Three clubs in three days. The Kenai Peninsula Republican Women have passed a resolution similar to one passed by the Republican Women of Fairbanks and the Valley Republican Women of Alaska, giving their full endorsement to both Donald Trump for president and Nick Begich for Congress. The group held a fundraiser for Nick Begich in the fall, and their support hasn’t wavered.
The resolutions from the women’s clubs are a direct response to the endorsement made by Trump for Nancy Dahlstrom, who filled to run for Congress in November, a half a year after Begich was already in the race. Both are Republicans.
The Kenai resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, the trust and confidence of the citizens in their elected representatives are paramount to a functioning and healthy republic; and
WHEREAS, every congressional candidate has a duty to maintain the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all pursuits; and
WHEREAS, responsiveness, accessibility and concerns of the citizens are actively engaged and heeded through representation of their voices at the grass roots level ensuring actions reflect the values and best interest of the constituents they serve; and
WHEREAS, Kenai Peninsula Republican Women (KPRW) completely recognizes and supports President Donald J. Trump for the 2024 Presidential election. We are a party rooted in grassroots activism, deriving support from the dedicated Republican base, the very heart of our party, and
WHEREAS, considering the party’s commitment to unity as a cornerstone of our success, we strongly believe in leading by example, for the benefit of our members.
WHEREAS, candidate Nick Begich has passionately campaigned, reaching out to all areas and demographics of Alaskan voters since July 2023, lead by prayer and support by many grassroots republicans exhibiting and placing America First Values and Make America Great Again solutions for Alaska’s future; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: In pursuit of respect and dignity, Nick Begich has run a positive, solutions-oriented campaign focused on the future of our State, advancing a cohesive and thriving Alaska.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: Kenai Peninsula Republican Women, established in 2001, stands with Nick Begich for Alaska in his bid for U.S. Congress. We wholeheartedly endorse and support Nick, while praying for our nation’s unity, which we advocate. Nick Begich is the ideal choice for Alaska at this critical juncture.
Will Nancy do the honorable thing?
That is a good question Michael. In this case, honor is defined as putting the needs of our state before our career ambitions. Nick Begich did the honorable thing by committing to retire from the competition if he gets less votes than Dahlstrom in the primary. We should expect and demand the same committment from Dahlstrom. This matter is not even about Nick or Nancy; rather it is about all of us rallying behind the strongest vote-getter to bring rational conservative representation to congress.
Michael, do you know Nancy Dahlstrom? Quick to offer assistance, and then she fails to ever follow through. Something is wrong with this woman. Unprofessional and a blowhard. Quickly becoming an ugly obtrusion for what would otherwise be NB3’s election to lose. Dahlstrom is going to end up as a spoiler and hated by Alaska Republicans and Conservatives.
She has the nickname Do-Nothing Nancy. She has zero to offer except her liaison with Mike Dunleavy. Since she won’t even promise to drop if she comes in third in August, we can all send Mike Dunleavy a big ol thank you for getting Peltola reelected. So is that your plan all along, Mike?
Nope she’s got to big an EGO
And not “do a Sarah”? well, I guess six months is better than 30 minutes.
The honor diminishes the longer she waits.
Nancy won’t even promise to get out if she comes in third. She has no honor.
Write letters to the Donald Trump national campaign and tell him to DUMP his endorsement of Nancy Dahlstrom. Enough letters sent will wake him up. Dahlstrom is a clear and present danger for Alaska conservatives.
Mine is in the mailbox. Thanks, Marla. Let’s light this firecracker!
Mine is too.
She better
All these Begich sycophants / lovers are the same people who voted for Lisa – EVERY election – but now are some kind of hard core conservatives.
We have Peltola because of Begich – he lost to Sarah, not once, but twice – AND came in 3rd place, not once, but twice – and now we have Begich worshippers on this forum and others saying they aren’t going to rank the Red.
That’s what happened last time.
Begich went to Mar a Lago to visit with Trump and Trump saw right through his RINO BS.
No, dude, these Begich voters are the ones who voted for Tshibaka in 2022. You can support someone vigorously and not be a sycophant. Just like I support Trump and Begich and … less and less Dunleavy. The numbers clearly show that it was the Democrats who pulled Murkowski to victory in 2022, just like RCV was designed to do by Scott Kendall, her sidekick. Republicans, by a vast majority, voted for Kelly Tshibaka. Murkowski never would have won a Republican primary, so they just took it away from the Republicans.
For years you’ve whined and moaned. You must have a sad life.trumps pics cost the nation the Senate in 2020 and again in 2022 and cost Alaska our house seat. Blame him – not Begich. Trump needs to stay out of Alaska politics
M.John, please ask yourself: why does RCV work so well for Dems but not Republicans?
DoneWithit, based on your rhetoric, I assume you believe the loyal supporters of Peltola are not “sycophants?”
Dunleavy went to Trump and begged him to endorse Dahlstrom. That was how it was played. Trump has no real clue how bad Dahlstrom is. Or, how good Begich is. It’s all on Dunleavy, trying to stack the deck towards his next goal……..Trump Cabinet position. Secretary of…….(fill in the blank). Dunleavy is close to being a lame duck and wants his legacy to be intact when he moves away from Alaska towards bigger things. The only problem he has is that Dahlstrom is not electable.
I’d vote for Begich, I’d vote for Dahlstrom. This is why Mary won last time, because she was the only democrat on the ballot. This is why we need a primary. It’s also why we need to get rid of RCV.
Impressed. Trump should have gotten better intel on the ground. People are with Nick.
Dunleavy is working to get Peltola elected. As the days go by, that looks more and more like it was his plan all along.
You got it right Ladies!
Regardless of what Trump or anyone else thinks or says…vote with your heart!
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