Norton Sound Health Corp mandates Covid vaccines, and it appears is losing dozens of employees over the requirement


Norton Sound Health Corporation has mandated that all of its workers, board members, and volunteers must be vaccinated for Covid-19 by Monday, June 14, or they will be placed on unpaid leave. If they still don’t comply, they will be fired.

In a letter to employees in May, CEO Angie Gorn outlined the new rules, which are to prevent the spread of the virus to patients and coworkers in the NSHC region, which includes Nome.

The policy applies to all board members, employees, contractors, students, and volunteers, Gorn said.

Also, any booster vaccines that the CDC recommends will be mandatory and there are no religious exemptions, only medical exemptions that must be approved by the corporation’s medical director.

“If you have not yet taken the Covid-19 vaccine, you will have until Monday, June 14, 2021, to show proof of your first dose. Any employee who remains unvaccinated by Monday, June 14, 2021, will be placed on unpaid admin leave for a period of 30 days. During this wait period, NSHC will not pay for any housing, bonuses, reimbursements, or incidentals on behalf of the employee. Failure to comply with the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy after 30 days, will result in termination of employment (unless a medical exemption is granted),” Gorn wrote.

Must Read Alaska has learned that there are several people working for the corporation who have chosen to leave, due to the new policy. By several, our sources say, there may be over 20 employees leaving or forcing the corporation to fire them.

But those who would be hired to replace them must be vaccinated, according to Gorn’s letter.

“Any ‘new hire’ offers of employment will be contingent on the applicant’s current COVID-19 vaccination status or willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccine two days after new hire orientation.  Any new or existing contractor, volunteer, and/or student must also comply with this policy,” she wrote.

Getting qualified health care workers to move to Nome is not an easy task. Health care workers are in high demand all over the country, so NSHC will be competing for those specialized workers — nurses, technicians, and therapists, for example, and may not have the ability to compete due to the remote nature of the communities the corporation serves.

On the NSHC vacancy list, for example, there are eight openings for lab workers, five nursing positions open, and 11 vacancies in behavioral health, just a few on the list that the company seeks to fill.

Adding another 20-25 vacancies to that list of more than 50 specialists needed could imperil the health of Alaskans from Shishmaref to Stebbins, and from Gambell to Diomede.


  1. Make them fire you don’t quit then you have a wrongful termination suit. Make NSHC bankrupted

  2. The Corporation don’t care. They’re going to do just like YKHC in Bethel, which is to pay for people to work two-and-two.

    The State will foot the bill everytime they file for Medicaid reimbursement.

    Audit the Medicaid industry.

  3. “Too bad anti-vaxxers, but, you know, primum non nocere.”
    So, Mr. troll, does that apply to unborn children?

  4. None of those Native medical corporations will go broke because they are supported by and are contractors for the federal government. However, that doesn’t mean that they will be able to adequately meet the needs of the people they serve if a good portion of valuable personnel leave.

    • They could be janitors too Steve, not that janitors aren’t valuable personnel but you get the idea.

  5. Per an extensive study done by the Cleveland Clinic, having COVID infection in the past provides superior immune response to the vaccine, therefore invalidating any reason to take this experimental unapproved injection, which has caused 329,021 significant reactions, 19,597 hospitalizations and 5,888 deaths, per CDC VAERS reporting as of June 4. If it is so great, why is there so much coercion to take it? Kind of like if communism is so great the walls should be to keep people out, not keep them in. Color me skeptical but I won’t be working there.

  6. Boiling Frogs: Mask of the Beast, then Vaccine of the Beast, finally the Mark of the Beast. If you don’t stand now you will never stand and will find yourself condemned to hell forever. Seems like a fair trade for a crappy job in an Arctic Hellhole.

