Oct. 7, 2024 marks the one-year anniversary of the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, which killed over 1,200 civilians. Israelis and Americans are still held hostage today.
Gov. Mike Dunleavy, Sen. Dan Sullivan, Sen. Lisa Murkowski and congressional candidate Nick Begich offered their thoughts on the day’s importance, while Rep. Mary Peltola remained silent on the matter:
Gov. Mike Dunleavy: Today marks the solemn one-year anniversary of the tragic October 7 attack on Israel, a day that deeply affected all those who cherish peace and security. As we remember the lives lost and the communities impacted, we stand in unwavering solidarity with Israel, reaffirming our commitment to its right to exist and defend itself in ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens against terrorist organizations such as Hamas, and Iran and its axis of evil. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience and courage of the Israeli people, who continue to endure adversity with strength and resolve. May we honor their sacrifices by supporting efforts to achieve lasting peace and security for Israel and its people.
Sen. Dan Sullivan: One year ago today, on October 7, the people of Israel suffered the worst terrorist attack in their history, a horrendous massacre that took the lives of 1,200 people—many of them innocent civilians in their homes or attending a music festival. Nearly 100 innocent hostages are still being held by Hamas terrorists, including several American citizens, and I reiterate our call for their immediate, unconditional release. America mourns with the Israeli people on this difficult anniversary and remains steadfast in support of Israel’s right to exist in peace and security, free from the existential threat posed by the terrorist regime in Tehran and its proxies.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski: Our prayers continue to be with the families and victims of the barbaric terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas one year ago. As on day one, we stand with our ally Israel as they defend their people and their sovereignty. We also continue to pray for those in the region and hope for a resolution that will bring a stop to hostilities, safe return of those taken hostage by Hamas, and an end to the rise in antisemitism here at home that has made Jewish Americans feel threatened. The United States is committed to providing Israel the resources they need to defend themselves and providing humanitarian aid to the innocent civilians caught up in Hamas’ deadly war of terror.
Nick Begich: Oct. 7, like Sept. 11 is a sad reminder that terrorism targets the innocent and must be removed from its roots at all costs. Free and open societies demand it and our support for Israel must be unwavering as the nation strives to achieve lasting peace in its region.
Rep. Mary Peltola, who says she likes to avoid controversial topics, was silent on the commemoration of the attacks. She receives funding from groups that have funded campus protests against Israel and its right to defend its sovereign borders.

Silence equals complicit. Peltola is just a patsy of left wing interests from D.C.
She does what nancy pelosi tells her to do.
Mary hates Alaska, especially her own native community.
Her voting against us is proof.
The inference that Mary Peltola is “anti Israel” or even “weak on Israel” is preposterous. Let’s start with the fact that the two major Democratic Party Jewish PACs — Democratic Majority for Israel and the Jewish Democratic Council of America — both endorsed her for re-election based on her voting record, which includes voting with the most pro-Israel Democrats in the House, on arms to Israel. Her donors in this cycle include members of Alaska’s most respected Jewish family. I try to be fair in my comments so it is appropriate to note that Mr. Begich was recently endorsed by The Republican Jewish Coalition, some of whose board members are leading pro-choice advocates in the GOP. I am familiar with all of these organizations and know people on their boards. I dont know about you or others reading this, but I was up for much of last evening watching 7/10 commemorations on SkyNews, which did wall to wall coverage. I might also note that I am the son of a Holocaust survivor and am the only person with my surname who resides in the US; the others live in Israel. And once again, those who can figure out who I am, from AIPAC to CUFI, know that I dont take support for Israel lightly. It is the legacy of my people. Mary is a counterweight to Squad influences on Congress.
If it is “based on her voting record” are you implying her Lefty supporters are glad she isn’t voting very much? Maybe that’s the “counterweight” you mention?
Personally, I want a representative that is engaged, present and voting rather than detached, absent and abstaining.
I wish my Jewish friends and family could realize the Left has truly left Israel behind and only pays lip service while actively working against Jews. I stand with Isrsel (a.k.a.: NOT with Kamala, Tim or Mary).
Not all Jews support Israel, most American Jews have been raised by family that left that cursed colony in the 1970s when it first started falling apart.
You want to prop up a foreign colony with your tax dollars, just say so. What’s $50B a year? Americans work hard so Israelis have free college, childcare and healthcare.
If you are a Jew, and you do not support Israel, you do not support Jews anywhere.
The goal of the muslims is to destroy all Jews, everywhere. Then they will move on to destroying all Christians. First step, to destroy Israel, and turn it onto palestine. Jews not supporting Israel are actually supporting the destruction of every Jew everywhere.
Do you believe in Santa?
Blah, blah, blah …. blah
There are no white hats in this war- though for different reasons. Also, it is not our war- especially as it expands. We should withdraw and leave the parties to figure it out for themselves. Our involvement for the past 80 years only seems to lead to more conflict and war.
