigation by the FBI during his time in office, but he was never convicted of any of the charges the FBI pursued in its never-ending witch-hunt.

Former Sen. Lyda Green said, “I am just devastated to hear this news. I loved him. We got along so well and he was welcome at my office at any time and I was at his. He was one of the most politically astute members I ever worked with. He had such great history, knowing government at a totally different level because of his growing up in D.C. He was so smart.”

Stevens’ mother Ann died in a plane crash in 1978, and he deeply grieved her passing. His father died in a plane crash on Aug. 9, 2010, near Dillingham.

The Stevens family has not made an announcement.

Erec Isaacson, president of ConocoPhillips Alaska, issued a statement on Friday morning:

“The entire ConocoPhillips family is deeply saddened by the sudden passing on Thursday evening of our friend and colleague, Ben Stevens. Our sympathies are with his family and loved ones during this difficult time. Ben was a valued leader at ConocoPhillips Alaska and leaves a significant legacy in the state of Alaska. Ben will be deeply missed not only by his family and colleagues, but in the broader Alaska community.”

This story will be updated.


  1. I remember listening to a Ted Stevens interview on his 80th birthday; he said he was surprised he made it that far as the men in his family, his grandpa, dad & uncles, all died young. Very sad.
    Rest in Peace Mr. Stevens, you were a great father to your boys & an Excellent hockey ref.
    Many will miss you.

  2. Sad, died UNEXPECTEDLY! There is a web address dedicated entirety to that “died unexpectedly”. So much for claiming its best to go along to get along.

  3. I had no complaint with Ben! He had a quick mind, a sharp eye, and a good command of the English language–at times he was a little sharp with his words, but he was always perceptive!

    I’d give him a seat at the captain’s table on his voyage through the cosmos and wish him well when he encounters heavy seas!

  4. Sudden death means vaccine death. It’s happening all around us – and no one wants to talk about it. I’m seeing cluster of sudden deaths around me and my family members falling ill suddenly and drastically.

    • I been seeing too many sudden deaths including sudden longterm disease
      . Right now funeral businesess are booming while insurance are losing money today. I think the covid jabbed kids under 10 will show a strange increase of infertility among this generation.

  5. Yes. Died unexpectedly because perhaps an autopsy needs to be performed. Could be a heart attack. Perhaps an aneurysm. For those caught up on “died unexpectedly”, get over it. They might need to officially determine. Can you let it go? There is a grieving family regardless of the reason. We will all know in due time.

  6. Harvey Sullivan died young of a massive heart attack too, both liked their cocaine in their younger days

  7. Ben Stevens was a very decent man and a friend to Conservatives. Sincerest condolences to the Stevens family.

  8. Sad. Too many unexpected losses over the last 2 years. There needs to be thorough investigations into all of them. There is no getting over it or just let it go. The biggest crime ever committed against humanity is right under our noses. Im angry at the losses and infuriated by those who are responsible. We were lied to, manipulated and people are dying as a result. Get over it…..Not. if this was not related its not related, sad either way but one scenario involves an anomly in a persons health, the other a crime. I would think those who knew and cared for Senator Stevens would want to know which.

    • Pretty sharp claim there Akdale. Do you have any statistics or evidence to back up your claim, at least enough to justify further investigation? I’m not saying you’re wrong at all. Just curious and a bit alarmed.

      This, however: “The biggest crime ever committed against humanity”, fails due to exaggeration.

      • Lucinda,
        The evidence abounds to support Akdale’s assertion , one must merely be curious enough to “look it up”…
        Here is an example, Unknown cause of Death, Alberta Canada. In 2019, 522 people perished from an ” unknown cause” that number blew up in 2021 where 3,362 deaths were cited as being caused by “unknown”. In fact Unknown has become the number one cause of death in Alberta Canada. Hmm, that’s weird? What could possibly be afoot here? Perhaps an unprecedented mass medicalization foisted upon mankind? Naw, our August leaders are far to noble and wise to allow that, right?
        I’m betting it’s because of Climate Change. Hurry up and get rid of your gasoline powered car and stop eating meat, turn down your thermostat and pile on another sweater, wait, wool is from those sheep. Oh geez, just go off your self already and join the ranks of the “unknown”!

          • It’s not about feeling better, it’s about answering your question above. We are all in search of truth, truth isn’t about how we feel. Feelings are a reaction to information and circumstances. I merely attempted to add some sarcastic humor in between the lines. I apologize for that.
            I think that you may also be a truth seeker Lucinda, I find that discussion is a useful tool in finding truth. “as iron sharpens iron, so one man does another”.
            I think that we’ve been lied to and yes, it is a horrid crime against humanity that we’ve experienced these last few years.

  9. I am saddened to hear of Ben Stevens passing.

    Every life lost unexpectedly should garner this level of publicity.

    Bo Adams, from Koyuk, Alaska also died unexpectedly.

    God bless us all equally – because the grief and loss of life connects us, until its brushed under the carpet.

    We shouldn’t have to be a public official to garner public grief and the sense of loss that is easily applied to some and not even considered a loss to others.

    I say this because I wholeheartedly believe that Senator Ted Stevens would agree vigorously.

    He was the biggest advocate for Alaska Native people.

    He dedicated his life to serving and even scolding anyone and everyone when they needed to be corrected.

    His correction had a theme.

    Work together.

    We are all better together.

    Let us lift each other up.

    Every life lost is equally important.

  10. Apparently, only comments that are laudatory of Ben Stevens are allowed here, never mind his shady political history. How sad.
    The dead are not absolved of their sins merely by the act of dying.

    • I knew about the CBC because the media went wild about it, and now, with a lot of water having passed under the bridge, I wonder about the truth of it all. Was there any truth to it? The FBI was after him, and when they go after somebody, it doesn’t really matter what they did, it only matters what the FBI says they did. The charges leveled get laundered in the press, FIRST, and then whoever they are after gets to fight their way back from a guilty until proven innocent position. Hardly fair or how it is supposed to work according to the Law of the Land.

      I never knew Ben Stevens. Never even exchanged pleasantries face to face. I do know that he was politically persecuted…

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