One dead, as protest shattered by breaking, entering, and occupying at U.S. Capitol


One person is now dead, victim of a gunshot wound by Capitol Police, who shot her inside the U.S. Capitol.

A “mostly peaceful protest” interrupted the certification of the Electoral College today in the nation’s capital. Crowds that were estimated to be over 1 million converged in Washington, D.C. to try to stop what many feel is a fraudulent election.

It went downhill at in early afternoon, about the time the House and Senate convened in a joint session for what is usually a perfunctory duty of finalizing the presidential election via a vote of Congress.

With so many people in the Capitol — possibly over one million — it became unruly at the front of the protest near the entries, where perhaps far-right protesters and possible infiltrators stormed the building, sending those inside into a panic, as senators and congress members scattered for safety. One woman protester was shot in the neck, evidently by Capitol Police, as she was trying to get into the legislative chambers. She was taken away on a stretcher and later died of her wound.

Alaska’s delegation issued statements condemning the lawlessness.

Congressman Don Young wrote, “My staff and I are currently safe and accounted for. Peaceful protest is fundamentally American, but violence must never be tolerated. I call on protestors to comply with Capitol Police, stand down, and leave the Capitol Building so that our Constitutional duties may resume.”

Sen. Dan Sullivan wrote: I am disgusted by the lawless acts of violence being perpetrated at the Capitol. Disgraceful. A sad day in American history. The world is watching. We are the United States of America. We must be better than this. We ARE better than this.”

Sen. Lisa Murkowski wrote: “The dangerous destructive activity at the Capitol is continuing to unfold. I, along with other members of the Senate, are secure but the situation is clearly not safe. It is truly mob rule at the moment. My prayers are with the officers that are protecting and defending and who have gone down. Mr. President, tell your supporters to stop the violence. Stop the assault. Now.”

There wasn’t that much violence. But there was breaking, entering, and some shoving. It was frightening for those inside the building, but Twitter video images showed Capitol Police outside standing aside and allowing the protesters to gain footing.

As night falls on the nation’s capital, the streets may become a lawless zone, although a curfew has been called for 6 pm. The Senate and House are expected to convene to continue executing their constitutional duty of certifying the election.

President Trump wrote: “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

That wasn’t good enough for Joe Biden.

Biden wrote, “I call on President Trump to go on national television now to fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution by demanding an end to this siege.”

MSNBC posted graphic photos of the woman who was shot, with blood draining from her mouth. The caption under it by a Twitter account that shared it: “The party of law and order.”

Politico reported that lobbyists in DC are calling for Vice President Michael Pence and Congress to invoke the 25th Amendment and have Trump removed from office because he is incapacitated.

The rioters also attacked mainstream media members who were covering the event. They scaled the walls of the Capitol Building. An Associated Press film crew had to abandon its equipment and leave the area.

It was an embarrassing failure of security in a district known for intense security. Tear gas was deployed, guns were drawn by police, and arrests were made. And yet ultimately the police were overwhelmed.

Hours after the siege began, the National Guard was called in and Black Hawk helicopters pointed their noses toward the nation’s capital, while lawmakers inside promised to get back to work and certify the election.

This is a developing story.


  1. Good summary. Who was violent? The police? Comparative to blm, antifa, looks peaceful including those going into the peoples house, perhaps I am wrong. Did the police shoot someone unarmed? I pray for the victim and her family. I have seen dismissive statements from Murkowski saying that we have to have confidence in our electoral process, in its face unlawful, rather than doing a full fair investigation to ensure confidence, now I will expect her to blame others rather than take any responsibility…….perhaps I will be wrong.

    • Mostly “mostly peaceful protest” when you see face masked people storming the capitol, some wearing zip ties, climbing walls, pushing the police, breaking into the capitol and senators office, stolen mails from those office … not sure they are so peaceful. I remember when Trump was saying people looting federal building in Oregon should get 10 years of jails, I guess those trump supporter should get 10 years of jails too

      • Marc, I agree with you, those breaking the law should be prosecuted and I strongly denounce their actions.
        Unfortunately the looters and rioters in Portland, Seattle and Oakland hit a revolving door where prosecutors and DAs refused to prosecute and these people were back out on the street to do it again and again. Police was told to stand down. In DC if there are any arrests (and interestingly we have not heard of any) what treatment do you think they will receive? I agree that they should be punished, but not for their political views but for their criminal acts and that should apply in DC and everywhere else. While the press barely mentioned the Seattle CHOP guys who walked free to occupy and tyrannize residents, the DC protestors are tried and convicted in the press before we even know what exactly happened. We can not be a just and united country if the law only applies to those you disagree with. True justice takes time, it requires a look at all the facts and the current social media tendency to judge without facts, only based on your personal bias is the greatest disservice to the country I have seen.