Our country is in serious trouble. That ought to be our focus. Nothing else rates.
I hold some fairly libertarian views, the one that I’ve never been able to understand that Libertarians have is that we are an island unto ourselves and the rest of the world doesn’t impact us. The last time the rest of the world didn’t impact the North American continent, or the land mass that The United States covers was never, it never happened. Even before man stepped foot on this continent the land here was impacted by the rest of the globe, now that we can circumnavigate the globe in a little more than a day and the International Space Station circles the Earth every 92 minutes. The North American continent is impacted by the rest of the world, America is impacted by the rest of the world, you are impacted by the rest of the world no matter how deep in the sand you bury your head.
Worldwide Muslim terrorists want to kill Israelis, Jews, Americans, Christians, Muslims, Atheists, any and everyone who doesn’t agree with their exact branch of Islam. If you think allowing people who want to kill everyone they disagree with to get nuclear weapons is a good idea, then it’s not too far of a leap to think that you might agree with those people.
George Washington had it right when he wrote, “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world. ”
You seek to continue the offensive policy of policing the world. I seek to return to a defensive policy of placing American interests above all else and being the agricultural and economic powerhouse that we were- and God willing are destined to be again. I also place my trust in Eisenhower’s dark warnings to us of the Military Industrial Complex- especially now that we are living in the reality of their rule. The MIC loots our country and oppresses its people to place war and control as their highest ideal. This is deeply un-American and consequently these people are the enemies of the republic. Ask the people of North Carolina or Maui or the J6’s or Trump or countless others what they think. This is not theoretical to them as the jackboot has stomped on them directly.
Finally, you weakly attempt at the end of your screed to link this believing Christian among the heathen because I have a different opinion from yours. I highly doubt you would do this to my face, so a little keyboard courage there Stevo? Note how I did not attempt to degenerate your religious beliefs to make a political point. It says quite a bit about you as that is exactly what you tried to do.
You completely misunderstood or misrepresent what I wrote in my last paragraph…and I’d be perfectly willing to say so to your face. Good for you for being a Christian, playing the part of the martyr and bringing your faith into the conversation has absolutely nothing to do with my comment.
But your last sentence is there for all to read. Here I’ll quote it.
“If you think allowing people who want to kill everyone they disagree with to get nuclear weapons is a good idea, then it’s not too far of a leap to think that you might agree with those people.”
Do you have a difficult time communicating- like Tim Walz??
And instead of debating any of my points (as I did to your post) it is more diversion from you. I guess it is the old “If you have the law, hammer the law. If you have the facts, hammer the facts. If you have neither the law nor the facts, hammer the table”.
It seems more of an understanding problem on your part, as what I wrote is plain English and you thought it an attack on your religious views when it was nothing of the sort since I had no idea of your religious beliefs until you just shared them. I can’t debate a point with someone who does not understand the words they read and goes off on tangents that have nothing to do with the conversation. If you’d like to address my initial response without playing the part of a victim please feel free to do so and I will respond accordingly.
Do you think allowing people who want to kill everyone they disagree with to get nuclear weapons is a good idea? Because the way that you, not a one sentence quote from George Washington, seem to think how the US should behave would allow exactly that. Maybe you are good with that, maybe you aren’t, but if you think that’s a good idea, then yes you just might agree with those people (Muslim terrorists) who want to kill everyone they disagree, starting with the Jews, then everyone in the US, then everyone else they disagree with including Christians who would allow them to destroy the world because their chosen brand of Christianity doesn’t understand how the mkdern world works, or from 250 years ago or 2,000 years ago for that matter.
While you might want to make this issue about your faith or about me, it’s not.
Humanity shall never move forward as a whole if they continue to have conflicts with themselves.
To choose sides leaves humanity divided.
We are all one. We are all a part of God.
Behave accordingly.
Wishful thinking does nothing. Can you point to a single day in the entirety of recorded history when there was no conflict? Do not worry if you say no, nobody can.
Conflict is part of human nature. Deal with it, or pretend it will go away. One path will lead to a less stressful life.
The day when the doves flew off of the ark. The day before humans got kicked out of the garden of eden.
I said history, Greg. Not unproven/unprovable parables.
Look at Lisa acting like she cares, With Peltola not surprised
Lisa votes antisemitic and is NOT an ally of Israel.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Her silence…SPEAKS VOLUMES!!!
Her actions speak even louder than her words…
October 7th was tragic and could have been prevented by the Israeli government.
It takes 15 minutes for a attack helicopter to cross the width of the country.
Egypt warned of the attack days before and a rabbit cannot hop unnoticed up too the boarder.
History repeating itself, where gloves comes off and the slaughter of humanity begans. Young innocent victims from both side, how devastating.
There are so many threats to Israel and all us Jews, how to know which is credible….