  7. And WHIDBEY THEDOG, primum non nocere. I don’t recommend any medication on the market less than five years, with the exception of to someone with less life expectancy than that. Remember the wonder drugs Adderall XR (stroke), Alatrofloxacin (Serious liver injury leading to liver transplant or death), Alclofenac (Vasculitis), Ananxyl, (hepatotoxicity), Alosetron, (Serious gastrointestinal adverse events; ischemic colitis; severe constipation), Althesin (Anaphylaxis), Amineptine (Hepatotoxicity, dermatological side effects), Aminopyrine (agranulocytosis and severe acne), Amobarbital (Risk of overdose), Amoproxan (Dermatologic and ophthalmic toxicity), Anagestone acetate (carcinogenicity),
    Antrafenine (Unspecific experimental toxicity), Aprotinin (Increased risk of death), Ardeparin (Not for reasons of safety or efficacy), Astemizole (Fatal arrhythmia), Azaribine (Thromboembolism). And those are just the more well known drugs starting with ‘A’ that have since been withdrawn, because I won’t take up the whole column with an extensive list. All of them ended pulled, though some returned with limited indications and severe restrictions. And of course there was Thalidomide.
    If this experimental non-approved vaccine proves safe and effective, and is ultimately fully approved by FDA with manufacturers accepting liability, I would consider it. Except that I’ve survived COVID and don’t need a vaccine.

  8. (Willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccine two days after new hire orientation)
    Get paid for two days then get fired
    More controlling of the sheep. No cliffs in Nome, just keep walking into the Bering Sea.
    Stupidness, craziness, what’s next, it’s back next winter just like the flu.
    Don’t forget to wear you diaper face mask too, after you get the shot.

  9. Wrong, all corporations can go bankrupt. Wrongful termination suites, coupled with class action lawsuits could bring this government tit sucking entity to its knees. Don’t quit – force them to fire you.

  10. Pretty sick when people want to force untested drugs on healthy people who are not at risk. On the other hand, it’s quite funny this is Trumps vaccine and most of the vaccine Nazis hate anything having to do with Trump and yet without him, they wouldn’t have this drug they want to force you and your family to take.

    The left, and their burning hate for a free people, is really quite something to behold.

  11. I hope they are sued for
    1- Wrongful firing
    2- Violating on constitutional rights to choice
    3- Violating HIPPA

  12. Well they may rethink the foolishness when the loss of 20 much needed employees is felt. The numbers in Alaska are no so low forcing a vaccine that is still experimental is unnecessary. Enough people have either had the virus or the vaccine. Seems more about furthering research than a need for protection.

  13. Steven has it right (the first comment above) – do not quit.

    Make them fire you.

    Then do a class action legal suit along with your “fired” compatriots.

  14. People who have had the Wuhan Flu and recovered have antibodies and don’t need the vaccine. More one size fits all directives from the public health apparat. Interesting that this applies to Board members who are supposed to be in charge. Perhaps the Board majority is all vaccinated. Nice way to conduct a housecleaning on a contested Board. Cheers –

  15. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised that the “medical industrial complex” would default to “”get a shot, take a pill, send a bill” approach, funded by big government, rather than follow the science. The studies showing robust immunity from prior infection are piling up. Add to that the better understanding of therapeutic regimens and emerging a-political scientific support for same and we emerge from the darkness and panic and regain our reason. Remember that these shots are not vaccines, but a new therapy that may indeed hold great promise in the general fight against all diseases. None have yet been granted full approval. Take ’em if you want ’em. But an employer requiring me to be a petri dish for big pharma? Not so fast.

  16. Agree, make them terminate you, then band together and file suit.

    They won’t go broke, but they may be required to pay out, and change their policy.

  17. We will see how that totalitarian (and anti science) mindset will work out for them in the long run….

  18. Look into SEARHC… they are doing the same thing but have worded their letters to employees who do not comply as being “voluntarily separated.” It’s not voluntary when you are Forcing someone’s hand in their personal health choices and holding their job hostage in the meantime.

    This is happening to my family member. She does not wish to lose her job over a vaccine that she does not wish to receive. Aside from it being against her rights as an American to decline a vaccine, it is also a safety concern for her age group, the genetic blood clotting disorders our family has and how her particular biology may interact with any given vaccine. It is not only unprofessional, but inherently wrong that her company require her to have a vaccine or they shall consider her to be “voluntarily separated” from her employment. She has been steadfast in her work-ethic, patient with SEARHC during a multitude of policy changes, moves, and other covid related requirements not only in the past year of “pandemic” but also through her long history with the company. It is a shame that such a phenomenal employee be put in a position to be “voluntarily separated” simply based off of a requirement to have a vaccine that is still experimental and that SEARHC themselves indicate in their policy can have severe reactions or complications for some.

