Ombudsman says Black Lives Matter banner at Performing Arts Center is a problem for Muni



The Ombudsman for the Municipality of Anchorage received a complaint about the Black Lives Matter banners placed on the Alaska Center for the Performing Arts building in downtown Anchorage.

Darrel Hess, in a memo, says after looking into the matter, he sees the use of the building to showcase advocacy groups creates a public forum for the exterior of the downtown structure, and that is problematic.

“The ACPA building is a Municipal facility, although it is managed by a nonprofit. Placing the BLM banners on the building is problematic, as it potentially creates a public forum. If the Municipality allows community organizations to place non-Municipal banners, posters and other materials on or in Municipal buildings, it can create a public forum. This means that we would have to allow ‘Blue Lives Matter Banners’, ‘All Lives Matter Banners’, ‘White Lives Matter Banners’, or even Klu Klux Klan or neo-Nazi banners,” he wrote in a memo.

The Black Lives Matter banner was allowed to be hung, and municipal resources were used to hang it last month after the Alaska Black Caucus contacted the Berkowitz Administration about hanging the banners.

Chris Schutte, director of Economic Development for the city, talked over the matter with the director of the Alaska Performing Arts Center, and they approved the three banners, which were paid for by the Alaska Black Caucus.

But the Alaska Black Caucus did not pay a fee to have them placed. Normally, the shows that rent space in the building pay the facility a fee to hang banners for upcoming performances.

“Hanging the BLM banners for free makes this more problematic and sets a bad precedent,” Hess wrote.

The Municipality and Performing Arts Center committed to keeping the banners up through Oct. 2.

“Regardless of what Legal determines about hanging banners moving forward, removing the banners early might be more problematic than keeping them up through October 2nd,” Hess wrote.

“The Performing Arts Center banner policy implies that only show banners will be placed. Legal probably needs to work with the ACPA regarding their banner policy.  Non-show related banners also most likely violate the sign code if permits are not obtained,” Hess wrote.

Members of the grassroots group “Save Anchorage” are beginning an initiative to request that their banner be put on the side of the building.


  1. “Grass roots group – Save Anchorage”. The mayor has determined them to be astro-turf; and so it must be true……
    Berkowitz and all the libs on the assembly can hang this crap from their own homes/mom’s basements. Keep it off the buildings paid for by the rest of us. My property taxes pay to keep the lights on in this building, so I have a few banners I’d like to display on the PAC.

    • Problematic?? It’s a Municipal Building, There are rules & processes. The answer is “No means No”. No, I’m disappointed In The PAC staff & of course our city officials -not because of the BLM sign but because of the word NO. Others requested the same in the past & were rejected by PAC Staff & City Officials. Isn’t it considered a privilege to have advantage over others? Equality, rules, policies, & ordinances need to be followed, not “allowed” just cuz. Staff needs to be educated & supported & not cower to any group. We need Consistency & accountability of City Officials!!! Just embarrassing once again Anchorage.

      • According to a 2016 Yale protest, no means yes, yes means antifa – or something else beginning with the same letter.

    • Once again we see that “non-profits”, led by the Rasmuson Foundation and funded by our own state money, are destroying the state.
      Many of them hire from outside, and they are relying on state funding instead of grant writing like every other nonprofit in every other state. Alaska is the only state that provides nonprofits with their funding.
      Natasha Von Imhoff famously steals our PFD while claiming service to the community by distributing money to all the lesser nonprofits, when in fact she is enriching herself and the foundation through state money. She’s also violating the law in regards to the operation of a non-profit while being involved in politics.
      State of Alaska needs to get out of the nonprofit business and let them find their funding like any other non-profit does… By asking for grants from corporations and individual donors… Not taxpayers.

    • This is where we need to differentiate the difference between by using BLM for the national Marxist grp and use the words of “Black Lives Matter” for the local homegrown non-violent groups and then keep all signs referring to the Marxist Agenda out of Anchorage since many Black groups & organizations everywhere are distancing themselves from this Marxist BLM group. Many Black people are exiting or trying to disassociate themselves from this Marxist group..

      Have you noticed just how many white people are involved with the BLM Marxists group rioting and destruction…. It is no longer for the “Black People.” The Marxist and the George Soros types with their agendas have taken over and paying people for the rioting and tear down and destroy America..Many of us know this already..

  2. We need to demand a banner for alternative organizations.
    How about the NRA or MAGA or Make America Great Again or Young Americans for Freedom YAF, among others.

    • Alaska Black Caucus should be sent a bill for hanging, maintenance and taking down the banner.