      • I agree totally Marc.
        Anyone who broke into and vandalized the Capitol should receive the full brunt of the justice system. (Yes, I know that means I am calling for people on my side of the political aisle to be jailed.) Breaking the law is never excusable.
        Unlike the Democrats, who funded and asked their supporters to fund bail and defense funds for rioters who destroyed private, public, and Federal property.
        See the difference?

  2. I want to know the truth. Many sources, mostly credible, say that ANTIFA activists are identified invading the Capitol and instigating the violence. Brown Shirts? I want the truth and I want the Harris (Biden?) administration to make a statement condemning left wing violence if it is true.

    • Antifa was there even if just a Biden “idea”. Dem “rent a demonstrators were there … one seen in Arizona. Douglas Murray has talked about how two people now can see the same movie yet have 180 degree opposite description of the movie. No use arguing over reality.

    • Of course antifa POS were there. In fact, there is a picture published of a notable example: the clown wearing the “viking” horned helmet. It was juxtaposed with a photo of him at an antifa rally in Arizona last June. The helmet and distinctive tattoos is proof positive.
      That Jack wagon was not alone.
      The truly peaceful protesters are the Trump supporters.

      • Oh yeah that guy, but if you look at the uncropped picture he is wearing a “Q send me” shield, in reference to Q-Anon. So that he is probably not antifa but protrump/neo-nazi.

        • Anybody can wear an insigia; does not mean they are actually aligned with that particular cause…….

    • President Trump’s own Department of Justice has concluded that there was no evidence of Antifa’s presence (and I’m sure they were looking for it).

      • Sadly even the ‘Justice’ department is compromised, i.e. the whole ‘Russian Collusion’ hoax. Jake Angeli from Arizona has been identified at both BLM rallies and at Trump rallies, identifying himself as Q-Anon (whatever that means) and inciting insurrection among Trump’s followers . Perhaps he is just mentally ill; perhaps he is a plant. I neither know nor care, but I do know that when conservatives rally they even pick up the trash and when ANTIFA rallies they burn cities to the ground.

      • The DOJ is a captured operation, so don’t expect any equality under the law. Ditto for CONgress, the MSM, etc etc etc.

  3. I wish our congressmen were as disgusted enough with the coup of the United States government by the Democrats as they were with today’s demonstrations. Some trigger Happy police officer on Capitol Hill decided to kill someone because he lost his mind briefly. Maybe this is the cost of stealing an election.

  4. Has our Washington contingency verbalized their disgust over all the Marxist rioting and destruction across our nation for the past four years? Where has their outrage been? This is the first time I have heard them ‘verbalize’ . Violence is u acceptable and should not
    Be condoned but they have been silent until now. Cowards. All.

  5. President Trump now needs to evoke the 14th. amendment or insurrection act. If he does not use his Constitutional powers NOW to save this Country, the socialists of America is going to start impeachment once again to try and remove Trump from office.
    Just as the left is guilty of what they claim we are guilty of, the left infiltrated the maga crowd and were the ones that caused the rioting. Look at the coverage other then the lame stream media propaganda is spewing and you will see who is behind the aggression.

    • Trump egged these rioters on. HE caused this insurrection. If he could have just accepted the fact that he lost and moved on, the woman killed today would still be alive.

    • No, no, you are wrong, Trump and the pro-Trump are the insurrection. Trump should be removed quickly from office, and the insurrectionists should be treated as traitors. There is no other way around this.

  6. Obama when he was in office didn’t go on national TV and tell the writers and looters and Ferguson Missouri to stop and he didn’t tell the black thugs down in Dallas who called 911 for police to show up and then ambush them, he didn’t tell them to stop doing that in fact he said nothing because he liked what he was seeing.

    • I’m sorry. Ferguson is not DC. Our capital was stormed today! I am so sick of the 8th grade “he did this so I did it back to him” behavior. Everybody needs to dial it down.

      • Tom:
        I think Greg is trying to point out the hypocrisy of everyone who is blasting Trump for these events, and the damage to the Capitol.
        Ignoring major riots for months (years) and then acting like yesterday’s events were unprecedented is ridicule worthy. When major players in a political party set up, or encourage people to provide money to bail out rioters, they have a lot of gumption to act like Trump is some kind of super criminal.

  7. We already know LM is useless with ZERO redeeming qualities.
    Now Sullivan opens his mouth about this. Where were his words on all the other protests that turned into riots?
    Why did he not join the other Senators and ask for a commission to look into election fraud?
    It is because he is just a pork slinging useless swamp creature. I can’t believe he override the defense bill and let big tech off the hook as well as voting for the
    billions to foreign countries in the covid bill. Truly disgusting.
    He is a disgrace and I am sorry I voted for him – never again. The hypocrisy of the people is unreal.
    Can we not find a true conservative to replace Don Young and our two Senators?

