Pacific Fishing magazine stops publication


Pacific Fishing, a Seattle publication serving the North Pacific commercial fishing industry from Alaska to Hawaii for more than 40 years, has stopped publication, it was announced Sunday by editor Wesley Loy.

“The owner and publisher of Pacific Fishing magazine is retiring. We are actively pursuing a new owner to carry on the publication,” the magazine announced, according to Loy’s blog. He said the magazine’s last issue was in December.

The daily Fish Wrap news service also will be suspended, Loy said.

Pacific Fishing provided “news and features for predominantly commercial fishermen readers engaged in a dangerous and often economically tumultuous industry,” according to the announcement by Loy, who previously wrote for the Anchorage Daily News.

Pacific Fishing is the premier monthly magazine serving owners and operators of commercial fishing boats throughout the world’s most profitable ocean, from Alaska to the tropical Pacific. Our readers include crew members, processors, fisheries managers, suppliers, seafood brokers and distributors, educators and others who want serious information about the business of hauling up – and selling – food from the Pacific,” the magazine says on its “About” page.

The magazine’s owner and publisher is Mike Daigle, of Seattle.


  1. Too bad the fading away of traditional journalism down to 144 characters…this will have a negative effect for the Alaska fishing community.
    I Googled the publisher Mike Daigle and he appears to be quite a character and recently published an interesting sounding book:
    The Old Man and The See: a Biography of Mike Inspired by Lizzie.

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