  3. There should be more than an apology for this. The cost of all resources, labor and equipment needs to be reimbursed to the taxpayers.

  4. It’s a racist, Marxist, hate group, and we are putting up banners for them with tax payer dollars?

    Uh Yeah, it’s a problem.

  5. “…removing the banners early might be more problematic than keeping them up through October 2nd,” Hess wrote.”
    This is because Hess knows dam well that those associated with BLM are violent.
    He’d rather treat them like spoiled children and give them more candy when they demand it while out shopping.

  6. The Alaska Black Caucus needs to reimburse the Municipality for cost of hanging the banners & pay for their removal ASAP. The City has no business displaying racist political advertising.

    • So a blatantly racist organization is responsible for this banner? This must be the systemic racism they’re all talking about. #moredoublespeak

  7. The president’s tag line is straight from the kkk. Seems much worse than having a peaceful groups sign up in public.

    • “Mostly peaceful” is the correct tag line, I believe, JBER.
      (Cue the burning buildings in the background now).

  8. The Observatory at Mendenhall Glacier has a gay-pride sign in the windows. Letters must be about 10 feet tall.

    • Yeah but that group doesn’t threaten anybody. They do each other and leave the rest of us alone. Black lives matter burns stuff up and tears stuff down and paints George Washington’s face. See the difference?

  9. It no longer matters when/if this nasty group’s banner comes down – the damage has already been done by this mayor and his lap dog assembly. They are worse than an embarrassment- they are hard left zealots determined to divide and conquer. We are in real trouble here, folks.

  10. BLM has lost their clout Nationwide. I just saw black news commentator down here in Orlando refer to her kids as persons of color. She won’t even say the word black anymore for fear being associated with BLM. All they are and all they ever were was a black KKK. They take a good cause and turn it into something dark and ugly. That’s what hatred does.

  11. Just think if things were the other way around with some pro Trump sign or maybe All Lives Matter. This building would be in flames.

  12. The mayor and assembly will continue to act like that Anchorage treasury is their personal piggy bank until enough taxpayers get tired of it and take them to court for malfeasance.

  13. Since when did the Anchorage Assembly have the right to espouse manifesto’s with public funds?
    Given the performance of the Assembly they must be removed, starting with Berkowitz.

  14. Can we expand the Zalatel / Dunbar recall to include Berkowitz too?!

    We the people want that banner down. Do it now.

    • Thanks for taking my name, in vain (sarcasm). I would never post a comment like that. All lives matter – and “BLM” is a Marxist group which has NOTHING to do with ‘black lives’. They just attached themselves to the bandwagon of the SJWs / millennials. They shouldn’t have the right to post signs like that on public, taxpayer-funded buildings. Unless you want the KKK to have the same “right.” Do you want that ?

      (sd ~ this problem has come up, before. Someone posting “as me”, who is NOT me. What can be done about this?)

      • lmfao, do you actually think you are the only person named emily? i don’t read this blog enough to know the “regular” commenters, but i left a comment and in the name box i wrote my name… which is emily. ?

    • I ❤ The BLM sign . If the/ put up maga we’d have a problem . It would be torn down in one day or less. until black lives matter all lives will not matter

      • MI. As a statement ONLY, “Black Lives Matter” is valid. When it refers to a specific group, which advocates death and destruction and with Marxist idealogies then the PAC is an inappropriate venue.

  15. You could actually use this item as a Recall Petition item against the Mayor plus other Elected Officials who were involved in the process. This can also be used as a Termination Offense by any Public Employee who is associated with the permission given for this to happen. The “Freedom Of Information Act” can be used to get all documents, memo’s, etc. to begin the investigation needed to rectify such a travesty of Public Integrity.

  16. “Chris Schutte, director of Economic Development for the city, talked over the matter with the director of the Alaska Performing Arts Center, and they approved the three banners,”

    This explanation is really weak.The directors of the ED and the PAC don’t know the rules and regulations of the muni? Oh, and they just forgot to charge the group for putting it up? Baloney!

    • Contact Satan directly, I understand you will need to supply a virgin as a deposit. Good luck finding one in Alaska.

  17. I think I have to agree with The Ombudsman with two exceptions. The Black Caucus should be asked for the normal Fee. If they refuse or agree it should be publicized then dropped.

    “But the Alaska Black Caucus did not pay a fee to have them placed. Normally, the shows that rent space in the building pay the facility a fee to hang banners for upcoming performances.”

    And then this should never happen again, for any political organization. The rules should be updated before any other banner is ever again posted. Including for performances. I can only imagine what would happen if the next “performance” was “BLM the rallying cry” or “A brief history of the KKK”

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