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135,712 votes are in (only 108,981 are counted) in the special primary for the congressional seat that is vacant. That means 80% of received ballots are counted, but more are still coming in and to be counted and announced Wednesday.
Festivals and appearances: Nick Begich, a leading candidate for Congress, was a the Kenai River Festival on Sunday, and then at a fundraiser for Tuckerman Babcock for Senate in Soldotna, talking to hundreds of Alaskans on the Kenai all day Sunday after a rocking Saturday in Palmer at Colony Days Parade. He was also on the Dan Fagan, Duane Bannock Show, and Mike Porcaro Show on Monday.
Sarah Palin, the top vote-getter for Congress in the primary, showed up at the School of Government on Monday night; the conservative social group in Palmer is organized and hosted by Mat-Su Mayor Edna DeVries, and Palin’s first appearance there was not to give a speech, but just to do a Q and A. Video on Must Read Alaska here.
When asked about why she endorsed Bill Walker and Democrat Byron Mallott for governor and lieutenant governor in 2014, (Minute 22:30) Palin said a lot of people wanted him to be governor and voted for him, and she didn’t know he was going to turn out the way he turned out. Walker is pro-abortion.
Palin also defended signing the economically destructive ACES oil tax legislation that killed oil production in Alaska for years after she left office.
At Minute 30, she claimed President Obama’s righthand man said he voted in Alaska and yet he doesn’t live here.
At Minute 32, she answered the accusation that she was a big spender.
Rejection slips: Rejected ballots from the special primary election are coming in significantly higher from areas where people had also, just two years prior, voted in favor of Ballot Measure 2, which brought Alaska the nightmare elections scenario now playing out:
- House District 38 (Bethel) 17.99% ballots rejected
- House District 39 (Nome) 15.38% ballots rejected
- House District 40 (Kotzebue + Utqiagvik) 12.33% ballots rejected
- House District 37 (Bristol Bay + Aleutians) 12.19% ballots rejected
- House District 19 (Anchorage – Mountain View) 9.33% ballots rejected
The district with the least percentage of rejected ballots?
Fairbanks-Goldstream House District 4, the university area of Fairbanks, with less than 1% rejected ballots. The state average in this election for rejected ballots is a new record at 3.56%.
Signatures verified? It’s not that the signatures on the rejected ballots being tossed — the Division of Elections does not even verify signatures. Seriously. You can write in Mickey Mouse. So it’s something else:

Endorsements: John Sturgeon, outdoorsman and hunter who took his case to the U.S. Supreme Court and won — twice — endorsed Nick Begich for Congress. Patti and Art Mathias endorsed Sarah Palin for Congress.

Alaska voters chose Republicans: More than 60% of the vote for the Special Primary Election went to Republican candidates, with Democrat candidates getting less than 15% support, according to the nearly 109,000 votes that have been tabulated. The chart:

Kelly Tshibaka in Fairbanks: U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka, a Republican, was in the Golden Heart City for the military appreciation ball, where Lisa was one of the speakers, along with General “Mad Dog” Mattis.

