Notes from the trail: International news outlets salivating over Sarah Palin’s celebrity, campaign


The national and international media has been busy writing about Alaska politics, and mostly about Sarah Palin, Alaska’s former governor and would-be congresswoman. The New Yorker Magazine has a story coming out on Monday that runs 13,000 words, much of them about Palin’s celebrity run. Clearly Palin still sells newspapers, and reporters have been sent from around the globe to cover her race against Nick Begich III, the Republican Party candidate, and Mary Peltola, the Democrat.

Here are some of the stories from the past few days:

The Guardian: a British newspaper, was in Alaska reporting on the congressional race.

“Alaska election tests weight of Sarah Palin’s celebrity – and Trump’s sway,” the reporter writes at this link.

“More than a decade ago, she ascended to international fame as a vice-presidential candidate in the 2008 election, with her self-described ‘rightwinging, bitter-clinging’ persona. Since then, she has starred in several reality TV specials and in The Masked Singer, dressed as a fuzzy pink bear,” the writer said.

“But on Tuesday she is seeking elected office again, running for an open congressional seat with dozens of candidates. Voters across the 49th state will have to rank her against the tech millionaire Nick Begich III, a Republican, and the former state legislator Mary Peltola, a Democrat. The world’s best-known Alaskan politician faces an uncertain political future.

“’Palin gets people excited … She’s charismatic,’ said Zelda Marie Gober, 67. ‘Do I want her in my politics? Not really.’

“The election will not only test the weight of Palin’s celebrity, but also that of Donald Trump – in a remote state that fiercely values independent thought.”

The Telegraph, another British news outlet that sent in a parachute journalist, wrote:

“The 58-year-old has revived her famed slogan “Drill, Baby, Drill”, along with her populist appeal, as she champions energy independence with a late bid to represent her native Alaska in Congress.

“But in her hometown of Wasilla, where locals still simply refer to her as “Sarah”, many have soured on Ms Palin’s political ambitions.

“De Koranda, 62, said she was an early backer of Ms Palin, but, like many Alaskans, felt betrayed when she unexpectedly quit as the state’s governor 16 months early.”

“Coming soon after she and John McCain lost to Barack Obama and Joe Biden in 2008, the move saw her popularity nosedive amid speculation she was ditching Alaska for commercial gain.

“’That was the point of no return,’ said Ms Koranda, who described the ‘polarising’ effect Ms Palin still has in Wasilla.

Koranda said, “People here either love her or they wouldn’t touch her with a 10ft pole.”

The Telegraph story is at this MSN link (Telegraph itself is behind a paywall).

NPR reports on what Trump’s endorsement means for Liz Cheney and Sarah Palin this week.

“But under Alaska’s system, Palin must face a second round of voting that includes the top four finishers from the first round. One of the top four in the June vote has dropped out, but Palin is still battling two second-round rivals on Tuesday, including another Republican. He is Nick Begich III, the grandson of the last person to hold this seat before Young. His grandfather was a Democrat who was lost in a plane crash in the Alaska wilderness in 1972; his uncle Mark, also a Democrat, was a one-term U.S. senator.

“The third candidate this Tuesday is Mary Peltola, a former state legislator who is a daughter of a Yup’ik Eskimo. A Democrat who has emerged as a factor in her own right, she could even win a plurality of first-place votes on Tuesday. But that would not be the end of the story, because a first-place plurality is not enough.” The story is at this link.

USA Today writes: “In Alaska primary, Murkowski and Palin show the deepening fissures in the Republican Party. The two candidates for two different offices – Sen. Lisa Murkowski and former Gov. Sarah Palin – represent a growing divide in the GOP.” The story is at this link.

NewsMax writes: “Just 48 hours before Alaskans hold a special election, no Republican who spoke to Newsmax was willing to predict whether Sarah Palin would emerge triumphant in the race for Alaska’s at-large U.S. House seat — the first contest to be held under the state’s new “ranked choice voting” law.

“It’s anybody’s call,” a former GOP statewide official told us on Saturday.

The writer goes on to say Palin won the primary with 30% of the vote. It was actually 27%, still an impressive finish in a field of 48 candidates that included Santa Claus and some sitting legislators.

The story is at this link.