    • Go ahead and put Mike Pence in with this group. Not conservative or moral enough for you. Respectfully – please think about that.

    • Does not matter. None of them will ever get re-elected.
      In fact, no conservative will ever get elected again, anywhere in the US for any position.
      Everyone who turned a blind eye, and did not even question the red flags in this election only emboldened people who would be inclined to cheat. Even if there was ZERO fraud in the 2020 national election, ignoring all the oddities just told cheaters that they can do that stuff in the next election.

  8. Folks Dan Sullivan, Don young and Lisa Murkowski are all full-time inhabitants of the swamp. You’ve been kidding yourself if you thought they were anything less than that. They all need to be voted out and we need to start fresh and we can begin by cleaning house with the Alaskan state House of Representatives.

      • Joe do you have anything productive to contribute or are you asleep and your bot auto-fill is stuck on your counseling program?

        • IAFH: (Whatever that is or means). Yeah i do have something to contribute. Been paying attention and accomplishing various civic tasks for decades. Have you actually done anything besides make an occasional cheesy comment?

      • Greg F. is 100% correct on this point.
        All three of our Congressional members are members of the Uniparty. You become one as soon as you swear your oath.
        Want to get onto committees, or leadership positions? Do what the more senior members of the party tell you, whether you like it or not. If you don’t, do not bother trying to run for re-election.

  9. The violence was from the police.

    They murdered that young woman…watch the video. She’s just standing there in front of the doors almost right next to a couple of heavily armed cops when someone shot her through the window. Murder.

    Our congressional delegation are spineless cowards. Every one of them need to be replaced by real patriots.

    This entire election was a fraud and the courts refuse to even look at the evidence.

    We have been left with no legal recourse and the Democrats are laughing at us because they know they’ve got a lock on everything.

    • PJ: As a long-time Republican, I am not laughing. Save your conspiracy crap. The riot incited by the President of the United States of America was the cause of the death here. Donald J. Trump incited the rioting.

      • C’mon Joe, you’re no more a Republican than I’m a Democrat. You play at being a Republican for your lefty/union friends like law offices divide into the Democrat/Republican factions or the union/employer factions or the way Juneau “power couples” don’t take the husband’s name and one registers R and one D; makes it easier to steal money and garner power.

        • Think what you want Art. And say what you will but I’ve been a Republican Party for over 25 years, have supported numerous R candidates, provided funding and assistance to numerous R candidates. I’ve helped various R candidates with electoral recounts during election contests. I consider myself a small government R, continue to work with various Republicans to advance the principles that have historically been the foundation of the R party. I routinely attempt to cut or consolidate government. You and I have plenty of shared beliefs. Too bad you pretty much self-destruct and inhibit your ability to get things done with unfortunate propensity engage in way over the top snarky analysis that has marginalized your effectiveness. Art — you’re a classic case of a guy who would rather be theoretically correct about some abstract principle than get a job done in a satisfactory manner that actually works for this little experiment up here. You have the curse of many really smart people and should have been a professor or engage in some other field where intellectual acuity is valued, even if detached from outcomes. Get engaged Arthur and stop whining. It’s undignified.

        • Keep shrinking the tent, Art. It now excludes virtually all of Trump’s cabinet choices and Vice President Pence as well. I’m with you Joe – I have no idea what this party’s platform is anymore.

    • I agree with Sen. Cruz: deadly force was entirely justified.

      I’m deeply disappointed more of the insurgents were not taken down – permanently.

  10. 360,000 Union troops DIED defending our nation’s Capital from what happened today. They turned back charges at Gettysburg’s Little Round Top, Shiloh, Chancellorsville, etc, etc, etc. It hadn’t been stormed since the War of 1812.

    Come on. We are better than this! An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is NO WAY to create a future together.

  11. She was shot outside the U.S. Capital told by an eye witness talking to a man with a youtube platform, she was looking thru its window. Capital police were 20 feet away on the otherside of the glass hiding behind furniture.
    I dont really want to give out his video, youtube might take it down because of that information.

    The police uses rubber bullets on waterislife protestors, the antifa, but here they use live ammunition? Huh?

    • Yeah, right.
      I suppose I am jealous that I cannot hear the little voices that told you this Jen.

      Put it up or shut up.

      • I’ve seen several videos of the “shooting” from various angles and at various speeds. She’s sitting on a beach earning 20%.

        The weapon was a large caliber semi-automatic pistol, some say a Glock .45, but the exact caliber is a distinction without a difference. She was allegedly struck in the neck. A large caliber round to the neck would likely all but decapitate the victim if it were a hollow point or other deforming round. Even an FMJ round at close range would do enormous tissue and shock damage, and in a crowded space the over-penetrating round would likely have struck others.