    She has been segregated from other employees who CHOSE to have the vaccine, made to feel different for her personal health and safety choices which further exacerbates this thin line between right and wrong. She should not be publicly shamed or humiliated based on her own standards of health, even if they do not correlate with others in the workplace. She has been required to comply with wearing additional PPE, despite the fact that her position isn’t with patients, providers or other medical personnel as well.

    Take a close look at the mishandling of SEARHC’s covid-19 requirements and it might also suggest that some of these policies are likely only in place because they receive additional funding and benefits to their organization for requiring their employees to have the vaccine to begin with.

  19. Southeast Alaska Regional Health Corporation is doing the same thing. Only their phrasing is that employees who do not comply will be “voluntarily separated.”
    Do any kind of digging and you will find that many of these corporations requiring the vaccine are financially benefiting from that requirement.
    It is against all logic and any freedoms Americans have fought for that hard working citizens are being forced to comply with this requirement when it should be a very individual, very private choice. What ever happened to HIPPA?!

  20. If you really want to increase the health of communities..m I suggest they start with mandating no drinking; smoking and mandate a healthy diet and exercise while you are at it!
    Come on man!!

  21. The board of directors are elected. They can’t be fired. Not sure how they can force a board member out.

  22. It would be very interesting to Follow the Money, and see if there might be a direct correlation between the Native Corporations receiving Large Federal CARES Funding Packages, and these Vaccine Mandates! Did I see something in the fine print of the CARES Package about: “Priority consideration for Federal Funding will be given to those Government and Corporate Entities implementing Vaccine Mandates, and Vaccine Passports?

  23. Science would dictate that a documented previous infection with COVID should be an exemption to this mandate.

  24. WHIDBEY THEDOG, but, you know, primum non nocere. Italy just joined many other European countries to halt one of the vaccines to people under 60 due to the death of a healthy teen from blood clots. But, you know, primum non nocere. And of course under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) they are immune from liability so they enjoy absolute pure profit without risk.

  25. Unless these are contract employees they are at will employees, meaning they can be released or fired at the will of the employer and they could leave or quit at their own will. If they are contract employees then we would need to more about their contract to know if the contract allows for them to be released or fired for not being vaccinated. By choosing to not be vaccinated these employees are choosing to no longer be employed at this particular place of employment, it’s their choice.

  26. Vaccine , a substance used to stimulate production of antibodies and provide immunity against a disease. I submit that none of the Jabs that supposedly treat Covid -19 do the above. So, technically these people are not refusing a vaccine. What they are refusing is an experimental treatment that has to date in the U.S. killed some 4000 people. But then Old Joe Biden did say, those that refuse this shot, will pay the price. Evidently those that take it too are “paying the price”

  27. Dear AK, judging by your rants, you’d better go get some five-year plus approved blood pressure medicine. Or, better yet, some five-year plus approved cannabis.

    You are raging against a threat that is statistically insignificant. Furthermore, it’s clear that you have been brainwashed by Conservative talking heads who don’t really believe the anti-vax views they promulgate, and which they only spew for the sake of notoriety, clicks, and money. You have been used.

    Now, do your part as a real Patriot, and get vaccinated. It is liberating.

  28. How is a company or anyone for that matter asking you to show proof of a vaccination not violated any HIPPA laws? Your employer cannot ask you about any medical conditions or any medications you are taking without violating HIPPA laws. I would think the action of proving vaccination would qualify under their rules.

  29. Whidbey Thedog, A. I have not watched TV in years nor ever listened to talk radio. B. I prefer to educate myself from a wide range of sources including the CDC VAERS and Huff Post.
    You are right, the threat of death from COVID is statistically insignificant if you are not among the risk groups. In fact, for young people the risk from the COVID vax is higher than the infection. The vaccine is still experimental. I recall the last time an ‘experimental’ vaccine was forced on us during Desert Storm that many of my fellow soldiers suffered long term consequences which are still being defined and are compensable by the VA. I am perfectly open to the vax once proved safe by the test of time and I recommend to at risk relatives that they take it now. I merely presented to you other ‘safe’ drugs which proved deadly in the long term (and I had a cardiac reaction to one). Why are you so forceful to control what other people do with their bodies? What is your secondary agenda?

