CDC: Monkeypox now found in seven states


The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention says it now counts nine monkeypox cases in seven states, all of them are within the gay and bisexual community of men having sex with men.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said cases have been identified in Massachusetts, Florida, Utah, Washington, California, Virginia and New York.

“This is a community that has the strength and has demonstrated the ability to address challenges to their health by focusing on compassion and science,” Walensky said, referring to the AIDS epidemic, which also started in the gay community. She warned it could spread beyond that community: “While some groups may have a greater chance of exposure right now, infectious diseases do not care about state or international borders. They’re not contained within social networks and the risk of exposure is not limited to any one particular group.” And she urged people to approach it through science, “not stigma.”


    • You reminded me that stating facts these days only means you’re a racist, homophobe, or far-right extremist.
      Truth is stranger than fiction with your kind.

    • Efficient assembly of a large fragment of monkeypox virus genome as a qPCR template using dual-selection based transformation-associated recombination. Feb 22 issue Virologica Sinica, Wuhan’s own scientific journal. In other words they were doing research on Monkey Pox last year during the pandemic. Look it up. Just seems a strange coincidence to me.

  1. Looks like more than a few have taken the message of Dieter (of SNL “Sprockets” fame) to heart:
    “Touch my monkey! Love him!”

  2. The Ukraine war is not working! Hurry, release the monkeypox! These people have become truly pathetic. The midterms can’t come quickly enough.

  3. Police yourselves ALL. The CDC gave the globe covid the Obama administration used all this simply to control the globe. They turn the cameras on everything and create genocide all just to keep the cameras off them. Oath breakers did this to us all it should be about oath breakers. OATH BREAKERS have caused all of this. GOD has a list of oath breakers. All for power and money of for and by oath breakers

  4. Dammit! It is monkeypox season already? I still have my Ukraine decorations up.
    Seriously though. I remember the last monkey pox pandemic. I think something like 71 people in the US were infected. None died.
    Then again, my memory is not what it used to be.
    Besides, I understand you cannot spread the disease if you are achimptomatic.

  5. He (Xiden) will huff.
    She (Cameltoes) will puff.
    Fauxcci will pontificate.
    YOU will lock down, mask up, shut up.

    Because the trail run worked so well.

    Oh, and shelter from doing anything rash in November.
    Like cleaning house.

  6. CDC employees have already been fired who recognize “photos of current cases” as prior years pox case photo symptoms. They are under aggressive nondisclosure subjugation to maximize coercion and loss of US liberty which is treason I believe.

  7. Must be an upcoming election season OR, possibly a willful attempt at changing the optics, narrative, or investigative focus on …
    – Jeffrey Epstein // Ghilslaine Maxwell (where’s the comprehensive list of attendees?)
    – Uncontrollable “Skyrocketing” Inflation
    – Incessant Printing of $$$
    – Afghanistan Debacle & Travesty
    – Countrywide Crime Wave
    – Hunters Laptop
    – 10% Allocation for The Big Guy
    – Lawless AG’s
    – Anti American Subversion Tactics by G.Sorros
    – SCOTUS Leaks (another undermining of sacred institution)
    – NSA / CIA / FBI Targeting Parents
    – Relinquishing US Sovereignty to the WHO
    – Sinking Polls and an embarrassing lack of Political Leadership
    – Family Law screwing over male spouses in divorce proceedings
    – Mindless, Rudderless, Moral-less, Heartless, Spineless, Treasonous … POTUS

  8. Good. Something else to clean up the immoral gay loving states. I really don’t care.

  9. Who let the pox out? Covid scamdemic last week. W.H.O. W.H.O. W.H.O.
    Monkey pox this week, barnacle butt next week and I do not even go to the beach. Are you paranoid yet, about your just being alive? Listen to the W.H.O. and you belong to them. I can not wait to see who will grow the first monkey tail after rushing to get the swab up the nose and injection in the arm.

  10. Billybob Gates recently bragged about knowing where ” a few vials ” of small pox were in DSL level Merck labs- even though small pox was erradicated in 1980. notice the scare started once again in Seattle area. why did he choose this one ?

  11. The Leftist CDC was so accurate with all of its reporting on COVID-19, NOT!!! Why do we believe anything they tell us? Everyone should read from multiple sources, that are not leftist, where and how this monkey pox virus started out and how it is spread. Think “gay sex” and the Canary Islands. Remember the AIDS problem?

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