Spotted at Alaska Family Council banquet: At the Dennis Prager soiree for Alaska Family Council on Saturday, just a few legislators were in the crowd, including Rep. Ben Carpenter, Rep. Kevin McCabe, Sen. Mia Costello, and Sen. Mike Shower. Also a couple of statewide candidates: Nick Begich for Congress in sport coat and Kelly Tshibaka for U.S. Senate in a long red gown. Sharon Jackson, running for State House for Eagle River, was present, and Mayor Dave Bronson and Assemblyman Randy Sulte were also spotted. Gov. Mike Dunleavy was sitting up front.

Charlie Pierce heads to Kodiak: Pierce, who is running for governor as a Republican, will be in Kodiak for the Crab Fest. After that, he and Vonnie will head to Wasilla for a fundraiser.

Daniel Volland, Insta-fake candidate: The 12th seat on the Anchorage Assembly is the race that is now underway, and the chatter is about Daniel Volland, the optometrist who moved to Alaska a few years ago, and then immediately began working on the committee with Assemblyman Chris Constant to carve out another Assembly seat for downtown Anchorage. He is the candidate that the Left is backing, including the leftists on the Assembly. We did an analytic dive into his Instagram account, which boasts over 73,000 followers, even though it’s kind of a “meh” account. We discovered that at least a third of his followers are fake, which typically means the account has purchased followers.
Candidates are:
- Phillips, Robin – moderate
- Hotch, Tasha – liberal
- Volland, Daniel – liberal
- Forbes, Rob – moderate
- Baker, Cliff – moderate
- Taylor, Stephanie – moderate
In case you were wondering if you’re in the downtown municipal district for the 12th seat, here’s the new map for the 12th seat election, which ends June 21 and is mail-in only for the people living in this district, which is heavily liberal.

Les Gara blames Tucker Carlson for Buffalo murders: Les Gara, running for governor as a Democrat, blamed news analyst Tucker Carlson for the shooting in Buffalo, N.Y. “The racist murders in Buffalo are heartbreaking. Leaders should be role models. @TuckerCarlson speaks the kind of hate that finds its way to people who act on it.” And then, the money line from Gara: “People with a podium have a duty to speak unity, not the kind of hate that dangerous people act on.” Gara was silent on the matter when in 2018 Carlson’s home was surrounded by a mob of leftist terrorists.

Walker still spellbound by Obama: Bill Walker, running for governor for the third time, recalled his time on Air Force One with President Obama, talking about climate change and such. And then he criticized Gov. Mike Dunleavy for not going out to JBER to meet with President Joe Biden, when Biden was on his way to Korea, stopping for fuel in Anchorage:
“And fast forward to today when Governor Dunleavy passed up the best opportunity to meet with President Biden on his trip through Alaska and fight to get the Willow project going that Alaska really needs right now to jumpstart our economy,” Walker said.
We’re not sure Dunleavy would want to meet with Biden, whose approval rating is in the low 20s in Alaska.
Polling: Lake Research Partners, in a poll sponsored by candidate Les Gara, shows Dunleavy has a +24 lead over Gara and a whopping +30 advantage over Walker:

Murkowski celebrates birthday: Sen. Lisa Murkowski turned 65 today. She shared a photo of herself as a child. What a doll! If she wins reelection this year to the U.S. Senate, Murkowski will be a spry 71 for her next campaign.
Endorsements: The Alaska chapter of the National Education Association (NEA-Alaska) announced its endorsement of Sen. Lisa Murkowski, spurning the Democrat in the race, Pat Chesbro. In making the endorsement, NEA-Alaska President Tom Klaameyer commended Murkowski’s steadfast commitment to public education in Alaska. An affiliate of the National Education Association, NEA-Alaska represents more than 11,000 public school employees, support staff and retirees statewide. In 2021, The New York Post wrote that NEA fought parents who opposed teaching Critical Race Theory. The NEA also supports the 1619 Project of the New York Times, which advances racist CRT ideology and is now widely used in schools to teach children to be racist. The NEA passed a resolution claiming it is “reasonable and appropriate” to include CRT in curriculum — and pledged to create “a team of staffers” to help teachers “fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric,” and says it supports “an already-created, in-depth study that critiques white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy … capitalism … and other forms of power and oppression,” according to the NEA website.
Tali Birch Kindred, wife of Judge Joshua Kindred and daughter of the late Sen. Chris Birch, has endorsed Gov. Bill Walker. Tali is an oil industry attorney. She applied to fill her father’s seat when he died, but was ultimately not chosen by Gov. Dunleavy, nor elected by her district. Her husband, the federal judge, is a Trump appointee.
Correction on Palin: Must Read Alaska said Sarah Palin, running for Congress, was in Savannah, Georgia for a fundraiser but it turns out she was there to campaign for David Perdue for governor of Georgia. Perdue is lagging in the polls. Donald Trump, who endorsed Perdue, has begun to distance himself as Perdue’s chances seem slim.
A clip of her comments to the crowd, as she is introduced by Perdue, who says that because there is only one seat for Alaska in Congress, it makes it a more powerful seat than the two in the Senate.