  30. Whidbey, clearly you have been brainwashed by your fearmongering political party and their partners in crime, the leftwing media. I don’t believe that it’s alarmist or unreasonable to at least question, why the HUGE push and hurry to inject the world with an experimental injection (which is not a vaccine) that has not been tested, nor are the long term effects known. The short term effects have already killed or greatly damaged more people than ALL vaccines currently in use. (See daily CDC Vaers reports.)

    Also, why would any thinking person risk getting an experimental injection for a sickness that is no more dangerous than the flu? And why are dissenting voices being silenced. You think “they” are afraid the sheep will wake up?

  31. Norton Sound is the worst for lowest possible “medical” care and scamming federal dollars. You are far better off going to a veterinary clinic. They have killed so many relatives and friends.
    One of our relatives was beat by staff because they assumed he was drinking, but he was suffering from a brain aneurysm. He died from the abuse. Cancer is regularly so far advanced before they figure it out that it amounts to people’s slow, painful death is managed.
    They are protected legally, so the medical staff continues and taxpayers pay for their incompetence.
    It is logical they would require vaccines for all, irregardless that it is medically an idiotic policy.
    This is exhibit “A” for unprofessional government employees making decisions for petty power without a clue or regard for the “service” they are in theory to provide. Norton Sound run by Gorn is the best illustration to reject socialized medicine at all costs.
    Governor Dunleavy needs to end any agency or business mandating vaccines.

  32. Good job employees!!! God bless you all and your critical thinking! Please tell everyone that you know to not take the fake vaccination!!!

  33. ‘Comply or starve’ ‘Comply or die’. What regimes come to mind with these kinds of slogans?
    Those who advocate this Nazi mentality advocate the defining of ‘threat’ NOT as an existential, demonstrably defined threat, but a constrained label based SOLELY on NOT KNOWING if you are a threat one way or another. Guilty first. The fears of the public have usurped the legal tenets of constitutional liberties, left only to the increasing infection of communistic mentality in the court. You advocates: your smallest liberties are paramount even in the face of mortality – whether you like it, want it or not. The problem folks, is these people are dispensing and disposing YOUR priceless liberties, based on fear of the unknown (whether YOU are a threat or not), because they decided they don’t value their own. One need only have a ‘label’ to have a voice greater than every other citizen. Remember the list of local doctors who advocated for mandated masks? Mob rule, except the mob is hiding behind virtual, simulated ‘status’. The fact is: all the science and data on earth do not circumvent the directive of individual liberties. Private business and corporation, as it seems to have become a popular notion can ‘do whatever they want’, do NOT have the right to divide a citizen from these liberties. A business, if even recognized by constitutional protections as created with the corporeal being in focus, would come second by order of magnitude to the individual citizen. They are an existential invitation to the whole people to engage in commerce (trade: your money for their stuff or service). They are even LICENSED with the understanding of their ‘virtual’ status in the game (business owner and employees are also ‘virtual’ entities. Their state as citizens, apart from the business connection, is their only constitutional protection). If it is known, even reasonably suspected, that I AM a demonstrable threat to the people, there is cause to intervene. But any business or otherwise who defines me AS a threat on the premise ONLY of not knowing one way or another denies me goods and services via arbitrary reasoning, firstly, is derelict in their licensed practice – despite their emboldening and encouraging by OUR government to do so fully knowing that they cannot. Secondly, critically, it is – no matter how apparently passive – an act of VIOLENCE against me. No different than (passively) turning in your neighbor to an ‘authority’ that directed you to do so based on an ethnic value that has been ‘deemed’ a threat to the State. As unfairly extreme as the comparison may seem it is historically accurate and applicable. The adage ‘nip it in the bud’ MEANS to stop a problem when it’s small before it becomes a big problem. Except this ‘problem’ can be related to extreme constrained political threat assessments, egregious persecution and segregation abuses so recent in history that many are still alive to relate them. Fear is a choice.