        The kinetic energy would have sent the victim reeling backwards and the shock and damage would have rendered her dead almost immediately. There would have been a cloud of blood and tissue at the exit and arterial bleeding unless it was another magic bullet that could thread its way around all the stuff that crowds a person’s neck. Instead, she slumps slowly to the ground and bleeds out. This was staged for people whose only knowledge of GSW is from TV and movies. Anyway, it worked, stopped the objections, and got Dementia Joe the Presidency.

        • Art: I am sure you are correct. The shot originated from the grassy knoll.
          Check it out.
          Jack Ruby has the evidence.

  12. Just heard from an old friend who was there. He said that there were “hundreds” of ANTIFA people there, throwing barricades, breaking lights on police cars, etc. The Trump supporters were yelling at them to stop. At one point, a DC police officer pushed an old woman down to the ground who didn’t move fast enough… that’s when the fighting with the police started.

  13. A million people on the mall. 20-30 of them entered the Capitol unlawfully. There’s good evidence to suggest that at least some, were antifa. Whoever they were, I heard no reports of them attacking legislators or police—and yet, An unarmed 16 year old woman is dead.

    This is what the country looks like when the ruling class of “elites” are both corrupt and spineless. One half steals an election, the other half won’t stand up, to them, and the people react. This is what happened. Whoever did what, THAT is what lead to today.

      • Geldorf – once again, you need to put the crack pipe down & stop with the juvenile comments. You sound like a fool!

        • Like I am supposed to take a comment posted by a person named “Fishing for Food” seriously?
          What person with their marbles intact would take a comment from a commentator using a label like that seriously. Use your name. Man up or move out of the public sphere and keep playing video games in your parents basement or wherever you hang out.

          • Your response is too far out to ignore. Some of us fish for food, some of us hunt for food, some of us farm for food. Spoiler alert: food comes from the ground (and sea), not from the store, and electricity does not come from wires. Human life only exists because of six inches of topsoil, sunshine and rain and the FFA is the most important kids organization out there. A society can only continue to exist so long as its citizens produce SOMETHING!. So long as people are paid to just exist and vote for the plantation party while producing nothing, our nation will continue the downward spiral to oblivion. In China the motto is 996-work 9 to 9, 6 days a week. In America it is vote democrat and get free stuff. Which will dominate in another generation. ‘Fishing for Food’ will still eat. You will not.

  14. After examining countless videos, statements and actions, I have come to the conclusion that the entire “break in” at the capitol was staged. I have watched videos of capitol police escorting “conservative activists” (blm/antifa) into the capitol chambers of both houses. The “breach” of the capitol was staged by leftist goons and capitol police, with support and blame entirely pointed at conservative Trump/America supporters being accused of illegal actions. One thing has been exposed for Alaskans. Murkowski and Sullivan are not what they claim to be. Both opposed president Trump in his effort to save America. Neither Sullivan or Murkowski deserve the sweat of an Alaskan’s brow. Both are leftists in doctrine and action. Words and promises mean nothing to them but more false promises and propaganda. America is being assaulted by big tech, msm and false “representatives” of the citizens. Sullivan had me fooled with his phony Americanism. Murkowski was never in doubt as a traitor.
    The fact remains that, if conservatives do not take action now, there will be no other chance, short of civil war.

    • More mindless conspiracy from Ben Colder.
      Ben: Nominate the folks you believe were actors for a collective Oscar.

      • I’ve seen some or all of a lot of Trump rallies. I’ve never seen Trump supporters wearing black head to toe or wearing facemasks, or wearing helmets, or carrying heavily laden backpacks of the sort ANTFA uses to carry their bricks, frozen water bottles, fire extinguishers and bags of feces or urine. The whole vanguard of that group that someone at least dressed like a Capitol Policemen opened the barricade for were ANTIFA. It was a gaslighting operation and unfortunately some Trump supporters were dumb enough to get sucked into it.

      • You need to go back to ADN with your comments. You do not have any first hand knowledge of these events as some are stating. You are just voice from a leftist opinion witch does not matter because we know you watch CNN and take direction from Piglosi.

        • Don’t watch CNN or MSNBC. Regular and faithful reader of National Review, Seapower and Proceedings, among other publications. I’m a long time registered Republican and have done plenty to advocate for consolidation and cuts to government spending.
          Are you capable of analyzing your way into a solution? It appears you are basically set up to engage in name calling without regard to reality.

  15. I want my Representatives to do the right thing and object to this blatant stealing of the election. If they can not then resign and stay in the lower 48 you’re not welcomed here anymore.

  16. What horrifies me is the vision of Military Police pulling President Trump out of the White House by his feet, bound and gagged, the back of his head bumping on each of the marble steps.

