Over $12 million is being spent so Democrats can keep ranked-choice voting in Alaska. Will it work?


Alaskans are tired of the failed ranked-choice voting scheme. But with over $12 million in out-of-state funding from “progressive” donors, the road to repeal will be uphill all the way


New polling from Alaska Survey Research shows the future of ranked-choice voting (RCV) in the state hangs by a thread with momentum going toward the “Yes on 2” repeal campaign. This has created desperation among “dark money” liberals who have dumped over $12 million into the campaign to keep RCV, including $4.4 million from a single donor on October 1.

These “dark money” groups and Democratic activists understand that keeping the failed RCV system is Democrats’ only shot at keeping the state’s House seat currently held by Rep. Mary Peltola (D). In 2020—the first year Alaska implemented RCV—Peltola’s second-preference votes sent her to Congress, despite Democratic candidates receiving far fewer votes than the Republicans, who split their vote and lost.

“You can see that the ‘No on 2’ group trying to preserve RCV is very nervous, which is why they just took in another $4.4 million from an outside group that has no obvious connection to Alaska,” Suzanne Downing, founder of the conservative news website Must Read Alaska, told Restoration News.

As we’ve written, out-of-state “dark money” bought RCV in Alaska by outspending opponents 12–1 in 2020, yet barely won by fewer than 3,800 votes. Unhappy with the results, Alaskans placed RCV repeal on the ballot, once again setting off a tsunami of out-of-state “dark money” funding to drown out their voices—and keep Peltola in office.

Read the entire report at Restoration News at this link.


  1. I was outraged at the bold faced lies of their TV ad last night. Calling the 100% grassroots Alaskans for its’ repeal as “political elites”. That’s THEM! We don’t have anywhere near the $ they have.

    • Patricia, lies are as American as apple pie. Maybe you can jar my memory and help me recall where I might have read that money is the root of all evil? Apparently, if you want to stay in the game you need to come up with a few more “coins,” eh? It’s a sad situation when you need to appeal to the less intelligent segment of our society with slick and deceptive ads, but that’s where we are! Our education systems–public and private–have done nothing but set us on the rocks. And our churches and Sunday schools have done little to enlighten our dark souls But, to get back to the issue of campaign funding, you might consider hitting Musk up for a million or two–he has money to burn!

    • 100% In fact, if anything, until recently it was the political elites that supported RCV by their silence or “lack of engagement” on the issue.

  2. It’s funny how MRA only talks about dark money when it benefits the Democrats. RCV takes control away from the extremists in both parties, the Citizens of Alaska put in place, and with any luck will keep it. Country before Party!

    • The writer says only government officials can define “extremists”, only government officials can decide who “controls” political parties, only RCV assures government officials need this authority, only an un-auditable process assures RCV outcomes are what unelected government officials say they are
      … yet calls himself “Alaskans for freedom”?

    • First of all, what is an extremist in your opinion? What makes someone a right wing extremist to Alaskans for freedom!?
      Next, please explain how ranked choice voting takes that control away from them? Remember, I am a dumb, stupid conservative, so use small words.

  3. As a retired military after 25 years I am tired of the lies RCV says we were not able to vote for who we want to. I never had problem except when All Gore and the democrats tried to have our ballots thrown out in Floridia.

  4. Will the advertising blitz work?
    Unfortunately, it probably will. Too many people refuse to take the time to actually look into issues or candidates before they vote. They vote based on how much and how well the advertising works.
    And, I hate to say it, but the advertising for No on 2 is working. The simple minded actually believe that their freedom to vote for the candidate they want is being taken away.

    • I think you will be surprised to see how many people actually don’t like RCV. We didn’t need big money to do the repeal project. You can’t name a single petition project that was statewide that used 95% volunteers to complete the project, on top of multiple court challenges that we won unanimously.

      Let’s just say, I will not be surprised when we win on Election Day. I am already aware that a large portion of the early voting are people voting to remove RCV.

      You know what’s beats marketing, user experience. No matter how much marketing money you spend, if your product or service is subpar, you’ll never get repeat customers.

      If you need evidence, go to Facebook, go to No on 2 page, read the comments, you’ll feel better.

      • Yeah, yeah, Phil! After getting the enlightened public through “No on 2,” quantum mechanics will be a snap for them! Something like Begich’s “The Fallen Angels Sing in Hell,” eh? The American public never tires of being had–that’s just the way it is!

      • Phil:
        I hear what you are saying, but experience from Anchorage’s mail in voting scam is the candidate with the most ads wins. Mainly because most voters are not informed and will mark whatever on their mail in ballot.
        It is not really all that different with Statewide and Federal elections. Best ads catches the voters. Most signs catches the voters.
        I absolutely want to see RCV tossed into the dustbin of history, is it an affront to anyone without a political agenda. But, I am not as confident in the average voter as I used to be.

        • Anchorage has a turnout problem, not a voter problem.

          Turnout this election will be very high due to Trump being on the ballot.

          Lots and lots of people have tried to prove me wrong over two years and yet I keep winning.

          So bet against me, but I wouldn’t

          • Phil:
            I am voting in line with you on this one. Get rid of that steaming pile of dung that is open primaries and RCV. I cannot believe enough Alaskans were misinformed enough (or just too lazy to do any research) to vote in favor of it. And, I am still convinced there was some questionable steps taken to get it to pass, but too late now.
            I am not betting anything on this race. Too close to call. I can only hope the rational people win, and we dump this garbage.

  5. There are a long list of revolutions that came about after the elite used money, power, and/or force to benefit the powerful. We think of the Mexican revolution, the French revolution, and the American revolution as three, quick examples.

    How much more are we going to put up with these bloody, secret interests buying our elections? We see it with these scum that don’t live here manipulating/lying about are voting system with outrageously expensive campaigns that overtly lie to us. We saw it with the powerful corporations that manipulate our elections by spending tens of millions of dollars to ensure they can loot Alaskans of their oil wealth.

    In time, blood will be shed. That’s what history teaches us.

  6. The government hates us all and the mainstream media runs blatant propaganda for them. Notice The only “freedom” the left cares about is mutilating children , promoting homosexual relations, and murdering unborn children…depopulation. wake up America, Semper Fi

  7. Cheese. Think of the homes that could have been purchased by that $12 million for the permanent and enlarging lower class


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