  34. Another potentially heinous aspect to this type of ‘persecution’ is that the ‘comply or else’ edict is made with ZERO legal or civil liability – from pharmaceutical company to NSHC – for ANY acute or chronic side effect of an IRREVERSIBLE injection of a potentially genetically affecting vaccine that was generated in historically rapid time scales, without long term testing. Anyone submitting out of fear of losing their ability to survive should draft a statement stating such (submission by coercion) for NSHC to accept. It’s like telling someone to pick a gun out of 10,000 in a barrel, one is loaded, put it to your head and pull the trigger – if you wanna keep your job and eat. (time will tell – maybe far less than 10,000. i.e.Can these lead to cancer susceptibility?) The SS at least wore a uniform identifying them AS the enemy.

  35. ‘Comply or starve’ ‘Comply or die’. What regimes come to mind with these kinds of slogans?
    Those who advocate this oppressive mentality advocate the defining of ‘threat’ NOT as an existential, demonstrably defined threat, but a constrained label based SOLELY on NOT KNOWING if you are a threat one way or another. Guilty first. The fears of the public have usurped the legal tenets of constitutional liberties, left only to the increasing infection of communistic mentality in the court. You advocates: your smallest liberties are paramount even in the face of mortality – whether you like it, want it or not. The problem folks, is these people are dispensing and disposing YOUR priceless liberties, based on fear of the unknown (whether YOU are a threat or not), because they decided they don’t value their own. One need only have a ‘label’ to have a voice greater than every other citizen. Remember the list of local doctors who advocated for mandated masks? Mob rule, except the mob is hiding behind virtual, simulated ‘status’. The fact is: all the science and data on earth do not circumvent the directive of individual liberties. Private business and corporation, as it seems to have become a popular notion can ‘do whatever they want’, do NOT have the right to divide a citizen from these liberties. A business, if even recognized by constitutional protections as created with the corporeal being in focus, would come second by order of magnitude to the individual citizen. They are an existential invitation to the whole people to engage in commerce (trade: your money for their stuff or service). They are even LICENSED with the understanding of their ‘virtual’ status in the game (business owner and employees are also ‘virtual’ entities. Their state as citizens, apart from the business connection, is their only constitutional protection). If it is known, even reasonably suspected, that I AM a demonstrable threat to the people, there is cause to intervene. But any business or otherwise who defines me AS a threat on the premise ONLY of not knowing one way or another denies me goods and services via arbitrary reasoning, firstly, is derelict in their licensed practice – despite their emboldening and encouraging by OUR government to do so fully knowing that they cannot. Secondly, critically, it is – no matter how apparently passive – an act of VIOLENCE against me. No different than (passively) turning in your neighbor to an ‘authority’ that directed you to do so based on an ethnic value that has been ‘deemed’ a threat to the State. As unfairly extreme as the comparison may seem it is historically accurate and applicable. The adage ‘nip it in the bud’ MEANS to stop a problem when it’s small before it becomes a big problem. Except this ‘problem’ can be related to extreme constrained political threat assessments, egregious persecution and segregation abuses so recent in history that many are still alive to relate them. Fear is a choice.

  36. Seems as if the “no religious exemptions” violates both the First Amendment to the US Constitution and AK statute which allows religious exemptions to vaccinations. But why worry about rights?

  37. Federal law prevents employers from requiring vaccines or medical procedures under emergency use authorization. Period. It is illegal at the federal level. Fight back and sue.

  38. One wonders what really motivates some, not all, Native Corporations to have a sudden obsession with public health which can be satisfied only by forcing experimental vaccines on captive audiences.
    Alaska has the country’s highest tuberculosis rate and a formidable increase in sexually transmitted diseases, but the same Native Corporations don’t force approved vaccinations for these diseases on captive audiences. We wonder why.
    A hardened cynic might suggest the motivation has much more to do with getting money than curing China flu.
    Whether it involves as-yet-undiscovered Medicaid scams, big-pharma kickbacks, grant-money awards for numbers of vaccinations, collection and sales of private medical data to other corporations and governments, we don’t know (yet) what the story is.
    We support Americans who use all lawful means to defeat vaccine-mandate tyranny as a condition of employment, and remind potential whistleblowers they can win lots of money through successful qui tam, false-claims lawsuits.