    • Exactly, and the Capital Police let them in. This was a gaslighting operation and the idiots who call themselves reporters, even “conservative” ones like Newsmax and OANN, bought it hook, line, and sinker.

        • Is your opinion based on any objective fact or facts? Or is it just your opinion based on some sentiment that is wandering around your brain pan disconnected form reality. There are lots of people around who listen to the little voices, believe in the wee people, etc., etc., etc. Go for it!

    • A few years ago – ok, maybe more than a few – I worked on Capitol Hill and developed a reasonable understanding of the security.. I have been back many times since my work; the security measures are extensive and have been massively expanded since 9/11. The Capitol Hill police force is quite large and very experienced at securing not just the Capitol building but also the surrounding area. In this instance, it appears like the police were not prepared and not present while things degenerated and armed and violent people entering the Capitol. That is very strange and inconsistent with my knowledge and experience. I just watched Dana Perino, whose experience in DC exceeds mine, make the same observation in a TV discussion. I suspect that there is much more to this wrinkle than the “mainstream” media is putting out.

    • AGIMARC: Ahhhhh, those were D.J. Trumps peeps smashing in the doors and windows of the nation’s capitol. Try and keep your think somewhere in the fairway.

      • Joe, I’ve watched some or all of a lot of Trump rallies, and I’ve never seen anyone in the crowd in head to toe black, with maybe some Trump regalia for show, the ubiquitous backpack for weapons, and a helmet; those are the signature of ANTIFA. The first ranks of the crowd were almost all black-clad ANTIFA sorts, but unfortunately their were also some obvious Trump supporters among them; the Left doesn’t have a complete monopoly on stupid.

        • Arthur: Well, you and I agree there is a lot of stupid going on out there. The critical question is what underpins many of the supporters of D.J. Trump, which ones are legitimate (a bunch of the grievances are valid), and what, if anything, will our elected officials do about the underlying issues that demand attention. Trump failed, in many regards to address the root problems and it is not obvious the new crew will do much better.

  17. What I want to know is why weren’t these insurrectionist learned up on the meaning of Black Rifles Matter,by the thousands of Nat Guard troops already billeted in the city.
    Kudos to the surrounded Capital Police,holding there ground.
    Its obvious Trump supporters dont believe in the US Constitution.The best thing that will come out of this is there will be no 2024 repeat.
    Big business CEO’s are openly pushing for an invocation of the 25th amendment

  18. What gets me is Murkowski will just bend over the corral and be a sheep as ususal SHE IS WORTHLESS

  19. Thank you Suzzane for your objective reporting. Some commentor’s need to quit listening to main stream media propaganda, PHOA (Pull Head Out)!! The MSM directs the narrative and tell you what they want you to hear!! Hitler would be proud. Today’s problems at the capitol were initiated by BLM/ANTIFA. Where was all this outrage when BLM/ANTIFA has been destroying both private and public property for the last several months? All three of our representatives have failed the oath they took to protect our constitution from enemies foreign and domestic by not investigating the credible claims of both federal and state election fraud. The freedoms we currently enjoy are in jeopardy!!

  20. This was a bad deal. We don’t know who exactly was involved but there were sure a lot of people in and around the capitol. Many just like you or I. But it strikes me as odd that, as bad as this event became, the condemnation from all sides was unified against the incident. Yet, we did not hear this uniform condemnation while the riots were occurring just a few months ago. Police stations were burned & looted & the federal building in Portland was under siege. People were injured & killed. Statues were toppled without any police response. Businesses were burnt to the ground. Police were injured. But somehow these things were painted as somehow justified as a response to inequality or social injustice. I’m not condoning storming the capitol, but I’m saying this stuff is cumulative and builds up especially when people see many of the acts are ignored. A spark happens, people loose faith in elections on top of everything else and you get fire. It should not be surprising.

  21. “perhaps far-right protesters and possible infiltrators”? What indications are there other than a conspiritorial nugget in your brain to support such a suggestion? Is there any evidence that this was done by anyone other than Trump supporters? How Trumpian of you to make a baseless and dangerous claim.

    • Except for the pictures, facial recognition matching other leftist rioters, tattoos of a Stalinist organization on a protestor in the Capitol waving a Trump flag, hornhead man in Philly BLM rally and in the Capitol. Just little suspicious nuggets like that. Teaching my kids the story of Sulla tonight: We must destroy the Republic to save it.

      • This is great, but the horn head is an active Q-anon that showed up at the Philly BLM rally with a big Q send me sign (so siding on the Trump supporter side). The tattoos of a Stalinist organization is nothing else that the dishonored symbol of a known video game that is has been recycled by far right organization.
        A very big suspicious not-nugget is that there was almost no-black, no woman present in those riot, which is a pretty good indicator of white-male supremacist movement.

      • Hi AK- the “hornhead” is actually deep into Q-anon and is well known in that extremist movement. I hope you will take a breath and rethink your last line.