  1. Sara and her skills have carried her right along, I think she is a spark plug. And I also believe she was well on her way for a run at being the president all on her own accomplishments. Governor Palin has accomplishments for Alaskans and supported Alaskans as governor. Citizens let’s support Sara she needs us. And it’s money in the bank for Alaskans.

    • HER NAME IS SARAH not SARA!! And furthermore were you here when she used over 100 volunteers giving up all their personal lives to work for her in her campaign? Then after making a mess of our state, she could not figure out hoe to fix, she ran, she quit. one a quitter always a quitter. If she should win, as soon as the flash bulbs got out, so will she. Congress is screwed up enough does not need another RINO in it.

  2. Palin will lose – she will never get to 50%. The only question is whether we get Begich or Peltola.

    Begich already has my vote. I just pray enough voters understand that voting for Palin guarantees us Peltola.

    • I agree- Its a sad time that people don’t do their own research and we might get stuck with Peltola. Its the same for Murky- Its just the name that people will vote not her poor actions.

      I’m a vote for Begich.

    • Amen to NICK !! He was not raised here in Alaska. Unfortunately he has the last name of people with no ethics. He was raised by his MOTHERS family in Florida a conservative family. Get the blinders off!! VOTE NICK

    • Not if the Palin voters rank Begich #2 and the Begich voters rank Palin #2. The only way we get Peltola is if Palin & Begich voters only rank their top choice. No matter which one you prefer, you have to admit that EITHER is better than the alternative. #rankred!!

  3. “The 58-year-old has revived her famed slogan “Drill, Baby, Drill”,

    Too bad these news outlets have never covered the fact that her ACES legislation, written for her by Democrats in Juneau, caused Alaska’s partner oil companies to leave Alaska and “drill baby drill” in other oil producing provinces……

    • Actually, wasn’t it Rudy Guliani who picked up the term “Drill Baby, Drill” back in the day? The quitter who fights with her family has adopted the term but she didn’t coin the phrase.

      • Joe, it was Michael Steele who coined the phrase at that convention. Rudy picked it up at the same event. Sarah has been the standard-bearer for the phrase ever since but it started with former RNC Chair Steele. – sd

  4. Does anyone seriously think that Nick Begich will rock the boat in Congress? Not a chance. At least Palin will keep things interesting if she is elected while Begich would be a big yawn.

    • Right. Just vote for both Palin and Begich, no matter which is the 1st choice and 2nd choice.

      Ranked choice is stupid, but at least a Republican will be in the top spot if you rank both of them.

  5. I have already voted in the Ranked Choice general election for Alaska’s lone U S House seat. I ranked Nick Begich #1 and Sarah Palin #2. I did not rank Mary Peltola. I will be satisfied if Sarah wins though. If Sarah does win, I suspect that she will be a lightning rod drawing a large amount of media attention sort of like Lauren Bobert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene. Since Alaska has only one seat in the House of Representatives, that person has to be a loud voice standing up for Alaska and our rights to use our natural resources. Don Young filled that lone seat quite well and was a strong voice for our state. Sadly, Alaska has been without a voice in the U S House of Representatives since Don died.

    • Agreed Randall…….I voted the same way. The only way we get Peltola is if Palin & Begich voters only rank their top choice. No matter which one you prefer, EITHER is better than the alternative. Our lone seat in Congress has been reliably Republican for almost 50 years. It would be a real shame to lose it to the Dems (in the year of the “Red Wave”) if we can’t put our differences aside and rank both Palin & Begich in whichever order you want. This is what the RCV supporters wanted…….divide & conquer. Al Gross dropped out so this wouldn’t happen to their side. We have to circle the wagons this time and not shoot ourselves in the foot again. DON’T LET THEM WIN!

  6. Sarah would be a disaster. She would make our Great State a national laughing stock. This woman refused to do forums and debates unless she was given the questions to be asked ahead of time. This is clearly a candidate who either lacks the intellectual aptitude necessary to do the job or has limited ability to think in their feet. I’m sorry, this level of incompetence is not the skill level we should accept in our line representative in Congress. Let’s keep Ms. Palin on the reality tv scene — where she belongs.

  7. Intristing. No Line. Short Ranked choice on one side. Jungle on the other vote for one. “Your felt tip pen in the booth”. It takes a while for it to say ok before you vote. Do you have ID? No ID required.

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