Notes from the trail: Why didn’t Palin cheer for Mayor Dave Bronson during the Trump Save America rally?


July 17 is the deadline for registering to vote for the Aug. 16 primary. Register or change your address on your registration at this link. If you want to vote an absentee ballot, you’ll need to request one at this link. The target date for the first mailing of absentee by-mail ballots to civilian voters is July 22. In-person, special needs, and electronic transmission voting begins Aug. 1.

Save America notes: The Save America rally on Saturday was about 100% Donald Trump support, 100% Kelly Tshibaka support, and a still strong, but not unanimous support for Sarah Palin, although she received a warm welcome.

Outtakes from the event showed that some of the greatest applause of the evening came when Trump introduced Mayor Dave Bronson of Anchorage, and the crowd jumped to their feet to applaud and cheer Bronson, while Palin sat and did not cheer, nor clap for the Anchorage mayor who is the conservative standard-bearer for Alaska’s largest city. She looked around as if she was wondering what the cheering was for. Bronson has not endorsed her or her opponent Nick Begich. Even Mike Lindell was applauding wildly for Bronson. Roll the tape:

Endorsements: UA Local 367 Plumbers & Steamfitters endorsed Bill Walker for governor. Santa Claus, the radical Santa who has the legal name of the real Santa, has endorsed Bill Walker for governor. Planned Parenthood has endorsed Les Gara for governor.

Al Gross funds: The group Northern Leadership PAC, supporting Al Gross for Congress, has asked the Federal Elections Commission if it may donate the remaining portion of its funds to the Al Gross for Congress campaign so that Gross may pay off bills, wind down his campaign, and save the funds for future political endeavors. The letter explaining the request is here. The public comment period ended Sunday.

It appears the group has about $200,000 left of the over $400,000 it had raised, almost entirely from East Coast donors. Gross withdrew from the race quite suddenly, even though he placed third and was on his way to becoming a formidable candidate for the special general election for the vacant congressional seat. Northern Leadership PAC was Gross’ largest donor before he prematurely pulled out in June, contributing $15,000.

Palin funds: To date, the political action committee run by Rep. Elise Stefanik has been the largest contributor to Sarah Palin’s campaign, donating $10,000 by the May 22 reporting period.

Deadline: The quarterly reports for the Federal Elections Commission are due July 15. This applies to candidates in the federal races only.

Events: Charlie Pierce and Edie Grunwald are featured speakers at the Greater Anchorage Chapter of AMAC, the conservative group of mainly retirees. The meeting is at 7 pm, today — July 12 — on the Wellspring Campus, 2511 Sentry Drive, Anchorage. Use the silver doors in the lower level parking lot. Pierce and Grunwald are candidates for governor/lieutenant governor.

More events:

Mat-Su Special Election: The Matanuska-Susitna Borough has a special election today, with polls now open until 8 p.m. There are four ballot propositions.

The first proposition is to approve the reapportionment plan for Assembly seats. The second and third propositions create lifetime limits on Assembly seats and the mayor’s seat. The fourth involves increasing the property tax exemption for veterans, seniors, and disabled. All the information is at this link.


  1. People need to realize what a non or wasted vote will do for their lives going forward. If people don’t get involved then they will need to live like we are now with the worst yet to come. Be carful who and how you vote. Understand what 2 nd place means with this election bs.

  2. Palin has ben absent from politics for 10 years. She didn’t know about Ranked Choice voting and she thought that the Republican Party—even though 1/2 the party are new members–are still “good ol’ boys.” I bet she didn’t even know who Mayor Bronson is!

    • Palin’s strategy is obvious with this display of disrespect – she wants to bleed off the moderate Republicans and garner enough demrat votes to beat Nick – she will not respect ANY conservative. Why anger the Anchorage left? How she got Trump’s support can only be by special favor? The Donald made a mistake with this one.

  3. What’s amazing, too, is that Palin’s boyfriend stood and applauded while Sarah was glued to her chair-looking around. Is Palin in the dark about local politics? Or is she simply not interested-which reflects poorly on her supporters. BTW, Palin did not seem to attend any 4th of July public events…?

    • Hi Ken, thank you for that question. It is not shameful or humiliating for her to be associated with Berkowitz unless you somehow find it to be shameful and humiliating for her and Ethan to be close, and for him to be her adviser on ethics. Your call. -sd

        • If you had met them and got to know them, you would understand easily that Nick Begich is a far better candidate. Something happened to Sarah after she quit as governor.

        • Ken, do you really think Sarah has the tools in her purse to be an effective Representative? What about the work involved in being an effective Representative? ? . Is she capable of taking on that commitment?
          To date many have noticed that Sarah appears woefully underinformed on a host of subjects.
          That bother you at all?

          But then if one is infatuated with the idea of Sarah I suppose any critical thought isn’t important anyway.

        • She humiliates herself Ken, she doesn’t need anyone’s help for that.
          Biggest phony since AOC …. but go ahead & vote for her

          Do the Evangelical bots that worship her actually think she is not a divorced woman sleeping w/ her wealthy NHL boyfriend?

      • Wasn’t your candidate Begich associated with Berkowitz AGAINST Dembowski – by voting for him?
        Luv your site overall – but your bias, with Palin, is kinda obvious.
        Nit that there’s anything wrong with that…

        • I admire a guy who says he made a mistake in voting for Berkowitz. As I recall, Berkowitz won with 60% of the vote in 2015, so apparently there were a whole lot of Republicans who voted for him who will never admit it now. – sd

    • Lighten up, Francis. Queen Sarah does just fine making an a– out of herself.