  39. When hospitals and medical “professionals” require that all people take a vaccine without regard to necessity, or for those with antibodies already, against best medical practice, illustrates this is being used for political and power purposes. There is no question now that Norton Sound’s main purpose is not to provide medical care. The man made virus is used as a political tool and the vaccine in the same twisted manner, destroying lives, businesses, careers and removing liberty in one large push.

  40. The judge in Texas just ruled in favor of the hospital that was firing those employees that chose to not vaccinate.
    Likely the same ruling in AK (if the contracts are similar between employees and employer).

  41. These corporation are incredibly dumb. They are not immune from vaccine lawsuits.
    They will go bankrupt when they get sued for harm caused by these vaccines. The biotech companies that make the vaccine are immune from lawsuits but when your employer requires it, they take on responsibility for its safety. Fools.

    “Did you take the Covid 19 vaccine, did you suffer any of the following….. call our law firm today”

      • In the extensive Cleveland Clinic study, being vaccinated provided about 97% immunity while having prior infection provided 100% immunity. You can’t do better than 100%, so why subject your body to an experimental injection with unknown long term effects and known immediate complications, including death. It’s not a real vaccine anyway, but soon the Novavax injection will hit the market and it is a traditional vaccine, may be combined with the flu shot, and doesn’t use aborted babies in production.

        • As far as I know no health organization recognizes the prior covid as reason enough to keep their employees if they refuse the vaccine. You should consult with them and see to it that they recognize the Cleveland study. Heheh! More cowbell AK.

          • Which just further proves that this is all about control politics over medical science.
            And shall we discuss the side effects of the RNA modifying your body to continually produce those spike antigens, even long after this outbreak is a distant memory? Well no, because we just don’t know, but this morning the FDA did acknowledge that it might be a cause of myocarditis in younger males. Time will tell. The curve remains downward so soon we may not talk about it at all. But your body will continue producing those antigens to beat up on your immune system! Hee Hee for you. (just wait for the traditional-FDA approved-Novavax vaccine, which does not use aborted babies)

  42. Probably this makes too much sense but why not test for levels of the antibodies to prove immunity. One way or the other, unless your immunity is robust your putting your patients at risk. Don’t want a vaccination it’s only a matter of time until you get the virus and develope natural immunity unless you die. I’m for ending masks everywhere, unless your immune compromised and your probably used to masks, but for the rest of us, no masks period. Let’s get this over.

    • Serum antibodies only show for a few months; B and T lymphocytes last long-those infected at the beginning of the outbreak still show them, but they are harder and more expensive to test for. If you survived the infection you have better immunity than getting the shot-which is not really a vaccine anyway.

    • Having antibodies is not a good test because the vaccines provide your body with the ability to produce its own antibodies, whereas the virus does give antibodies present that diminish over time.
      Folks without the vaccine will be still wearing masks, whether you like them or not IMO.

  43. Imagine that! – qualified healthcare workers refusing to participate in a clinical drug trial with an experimental vaccine. What could possibly go wrong?

  44. Bill Y.
    If your feel so protected by the shot don’t wear the mask.
    You have fallen for the disinformation and the peddled fear.
    Last years death rate was less than
    1/2% higher then the average. The small increase was due to intentional mismanagement and neglect of meds that actually worked.
    My guess from the research I’ve done is that the death rate will far exceed the average for the next few years.
    Of course the reason for the increase will be downplayed as long as possible. Serious Covid related health issues are now higher for those with the SHOT, good luck with that! The spike protein in the shot is wreaking havoc on your immune system.
    Masks may protect those without the SHOT from the bioweapon you allowed into your arm and now breath out.
    Animal testing of this bioweapon was discontinued because the animals could not survive it, humans are now the test recipients.

    • A collection of your opinions Reed without anything backing them up. Brilliant! Then you have some guesses (based on your research).
      I’m thinking you make up this stuff as you write. Keep em coming as we all need the laughs on here these days.

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