        • Jake Angeli claims many things. He participates in BLM rallies and Trump rallies, where he tries to incite violence. Is he mentally ill or a plant? I refer you to Yuri Bezemov and the definition of ‘useful idiots’.

      • JOSEPHDJ: Don’t hold back. Tell the truth. These were all operatives from the DNC. Come on. Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It will set you free. Free, I tell you. Free at last.

  22. I didn’t see any Nike stores being looted, did not see any Walgreens set ablaze all I saw was “We the People” deciding that enough is enough and we are taking over and sending you home. The members of Congress need to be uncomfortable every time they show up for work. The Second Amendment ensures that if we don’t like what you are doing we will move you out and start over.

  23. It used to be America against the communists of the world. Now it seems that it is if you believe in God, freedom and The Constitution as written, that even our very Government has adopted the communist manifesto and especially the CCP mentality.
    I am still waiting for President Trump to activate his executive order of 2018. It is 1776 the second revolution that must begin.

  24. Sullivan, Murkowski & Young just proved how utterly useless they are. This protest was about corruption at the highest levels involving our elections & these fools were silent. Now they say something because they feared for their safety? Idiots! The rampant corruption is still there & more people are seeing it every day. Which side are you on Dan, Don & Lisa?

  25. What an indictment on the intelligence levels of so many Americans, being fooled into believing conspiracy theories and outright lies that they were able to programmed to believe this was an actual avenue to change an election result.

    The good news is that history is written by the winners, so it will get to be put on full display how incredibly and easily influenced so many dimwitted Americans are.

    You are still going on about corruption, even after it has been seen by 50+ court rooms, all thrown out for having zero evidence to accompany the accusations. Trump appointed judges, conservative aligned judges presided over many of these cases, along with conservative controlled legislatures certifying electoral results, which could have easily raised an alarm bell before transmitting their elector’s votes.

    And, yet the response is to ignore the facts, and move onto the next tactic to try and justify your false flag operation.

    • Did you see the evidence personally? You jump to conclusions watching to much CNN. Why are the left so against letting the people decide after the evidence is produced for all to see not just elected officials who ca not be trusted.

      • Mark, saw the evidence personally, watched the interviews personally after the fact, the dummies couldn’t help themselves except to be interviewed about their actions getting into the capitol.

        You saw I jump to conclusions after watching CNN, nevermind that I don’t watch that garbage

        I saw you spend too much time looking for alternative theories on breitbart and ignore the blatantly obviously truth.

        The good news is that truth prevails, even in the eyes of those unwilling or lacking the capacity to see it.

  26. And now,finally after 4 embarrassing years,cabinet members bailing by the handfulls,they finally cant stand the endless psychotic episodes .
    Can you say Implosion?
    Welcome to The Banana Republic

  27. You people are bonkers. The rioters who stormed the Capitol committed treason and should be punished accordingly. The woman who was shot got exactly what they all deserved. Your little tin-foil hat club was left to your own fantasy world, but it just got real, and it’s enough. Any of you who claim to be intelligent adult Americans, try using your ostensible critical thinking ability to ascertain actual facts. For those of you who cling to conspiracy theories like biblical verses, I sincerely hope that you don’t get the Covid vaccine (since it will only allow Bill Gates and Hillary Clinton to alter your DNA and track your movements and convert you into socialist sheep), continue not wearing masks, and breathe in each other’s faces so that you finally, mercifully, begin thinning out the herd of idiots that is dragging our country back into the 18th century.

    • How ironic, your name identifier is older then the 18th Century and our Founding Documents came from that same Century. What are you a patriot of? You act like your post put, as one is holier then everyone else, while yet you do not believe in anything but your own godlike manic self centered ego.
      No I will not be getting the covidiot 1984 plandemic vaccine or wear a mask. At least I will not be dropping dead from a vaccine that is bogus.
      I am just waiting for President Trump to issue the insurrection act. 1776 the second revolution.

    • …….and during the entire ordeal, Lisa Murkowski was shivering in her heels wondering if Trump himself would pull off his mask and come looking for her in the Capitol panic room.

    • Wow! You really don’t get that you are part of the problem.
      You have determined that only your “truth” matters. How is that different from what you are accusing the readers of MRAK of?
      You speak of actual facts. Where you there? Did you actually ascertain facts? Or did you get your facts from places like Facebook? The facts, as they are, are not yet all in evidence.
      Treason is a very high bar to meet, yet in your world apparently no trial needed. You just wish death on your fellow citizens because they disagree with you.
      Just to be clear, I do not condone the actions of those, who breached the Capitol anymore than I condone the actions of those, who killed a Federal security guard in Oakland or vandalized the courthouse in Portland.
      To you “A Patriot” I say: “Live long and Prosper”

    • Actually, statistically according to research greater than 50% of progressives take at least one psychopharmaceutical. In the 60s these people dropped acid to escape reality; today they take Prozac to deal with it. Now who is crazy?