I want to say something about Palin’s attire, but that would not be polite, because I don’t appreciate women using their sexuality inappropriately.
As for our wonderful voting system, I just throw up my hands and say WTH!
Not only our state, but Anchorage and in DC. Really disheartening.
“I don’t appreciate women using their sexuality inappropriately.”
Whether you appreciate it or not, it sells. Look at any ad on TV, ads in magazines, or on line. The onese with attractive people using their physical attributes strategically catch the most eyes, and likely sell the most products. The very fact that you felt compelled to comment on it demonstrates how well it works.
Pragmatic people use whatever assets they have to sell their product, services, talents, whatever. Palin is running for public office. Do you think she will get more attention if she wears sweatpants and oversized sweaters? No, and neither does she. There is no politician anywhere that does not work with an image consultant of some kind, even if it’s just friends saying you look good. Sarah Palin is no different.
My comment may get tossed, but Palin looked like a streetwalker, wearing high heels and strutting down he middle of the street in the Colony Days Parade. Most candidates worked the crowd, introduced themselves and shook hands. I guess she is too good for that.
I want to say something about women using WTH in their comments, but that would be impolite because I don’t think women should cuss in the comment section. Save throwing up your hands for when they break your door down.
Palin does Palmer. Or does Debbie do Dallas? Sarah is a patriot. It’s time you give her respect. “It’s a small thing to ask.”
Agree, Shawn
Pure entertainment! She’s hoping someone will comment. Quite an outfit for a church.
Completely unrelated I’m sure, Kurka was falling all over himself to impress.
She voted for Bill Walker. What else do you need to know?
Do this and regret it, Alaska.
Nick Begich III voted for Berkowitz, what else do you need to know?
Do him and regret it, Alaska.
Great photo of Sarah, but why the Red high ? heels? Is it just me or do others think those spikes are out of sync with her get up? ?
Her wardrobe is a critical element of her campaign. I mean we cannot really expect much more from her, can we?
The red spikes signal something…
Know what does not happen when you vote in person? Rejected ballots.
Know what does happen when you vote in person? Signature verification.
Claiming mail in voting is better is a crock of s….tuff. It is only better for manipulating the outcome, nothing else.
thank you wise voters of Alaska. Thank you Sara for your integrity. Thank you Suzanne for must read.
The struggle of Alaska is the multitude of low-resolution voters who are seemingly impressed by the hollow, celebrity manner of Palin rather than the thoughtful, informed and rational countenance of Begich. Its truly difficult to transform a disconnected and hypnotized electorate into an informed, thoughtful electorate.
Three things, “Jay” McDonald: 1) It’s spelled Jalapeños, 2) “Build Back Better” did not pass, so nobody is doing it, and 3) Why did you change your name from Forrest to Jay.
Multiply 135,712 votes in by the 3.56% rejected ballots average, that’s 4831 votes “rejected”, 4831 voters disenfranchised, rightly, wrongly, who knows, we sure don’t because we’re not allowed to.
Whether election officials reported accurate, verifiable numbers is anyone’s guess, nobody important’s going to check.
Throw in unverified ballot signatures, Dominion vote-tabulation gear running on proprietary software, Dominion vote-tabulation gear apparently adjustable to operators’ specifications, corrupted voter rolls, ballot harvesting, easily corruptible mail-in balloting, ranked-choice voting, “dark money” (remember Zuckerbucks?) the fact that election “observers” have no idea what they’re observing anymore, the fact that days, maybe weeks, are required to get final election results
… Alaskan voters don’t know how their election process works.
They have no factual assurance their elections are conducted fairly and honestly.
They have no way of knowing whether election results and statistics are accurate.
So, the Palin Circus seems like a welcome diversion, a happy, looney sideshow in which Alaska’s voters can pretend they matter.
Because we don’t see much in Alaska’s election process which suggests they do.
Just because you don’t get how things work, it doesn’t mean there’s a conspiracy against you. Lol
I agree. It does not mean there is a conspiracy.
However, it does make it easier to have a conspiracy, and commit fraud.
On the other hand, in-person voting requiring a valid photo ID will increase confidence in the election process. Open counting, with no unreasonable restrictions on observers, and an auditable paper trail will also help to minimize cheating and conspiracy talk. Wonder why anyone would be against ensuring fair, honest, and open elections…
What were the reasons for rejecting ballots?
Most likely the signature requirement, but could be a spoiled ballot by improper voting. – sd
ACES was very good for Alaskans. The $18 billion we saved was critical for Alaskans after SB-21 was signed by a former Conoco lobbyist-Governor.
Our Constitution says Alaskans own the oil and gas. Since Alaskans have spent billions in different corporate welfare schemes to build industry infrastructure, its reasonable for us to get a fair share of the value of our oil.
Ask any Alaskan who has lost thousands in dividend payments how SB-21 worked out for them… The average family of four has lost about $20,000.00 dollars.
NB3 has won every candidate forum and Sarah has done poorly where they have matched head-to-head. I want to question her motive for running in the first place. Why would a hollywood diva want to run for congress? And that is the impression she leaves. Why would the “grizzly momma” wear spike heels in the first place? Something isn’t right with this picture… I’m disappointed in Alaska voters that so many don’t appear to be able to see through the image.
As opposed to NB3 posing awkwardly with guns because the image is “conservative?” Talk about questionable motives. A Begich is a Begich is Begich. I’ll take rad heels over a RINO any day.
Vote Heels over Heel, you may not know this but a Palin is A Palin , oh wait, Todd Palin’s parents are endorsing Nick? Hmm, food for thought. Oh, and if young Nick is a stealth commie like his Uncle Mark, why are not the leftist voting for him? Wanna guess? Because they know he is the genuine Conservative in this race.
But go ahead and cast your lot with Alaska’s A.O.C.
Rich Thorne, well stated Sir. It’s not that many of us do not like Sarah, it’s just that we are electing someone for our lone Representative, and frankly despite her enthusiasm… well, she isn’t qualified for the job. Young Nick on the other hand represents intelligence, energy and most importantly, wisdom. I like him, reminds me of his Grandfather. A guy who got things accomplished for Alaska.
So Sarah is a master of politics. This race is for the 3rd choice of Gross and Pelota voters. She has to give them reason to mark her higher than Begich. She is giving them reasons. She voted for Walker will appeal. She is better looking in heels than Begich will appeal. Dare I say she will tout ACES as a success.
48 candidates, the winner will show who Alaskans really are. We will get what we deserve.
It grieves me that your articles about Governor Palin are petty and most often read more like the National Enquirer than an unbiased News feed. This is another news site that puts forth more opinions than facts. Even your facts are overtones with your personal angst toward Governor Palin. Some folks are of the opinion that Aces was one if the best things that happened for Alaska and losing it hurt us more than helped us. I noticed the ridiculously glowing report you gave Begich (can you say, Suzanne is Begich’s campaign director?), sure seems like it. Your dislike if Governor Palin comes through every time you write anything that has her name attached. Lame stream media right here in Alaska. I’m done with your site. No fare and balanced here.
I voted for Sarah for governor. I highly doubt that I would ever vote for her again.
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