      She doesn’t need the media to do it for her.

      But go ahead and vote for her. Either she will go full AOC or full Stutes. Either way she’ll get all the press you can imagine.

    • Hi Ken, thank you for that question. I was the faith-based director for the State of Florida during the hurricane recovery phase of 2007. Jeb Bush did a wonderful job for Florida helping it recover from multiple hurricanes and tornadoes, much of the recovery due to work by churches and faith-based groups who were just amazing. I appreciate your concern about Jeb’s appearance, but I’m not interested in his appearance now, nor was I then. -sd

  4. Typical Sarah. She thinks that she is so important, that to remain seated while everyone else stands for Mayor Bronson is her prerogative and a political dog whistle to her supporters. It’s all about Sarah Palin. It’s always been that way with her. Her supporters in Alaska must have heard that message hundreds of times. You supporters are hypnotized by her. Not me…….at least not anymore.

    • Why does she have to go along to get along? Maybe she has a personal reason to dislike Bronson who seems to be a good guy, but he doesn’t seem to be able to go toe to toe with the Assembly without coming out with the short end of the stick. As Trump so famously said, “I don’t like losing Generals, I like winning Generals”!

  5. Another hit piece from the closet globalist. I used to think you were one of the good ones.. Then it started to make sense that you worked for another globalist (jebby bush). I imagine you tolerate Trump. A lot of people here like him and you would not want to tip over your apple cart. The popularity of this site would crater. Thank you for showing what you have been hiding all along.

    • Really? Nothing keeps you here.

      I wish she was harder on Dunleavy, but her reporting is spot on. If you can find examples of incorrect stories, bring them.

      The fact Palin is a fraud isn’t the fault of MRA. It’s Palin’s.

    • Go back to the adn or any of the other leftist cabal sites that proliferate lies and leftist agenda. You obviously lack the tools required to comprehend Suzanne or the fact that this is her blog. She can write whatever she wants here. If you don’t like it stop reading or build your own Palin loving blog.

    • Suzanne, thank you for reminding Alaskans who Palin actually is: classic politician looking for favor. She was loved by the Democrats when she was Governor and worked with them to pass the biggest tax increase in Alaska’s history. When it was repealed, she worked with the Democrats again to get Governor Walker elected so that he could bring it back. She has a lot of folks fooled but as someone who saw tens of thousands of Alaskans left unemployed and forced to move out for new jobs in the lower 48, I won’t be one of ‘em.

  6. People tell me I’m a good guy, and I *am* kinda old, but I still somewhat resent it when Sarah P sneers and refers my long-term Republican affiliation as being part of a “good old boy’s club”.

    • Good Ol’ Boys won’t kiss up to her – the Alaska Republicans know her well enough to know who/what she is. And their leadership know each other well enough to mostly be friends – this is a problem? Seems an advantage to me. After watching Sarah’s second rate performance in a candidate forum at the Republican Convention, it is a wonder that she has any support at all – and most of her money is coming from Outside.

  7. Go ahead. Elect this fraud. You know you wanna. And then OWN IT when she screws Alaska over and over again.

  8. To me it’s another little tidbit that shows she does not align with the Republican Party. The people who support her need to wake up, Palin is not who they want her to be.

  9. I posted a similar comment on a different article but I feel it needs to be addressed again. Our side tends to snatch defeat from the hands of victory and this House election could be a similar scenario. Palin’s and Begich’s campaigns need to come together and figure out who’s going to take a knee for the sake of Alaska’s political future. I didn’t vote for Palin in Phase 1 but, considering she received almost 30% of the vote and Begich a bit over 19%, it appears that Palin would be more apt to win. If the conservatives and republicans get into a pissing match over this, the young, unknown democrat will waltzing into office. Can you image her, Murkowski and a behaved Sullivan representing us? I know that I voted for Begich because he was in the race prior to Young’s passing and his own uncle Markie disavowed him to support Constant. Good enough for me. As for Palin not clapping for Bronson, who knows what that was about and that’s the least of my worries. Once elected, she may bolt for a second appearance on The Masked Singer.

  10. McCain and Palin killed our bridge funding. She pretended to save the money but spent it anyway.

    She worked with the Democrats to pass a massive tax increase in Alaska that threw our biggest industry into a tailspin and sent thousands out of Alaska to find work.

    She used the tax money to grow government more than any other governor in Alaska history.

    She helped Walker run against her own Lieutenant Governor and worked with the Democrats to get that Democrat ticket elected to the most important office in Alaska.

    She ran out of office early for a career in entertainment.

    Not surprised the Republican Party wouldn’t give an endorsement, after which she threw a tantrum and called them good old boys.

  11. Palin you just lost my Vote. Begich all the way. Thank you Sarah for helping me make that decision. You: sitting on your azz, not clapping, showing zero respect for a good man. Bye-Bye Palin, hope you get the same respect at your non rally’s. No one should go. You are not FOR ALASKAN Politics. Not one person should stand up, clap, smile.
    Go back to your constituents, they are eating up your lies. ????

  12. MRAK Is The New Twitter that lets people debate! I don’t know what is censored, but there seems to be some honest bickering here. My guess is the conservative outlets that showcases Bronson’s journeys are ths same one who say point blank that Sarah is phony. Hence, the ignorance. She looked in the video that she was talking to him, not clapping. I guess that occurred to her first and you can’t do both. That’d be funny to watch!

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