  28. Am I the only person wondering how President Trump must be feeling today, knowing what he knows of these people, and more importantly, what they have done, and how Biden is in league with them?
    If I were he, I would be releasing (pardoning) the actual Kraken, the one named ASSANGE. I’d hire his services and drop the biggest dime on the swamp the world has ever seen. Raze them all to the ground Mister President, republicans and democrats alike.

  29. Wow Suzanne! You are getting powerful to terrify and trigger so many mindless trolls! But sadly our nation faces a crisis as deep, if not deeper than 1861. In 1860 the democrats initiated actions leading to a terrible Civil War. In 1964 they more subtly sought revenge for their defeat of the century before, and today they think that their goal for complete domination may be achieved. Difficult times face us and I fear for our nation. I also wrote Senator Manchin to become the king maker and demand return to Senate rules requiring consensus of the supermajority, previously eliminated by sleazy Schumer and sleazy McConnell. As one of the few ‘moderates’, Manchin needs our support.

  30. This “invasion” looked no different than what we’ve seen in Portland and Seattle. Watch their moves, tactics, how they fight with police. These are seasoned anarchists who had this planned. I also like what appear to be bright, brand new MAGA hats purchased just for this event. 52 arrests have been made, let’s see who they are. If they are Antifa, BLM, Anarchists, the press won’t divulge it.

    • Yes, when I watched it, the first thing I noticed was what I am now calling the “Antifa Dance”. There is something about how they leap around and kick out and run around that is identical to their other riots. Their whole body language is a certain behavior.

  31. A patriot. Your comments ” Saved the best for last.” No more deflection from the delusional. 4 years of lies. Finally, as stated by the many elders who know best. If a man lies and lies and lies, pretty soon they become the lie……………..

  32. A lot of the blame should go to congress as they spent 4 years and millions of dollars for Russian interference in the last election and now the can’t find the time or money. I have not seen any commission look at the evidence show it to the people and let the truth out however it is. To many accusations to just say it did not happen. Instead of the judges and lawyers telling us what they want us to hear we should get to make are own conclusions. Watch the movie on Snowden and see that a low level person can change your life with the push of a key stroke. Don’t trust government trust what you see. Why do these people spend millions to get elected and then put up with the job for a small salary? Follow the money were taxpayers are getting fleeced and smile about it

  33. What’s the difference between a patriot who is protesting against the government and a radical who is rioting? The patriot is a white guy wearing a MAGA hat, carrying an American or Trump flag, and armed. The rioter is a black guy. When the rioters are arrested and sent to prison, the patriots can holster their guns and celebrate the fact that President Trump is still winning beautifully and powerfully.

  34. Articles like this are part of the problem. There’s very little in this report that specifies any sort of fact. There are quotes from representatives, but aside from that, we get a general summarization without any citation or explanation as to where this information is coming from.

    If you read the language, it is by design, not specific and highly suggestive of the personal perspective of the author.

    “A ‘mostly peaceful protest'” and “where perhaps far-right protesters and possible infiltrators stormed the building” are purposefully phrased in a way to detract from any negative portrayal of actors in line with the author’s viewpoint, and to impart blame to those that are not in alignment. This style of media and rhetoric is the exact fuel required to create situations like yesterday.

    The insurrection yesterday should have resulted in thousands of arrests and should have been met with the same force that any other domestic terrorism event in our history has been met with. There are images today of disabled protesters being forcefully removed from the Capitol building in 2017, or of protesters from riots this past summer being forced to lay down on the road while officers stand over them holding rifles. We saw none of that yesterday and it’s abhorrent that we would spend so much of the year of 2020 denying racism is alive and well, only to highlight just how distant the thought of equity is from our society on the 6th day of the new year.

    • Wow Henry
      Speaking of citation or explanations for your comment(s)?
      Is that arm chair you sit in doing the job for you as you watch your choice of primo propaganda and build upon your consistive narrative that rings of ‘Trump is an evil criminal who has lied to us for 4 years?’ and the need to present it in this venue?
      Do you feel better about yourself after venting here?
      Do you think your attitude will change anyone?
      Or do you pleasure yourself by being able to express your nasty feelings, hoping you’ve hit the soft spot on some Trump supporter?
      Now, however
      You actually are the problem, H.
      You just don’t know it,

  35. If the country is doomed, and I don’t yet believe it is, it will be due to the stunning lack of information literacy that is on full display by the most of the commenters and readers of MRAK. I will continue to come on to comment from time to time. I won’t debate. But I will suggest that most of you sound completely delusional, misinformed, and frankly, just dumb. The words many of you utter strongly suggest you’re unable to tell truth from fiction, unwilling or unable to learn the complexities of politics and history, and all too willing to subject yourselves to the authoritarian leanings of demagogic charlatans posing as leaders. Not only are you dangerously cynical for the things your write and presumably believe, you also demonstrate to the vast majority of the literate and educated public that you’re not equipped to handle the responsibilities of democratic citizenship. You are quite seriously what most of the founders feared most when they crafted the governing documents of this country. Good day.

