No Alaskans on list of donors to Biden Inauguration


They come from California, New York, Texas, and Florida. Also Idaho, Georgia, and Colorado. The list of those donating more than $200 to the inauguration of Joe Biden is long, includes companies like Google, Microsoft, Qualcomm, and Microsoft.

And it includes donors from every state but two — North Dakota and Alaska.

Biden wasn’t Alaska Democrats’ first choice for president, but he did get 153,778 votes after the counting was done in November of 2020. President Trump received 189,951 Alaskan votes.

The Biden Inaugural Committee has also banned energy companies from donating to the inauguration, a sign of things to come under the new Biden Administration. Joe Biden has promised to end all extraction leases on public lands.

“PIC 2021, Inc., does not accept contributions from fossil fuel companies (i.e., companies whose primary business is the extraction, processing, distribution or sale of oil, gas or coal), their executives, or from PACs organized by them,” the inaugural committee stated on its home page.

The Democrats are, in general, opposed to the fossil fuel industry, and this is going to be a cheap inauguration, comparatively, since many are staying away.

The list of Biden Inauguration donors.

The exact amount that each donor gave to the committee will not be disclosed for 90 days.

The Biden-Harris inauguration will follow the official swearing-in ceremony on Jan. 20, which will include a Pass in Review by the military on the East Front of the Capitol, which is a long-standing tradition. It will include a presidential escort to the White House, and a “virtual parade” across America.


  1. There’s no way Biden got that many votes in Alaska…I know! Let’s do a forensic analysis on our Dominion voting machines running Scorecard…

  2. I wonder if a count of how many plastic parts, materials, and products from the vehicles, weapons, microphones, shoes, cloths, carpet, appliances, to the roads they will drive there on and so much more that will be present at and contribute to their hypocritical inauguration can be done. Considering these are all mostly oil and coal derived items.

  3. Good questions, but Trump’s vote percentages were in line but slightly lower than the other national races (Sullivan and Young). So, independents and some Republicans likely broke from Trump more than they did the other two. It is honestly easy to see and logical.

  4. Went to Trump rally today in Anchorage
    Good times by all
    Did Biden have any rallies, in his bunker
    We’re still a red state

    • Not hardly. So long as you have rhinos in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, as well as moles in your state house. You keep thinking that because it makes you all warm and fuzzy inside but in reality Alaska is purple with a deep tinge of blue.

  5. I am happy to read this news. However Alaska is in for a tough road. Our population will be down over 100,000 from where it is today by the end of this decade, possibly quite a lot more. Whether state and municipal governments will be able to meet commitments already made, some with significant past due amounts now, is a serious question.

  6. If you supported the democrats, you obviously don’t care about the Alaska economy. The democrat party has not been Alaska’s friend since JFK. We have to many liberals moving to our state.

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