Nick Begich fundraiser: In case you missed an earlier chance to meet Nick Begich, running for Congress, Joe and Tyra Chandler are hosting a fundraiser on May 26, 5:30-7 pm in Anchorage.
Hate mail winner: Some of Sarah Palin’s fans are really intense. Here’s one that is typical:

Maybe she should move to Georgia. I Think she would fit a lot better down there than she would in Alaska!
This is a wonderful update. I imagine Gara would like to blame guns for the Buffalo shooting but he isn’t that stupid (Walker is that stupid however, and neither of them supports gun rights). Palin’s Congressional arithmetic is pretty funny; wonder what she did for the talent portion of the Miss Alaska contest? She was Miss Wasilla of course. Still, she really did trounce Biden in their one debate, and she could do so again today. So it appears that Walker and Biden are polling about the same for favorability in Alaska, and they have worked hard to attain it.
Nancy and I always believe that the NEA-Alaska is Commie Central. Those creeps stuck it to me good year after year when I was senator. So I’m going to return the favor and strongly endorse Kelly T., with a huge campaign donation coming straight out of Lisa’s pre-inheritance.
You’re still my banker-hero, Frankie. It’s why I married you.
Palin stumps in Georgia instead of campaigning in Alaska.
Does Palin believe interest from undecided independents and conservatives has topped out ?
Does internal polling suggest Palin’s name recognition alone is positive enough to advance or win the first round of this special election?
Is Palin a serious candidate or simply seeking national attention and publicity for new financial opportunities?
Why not Georgia? She knows she’s going to get whipped by NB3. Might as well stay on Trump’s payroll.
Sarah’s so serious about representing Alaska she found the time to weekend in Georgia.
If Alaska elects this huckster we deserve what comes next. You betcha.
The Devil went down to Georgia …
She was lookin’ for a poll to steal…
Bill Walker, the pedophile-enabler governor who tried to sell-out Alaska’s oil control to the Communist Chinese. Anyone who backs Bill Walker for governor is either completely stupid, supports pedophilia, believes the PFD was designed for a larger state bureaucracy…….or all three.
Scott Kendall is all three. Lock your doors, for the kiddies sake.
Isn’t Danny Volland the son of former Anchorage Superior Court Judge Volland?
His candidate statement in both the 2006 and 2012 OEP does not include any mention of children.
When they can’t attack you the merits of your solid reporting, Suzanne, they start attacking your character. Hmmm…that sounds like the unhinged Left. I enjoy your reporting. Keep up the good work!
Palin is still drunk on fame that made her so imbalanced. I agree with Ghost of Edward R. Murrow, Sarah is not a viable candidate and she doesn’t give one iota about Alaska. She’s all about fanning the flames of her dwindling fame.
Did her campaign donors pay for that trip to Georgia to campaign for someone else?
Lisa’s childhood picture isn’t going to endear her to the Alaskans she betrayed. Even the devil can dress up in a blue dress.
The NEA endorsement of Murkowski tells me what I need to know about her candidacy – no way will I vote for her.
I received Sarah Palin’s Fight for Alaska flyer the same day she was in Georgia trying to spread the Big Lie. Sarah must believe she has already made the top 4 an does not need to campaign in Alaska
Les Gara is a typical Democrat psychopathic liar.
The Buffalo shooter was a self declared Communist who hates FOX in general and Tucker in particular.
There are some really ignorant comments here concerning Palin, who by the way is the only America First Candidate on the ballot. Why do you think Palin is in Georgia? She understands what is at stake in Georgia and wants to help stump for the America First Candidate because Brian Kemp allowed an election to be stolen by making an illegal deal with Stacy Abrahams. On top of this she is placing her life on hold to run for Alaska’s congressional seat to push for America First policies and Alaska’s future. Nick Begich is the establishment GOP pick which is exactly why I wouldn’t touch him with a 10-foot pole! We have had a belly full of selfish establishment politicians in bed with labor unions and communist organizations like the NEA Teacher Unions who have sold this country out! Get a clue folks, Georgia is the big one! It is where the GOP establishment and the MAGA movement are going head to head for control over the GOP. We either have a victory for America or a victory for the criminals destroying it. You need to understand how serious this mid-term is! If you make the wrong choices and don’t fix our election system, we are doomed! Stop placing people in office that couldn’t give a damn about your families future. Don’t allow the Corporatocracy and Big Tech pick your candidate for you! Look for the underdogs that will not accept their money.
Finally, an enlightened voter in Alaska who understands the big picture! I wish there were more of you!
She somehow also managed to turn up at the NASCAR All Stars race in Texas yesterday, according to the Fox Sports race announcers.
Gara is a poor example of what not to be. I hope he goes away with his liberal buddy’s never to return to Alaska again. Take your partial PFD and shove it.
Sarah running for congress as a republican? Or is she running as a joke? It appears she doesn’t want the job, she wants the attention.
Walker was correct. If the opportunity to meet with Biden was there Dunleavy should of. Apparently MRAK thinks meeting with a president unpopular with Alaskans could be detrimental to your political career. Sadly Dunleavy is afraid to advocate in person for Alaskans. Just possibly Walker’s meeting with Obama “discussing climate change and such” might of been about the 600 million dollar commitment Obama made to bring the F 35 to Eielson
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