    • Truth from fiction? Who killed Kennedy? Were you at the Capitol or do you just get your news from CNN? The Huff Post, which I read, showed hornhead on it’s banner as a ‘Trump Goon’ while the Washington Times identified him as a BLM activist. Which is it? Do you secretly know him? Are you him? Unless you have some magical Cracker Jack key to the ultimate absolute truth I suggest that you spend more time trying to decipher the news and less time insulting our fellow citizens who want to live by the Constitution and are concerned by the things that they see. There was a time when outlets reported news and people could form opinions. Today all the outlets blather opinions and we must dig deep to try to find the news. Oswald killed Kennedy, and we will likely never know who pushed Oswald to do it, but we did just find documentation that Davy Crockett and his Tennesseans surrendered and were massacred by Santa Ana.

    • One of the few things I miss about my former role with the State is the opportunity to deal with arrogant, condescending lefties like James who are deluded into believing that lefty and smart are synonyms. One of my great joys was dealing with those that liked to “speak truth to power” or some such lefty cant; it was such a shock to them when their sad sack had to shuffle out of their cubby with all their personal crap in a Xerox paper box to the delight of all their co-workers that they had looked down on.

      Particularly in Juneau there were a lot of James types and their female equivalents. The interesting thing about Juneau is the government is the only game in town that pays much more than the minimum wage unless you’re Native or have a trade or profession that you can practice privately. The skills or connections that get you $100K and a blue suit with the State won’t even get you a blue vest and $12/hr. at Walmart because the Walmart there closed a decade or more ago, and Fred Meyer is very wary of former State employees. In fact, most private businesses are very wary of pampered, entitled former State employees. There is very little year round Legislative staff in Juneau, so you’re unlikely to find a sinecure there. You might find something in the nest of lefties at UAS. There are some jobs with the City that are equivalent to State jobs but the City government is small and has little turnover. So, basically, if you get fired for being a lefty a** in State government during a Republican Administration you’re unemployed unless you can get some scraps from a Democrat legislator or until the unions can buy another Democrat Governor, and you can’t always count on even a Democrat Administration picking up an arrogant loud-mouthed lefty or letting them stay long unless they behave.

    • Wow!

      Nice to look down on others from your lofty height?
      Ole’ plank in the eye bothering you yet.
      Of course I’m just referring to the elitist air you present in your thoughts.
      Not a comment I enjoyed reading or will share.
      There is foolishness and there is ego. I personally have little time for either.


  36. This is why they have never moved the capitol from Juno. I still say the Capitol should be moved to a retired ferry and run for 2 month’s around the state.

  37. Why doesnt Suzanne delete Joe Geldof and Patriot comments? Their dead and speak like the dead killing others with their words.

    • Funny, I woke up this morning and don’t feel dead.
      I missed out how I am speaking like the dead here Jen. Enlighten me, SVP.
      And how, exactly, are Patriot and I “killing others with their words.”

  38. James—well said. It’s not even so much about people’s intelligence. It’s about laziness. Nobody wants to wander outside of their conservative echo chamber of social media to read anything that might lead them to question their ideas. As to “my truth”—guess what, snowflake? It doesn’t exist. There is just “the truth.” The sky is indeed blue. The Earth is round. And Donald J. Trump is a liar and a narcissist. These are facts, and there is really no argument against it (unless you’re a toddler who doesn’t like to hear “no”). I encourage Trump followers to go out and look for facts in places you wouldn’t normally check. Leave your social media bubble. You may be shocked to find out who is actually being misled. It is truly sad that so many American minds have been poisoned by the lies of a reality TV show star, and how many people actually believe that there is some vast antifa/BLM/liberal conspiracy plotting against them. I know it might sound mean, and you might feel wounded by these comments, but really stop and think about it. What has Trump actually done for you and yours? (Spare us the “stand up to the establishment” and “drain the swamp” rhetoric—I mean, how has he actually changed your life for the better?

  39. JAMES is correct. His input to the majority of the writers in the blog are needed. So, people pull the cotton out of ears – get educated. Being delusional and deflective and unable to filter the conspiracy theory rhetoric requires intellectual strength. Some humans are ill equipped to perform

    • Ahh there you go again doing what you love, dehumanizing and degrading and disenfranchising anyone who doesn’t go along with your hive mind.

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