Notes from the trail: Mat-Su GOP women are with Nick for Congress, and March On women support Constant, Peltola


Valley endorsement: The Mat-Su Republican Women’s Club unanimously endorsed Nick Begich for Congress on Saturday. That follows endorsement from the Fairbanks Republican Women’s Club and a Kenai Republican women’s club. He’s on the way to collecting the whole set of women GOP clubs. Also on Saturday, Nick received an endorsement from Mayor William Overway of Kachemak City, a hamlet east of Homer. That makes seven Alaska mayors endorsing NB3, who was spotted at a fundraiser in Homer on Saturday, with about 45 people in attendance, after doing events in Homer all day, and this morning was spotted on a plane to Juneau for the forum on Monday at the Baronet Hotel Treadwell Room.

Palin Soldotna event a success: There was a long line of people getting their pictures taken with Sarah Palin at Ginger’s Restaurant in Soldotna. She gave a very short speech to lots of excited people who left with yard signs. It was an upbeat event.

Running on abortion platform: Al Gross, running for Congress, spent his Saturday rallying for abortion in Wasilla with about 20 people. Last week, he stood on a corner in Anchorage and rallied for abortion with a much bigger crowd. It’s his topic for this race, but he still can’t get the Democrats’ endorsement.

Chris Constant: Not to be outdone on abortion, the Anchorage Assemblyman who is running for Congress put a third-person statement on his Facebook page that was not very nuanced, expressing sentiments for pro-abortion “without exception” right up to childbirth:

Crypto endorsement: The HODL PAC endorsed Nick Begich for Congress. It’s a crypto political action committee that says it will support crypto-friendly congressional candidates who will at least consider crypto-friendly legislation.

The Irish vote: Santa Claus, running for Congress to represent Alaska, is the candidate doing more radio interviews than any other congressional candidate for Alaska. He was on the Must Read Alaska Show podcast two weeks ago and yesterday was on a radio show in Ireland — Sean Moncrieff’s “Newstalk.” It’s a nine-minute section available on Spotify.

District 35’s unique ballot: Those in Sitka have the most unique ballot of all, with Sarah Palin at the top left, and Santa Claus on the right. Our educated guess is that Santa is going to get more votes in this area of the state than Palin. At the 2016 Democrat Party caucus in Sitka, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders won by a landslide, with 77% of the caucus vote for president. Claus identifies as a Bernie independent, progressive socialist. Ballots in Alaska are alphabetized, but a different name appears in each one of the 40 House districts. Nearly all of the 48 candidates, then, will appear at the top in at least one district.

Alaska Women March On endorsement: The far-left arm (or one of them) of the Alaska Democratic Party has endorsed both Chris Constant and Mary Peltola for Congress.

Still Zooming with the Democrats: Alaska Young Democrats met via Zoom on Saturday, with guests Emil Notti and Mary Peltola, both running for Congress.

For the children: Heidi Drygas’ family is finishing a bout with Covid-19, so she has not been seen campaigning for a few days. Heidi is using her daughter to campaign for abortion, which is already (apparently) protected by the Alaska Constitution. Drygas is gubernatorial candidate Bill Walker’s running mate and she has been extremely diligent with masking. Juneau, where she lives, is experiencing an uptick in Covid cases.

Doubling down on anti-PFD: Bill Walker, who famously took half of Alaskans’ Permanent Fund dividends in 2016 and started the trend the Legislature has continued to this day, doubled down by thanking the House and industry lobbying groups for cutting the PFD again: “Thanks in particular to organizations working to rebuild Alaska that spoke up for fiscal conservatism, including the @alaskachamber, @alaskaminers, @AKAFLCIO, @AGCAlaska, @AKAlliance & @AEDCweb, and to the ADN Editorial Board for helping Alaskans recognize what’s going on here,” he said on Twitter. He is running for governor because his first term ended badly and he’s hoping for a second chance.

Making the rounds: Tuckerman Babcock, running for state Senate for the Kenai Peninsula, was invited to give presentation to Soldotna Senior Center on Thursday on the topic of ranked choice voting. He was also an invited guest at a community welcome dinner at Princess Lodge in Cooper Landing.

Read: Notes from the campaign trail II: Palin a no-show in Bethel

Notes from the campaign trail II: Palin a no show in Bethel

Read: Notes from the campaign trail 1: Ballots coming in

Notes from the campaign trail: 5,000 ballots are in already


  1. A woman’s body is not her own when there is a baby in the uterus. She must wait for everything until the baby is born and weened to get her body back. The group should be teaching morality. Pro choice parents take too long having babies. Most
    parents today begin at age 30-50 and its really
    too old-you practically a grandma having to keep up with a little one. Hahaha. The best time getting married, having babies is 17-28 with the youngest born around your old age of 35 and you becoming grandparent age 49 by the oldest. Sarah and todd they did this right getting married young and having baby young. It kept them from floundering around as a young adult without focus.

    • 110% correct.
      MAGA RINO.
      Ironic as a heck.
      All those that were/are sick of Young and Murkowski are going to vote for a candidate from, literally, the most liberal political family I’m Alaska – oh, and forget about the tinfoil hat wearing member of that family.
      Let me guess – he won’t be strong on border defense and illegal immigration, he’s a free trader, squishy on abortion, probs support our involvement in Ukraine / WW3 – you can’t make this stuff up.
      People – THINK – we’ve seen how the Bushes, McCain, Romney, Graham campaigned versus how they governed.

  2. Wow whats in the valley kool aid? ladies union stuck on nick boooo, stuck on stupid. Remember us as we roll by you ladies, team Sara all the way accomplishments. Not just a name and a family with no accomplishments list your accomplishments for the citizens nick Sara has Alaskans Sara all the way.

    • Amen brother! Sarah is the only America First candidate in the race. Nick is the establishments candidate and will sell out Alaska like Murkowski. Wake up Republicans, you are selling us out for promises of support from another Benedict Arnold. What are you doing? Are you for turning this country around or do you want more of the same lack of leadership to stuff a few bucks in your pocket. Where are the Republicans for integrity and honor that will protect our Constitution and limit government? America has had it with liars and deceivers in the GOP. Speaking of liars and deceivers, Dan Sullivan just voted for the 40 billion dollar money give away to the Nazis in Ukraine. This tells you he is part of the Republican Establishment money laundering club. He care more about protecting the Deep State financial system in Ukraine then our southern border. After we get the other traitor, Murkowski, out of office, Dan should be next.

    • More than 70% of the vote in the Mat Su valley went to Donald trump. If anything it’s much more conservative than what people think.

      • Also had one of the lowest vax death shot rates in the kountry.
        Don’t understand the support for a guy from the most liberal political families in Alaska – NB3.

  3. Alaska Women March On … Insanity.
    The radical extremist, contemporary so-called “left” is literally and definitionally nothing but authoritarian and fascist. They are, in a word, evil, as is anyone who supports their socially and economically destructive and suicidal policies.

  4. Agreed. The valley is rock solid conservative. They know what they’re talking about. Too bad I’m stuck with Constant as my “representative.”

  5. HAS everyone forgotten Joe Biden’s promise when he was first installed ? He promised abortion for all, meaning the whole world can have one in his new USA, right up until the time of birth. Which side are you on, boys? Which side are you on ?

  6. The scriptures advise we should “should marry when the bloom of youth has passed”. I just wanted to clear that up. I suppose by age 45 the “bloom of youth has passed”. But people take romance and ethics advice from Zane Grey novels, movies and television script scriptures these days. Voila. Continue, eh?

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