The Christians and Druze of Lebanon are also victims of the terror regime that Hezbollah/Iran have inflicted. It is imperative that the US evacuate its citizens from Lebanon. “Speaking Arabic” is not a reason to allow a US ally to carelessly slaughter nom-combatants. If President Biden won’t evacuate US citizens from Lebanon, the Christian Arab-Americans are going to deliver Michigan to President Trump. That is too far a bridge—we don’t leave our own overseas. And one hopes that President Trump can differentiate between “speaks Arabic” and “Islamist”. Fingers crossed.
How does she vote if she avoids controversial topics we don’t need a weak House of Representatives member that picks and chooses what she will vote for or if Nancy tells what to vote for. Please do not waste your vote on her.
I never thought I’d see this in Anchorage but, then again, that’s what I get for thinking. This past Sunday I was driving east on Dimond Blvd and was stopped by the intersection of Old Seward and Dimond. To my right was a white Subaru(?) driven by a young, dark haired, bespectacled female with writing on the driver’s and driver’s side passenger window that read: “From the River to the Sea. Anti-Zionism Not Equal to Anti-Semitism.” Like many others of her ilk, she doesn’t understand – or want to understand – what that muslim slogan means.
Did you explode her phone?
If you never thought you would see that in Anchorage you should have been downtown for the Queers for Palestine parade marching and chanting.
They became emboldened by the inauguration of their new Mayor LaFrance and decided to parade in her honor.
Los Anchorage rapidly became a city where sane people avoid the downtown cesspool at all costs.
The last time I saw city center there was nothing but homeless panhandlers and baffled unsuspecting tourists buying trinkets which resembled life in Alaska during the last century.
Thanks to Berky and his proud alphabet ASSembly who lead the charge of the “change” Obama promised. America.
Carpet bombing entire civilian populations is a War Crime… Mister Clean the Marine may want to review his USMC Common Skills Handbook – Law of Warfare – Fight only enemy combatants… Do your best to prevent violations of the law of war… MCCS.01.09 Remember those ???
Well, if a nation chooses to start carpet bombing a civilian population, I am sure I will get up in arms about it. Until then, actually read something other than the headlines, and find out some fact.
Try being informed, instead of just opinionated.
Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Islamic Jihad, Iran, and other terrorists are the only ones attempting to “carpet bomb” entire civilian populations. Sadly a bunch of ill informed or brainwashed people attempt to gaslight the entire world blame Israel for the actions of the terrorists.
Who cares about stupid Israel, they chose to build a nation surrounded by Muslims and are one of the few nations that have a financial surplus. Our National guardsmen and helicopters are over there while no one is helping Appalachia or securing our border. Israelis fill most top positions in FEMA at the moment and DHS among many other top tier gov agencies. Enough with the boot licking for Israel already, it’s quite obvious who took the AIPAC money and who runs American politics, and it isn’t Americans. The people are “noticing” and have had their fill of this nonsense.
We Jews have held Israel as our homeland since the time of Moses. The formation of a “state” was to formalize that fact to the world. We have over 5,000 years of Israel being our homeland.
You calling it stupid shows your ignorance and your antisemitism.
Our borders are the responsibility of the Biden/harris administration, they have opened the floodgates to every degenerate on the planet, including the horrific muslims (Hamas, Hezbollah, Nancy Pelosi and the democrat party of america…) that want all us Jews dead.
You want to blame someone, blame yourself for voting these anti american, antisemitic “politicians” into office. Look in the mirror.
The Jewish god promised them that barren land then why do they need my money and gentile blood to maintain it? Take it up with your god and quit being parasites to America. Everyone else on earth has been able to maintain a nation, Jews loose theirs over and over and get the boot from every nation that hosts them. Now they want the Greater Israel project, apparently their god gave them most of Syria , Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt too. Grow up. No more wars for Israel.
The fact you call it barren land betrays your ignorance on the subject.
Israel was promised to abraham and his people by God. They didn’t choose the land of milk and honey.It chose them.
Actually it was the United Nations that chose were Israel would be formed.
It took a certain amount of enabling by the Warlord Biden who helped with the funding of the attack using the funds Trump withheld from Iran.
The releasing of those funds sent a clear message to Iran to continue their hate and terror on the rest of the world as well as further their nuclear program which will inevitably bring on much more chaos.
It takes a team of Democrats heavily invested in the military industrial complex to support all the skirmishes around the globe. Paul Pelosi is no dummy when it comes to market strategies with the help of Nancy.
Iran certainly has NO plans of assassinating Joe but Trump on the other hand needs to be snuffed out….which tells a lot about who they want in the the Whitehouse.
Barking seals, one and all!
All of the pro Hamas need to watch the documentary “We will dance again”. It shows live phone video’s of the slaughter taking place at the festival that day. It might open their eyes to what these people are.
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