Notes from the trail: Ballot arrivals start to drop off as most have already decided their congressional pick


About 3,000 ballots a day are coming into the Division of Elections, but fewer every day, and Must Read Alaska’s calculation is that between 55-70 percent of the ballots that will be returned in the special primary election for Congress have already been sent in. Those advertising dollars being spent during these last 16 days of the special primary are reaching a smaller and smaller number of actual voters. Those with high name ID have a huge advantage now.

Highest, lowest voting districts

The ballot breakdown by district is bound to be confusing. For the special primary election for Congress, the Elections Division is using the old district numbers, because the new redistricting boundaries were not complete when this race began with the ballots in the mail on April 27.

Thus, using the old district numbers, District 15, which is the JBER-heavy military area of Anchorage and is always the lowest voting district in the state, has had only 776 ballots in from the 9,498 sent to addresses there. That is about an 8% turnout as of three days ago.

The highest number of ballots is coming from Kenai District 31, where 3,240 ballots have been voted, of the 16,407 ballots in the wild, or about a 20% turnout.

Newly filed

Sen. Bill Wielechowski has filed for reelection for his Muldoon seat, now that redistricting is settled.

Daniel M. Claspill has filed for lieutenant governor. He is from Healy and is registered with the Alaskan Independence Party.

David Haeg of Soldotna is now a candidate for governor. Read about his experience with the justice system here.

William Nemec of Clear has filed for the state House. He is an undeclared voter who will show up on the ballot as Sir William James Nemec II.

Out and about

After the candidates forum at the Anchorage Republican Women’s Club on Wednesday evening, congressional candidate Nick Begich headed to another event with Anchorage Young Republicans, who have endorsed him already, at the Petroleum Club. They are photographed above.

Nick has yet another fundraiser this evening up on the hillside, hosted by Joe and Tyra Chandler and others:

Look for candidates in Kodiak this weekend including Kelly Tshibaka, Lisa Murkowski, both running for U.S. Senate, Charlie Pierce for governor, and Nick Begich for Congress, all reporting they will be going to Kodiak, probably on the same plane.


Weeks late, Rep. Adam Wool, running for Congress, has filed his financial disclosures with the House Clerk of Congress. It appears his largest investment is in the company that owns Google, Alphabet. He also owns a house in Harvard, Massachusetts, 25 miles north of Boston, which he rents out for more than $15,000 a year but under $50,000. Other info at this link. Still no report for Sen. Josh Revak, also a candidate in this race. Surely he has raised more than $5,000.


Financial reports for the FEC are due on Monday for candidates in the congressional race. Right now, there are 48 hour reports due, so any donation received over $1,000 has to be reported to the FEC. Everyone will be looking to see how much candidates have raised.


A new PAC has formed to do advertising against Sarah Palin’s bid for Congress. The group appears to be Democrat, and we’re looking into it. Check back with Must Read Alaska for more details.


Americans for Prosperity Action begins its big door-knocking effort, as it is backing Nick Begich for Congress. The Libertarian-focused group will be all over the road system with up to 20 people trying to reach voters for the next two weeks. No word on if any other congressional candidate has such an effort under way.


  1. Let’s discourage the undecided because most ballots have been cast already(?) Love the math here.

    • Agreed, not a good idea as I know many that haven’t cast their ballots yet (myself and wife included).

  2. NB3 has this one. Sarah can’t even campaign in the 49th state. She thinks she’s running for a Congressional seat that covers all 50 states. She really believes she’s running for a national race and that’s why she is staying in the Lower 48. Of course, she’s also having a lot of fun being a single, swinging Cougar.

  3. Hello Suzanne,
    Is the voting data you cite available to the public? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

  4. I’m going to vote on the early voting, in person, absentee days. I think tomorrow the start of that.

  5. I have voted. I voted for you Nick, because you are running as a conservative. You are the first Begich I’ve ever voted for. PLEASE DON’T LET US DOWN!!!

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