Nick Begich wins unanimous endorsement for Congress from Republican Women of Fairbanks


At their Thursday meeting in Fairbanks, the storied Republican Women of Fairbanks endorsed Nick Begich for Congress. Nick also has the endorsement of one of the Republican women’s clubs of the Kenai, and three Republican districts.

The current chair of the club is Patty Weisel, and the members make up some of the most politically active women in the Interior. The club was formed and has been active before Statehood.

The Republican Women of Fairbanks’ endorsement is influential not only because of the statement it makes but because of the guaranteed volunteerism that comes with it in the Interior.

Nick is the Republican Begich who filed for Congress five months before Congressman Don Young’s death on March 18. Since Young passed on March 18, several others have joined the race, some from out of the state, and others who have various levels of name recognition with voters.


  1. NB3 is the best bet for Alaska. He has it all. Youth. Energy. Smarts. Good looks. Name recognition. Personality. Conservative. AND, he’s not a traitorous RINO.
    Let’s get behind Nick Begich III.

    • Marla, his website says very little about where he stands on the issues. Please tell me how he is going to stand up to the swamp in Washinton and what he supports. I will not support another big talker that does nothing for the people and protects the U.S. Constitution from further erosion.

  2. Marla- “Good looks”… really? Gosh.. if you can’t see that Begich III is a political hack, you have the wool pulled over your eyes. If something seems too good to be true, it typically is. It may not be obvious, but it’s clear to me he’s chosen by the “powers that be” to keep the establishment’s status quo in place. Don’t fall for it- he’s most certainly a RINO, or worse. God speed.

  3. US Constitution AKA “This Constitution” must be adhered to in every state completely with its clear 1776 language. It was written for times like this.

    • I’m not in the singles market, but I can say that compared to John Coghill or Al Gross, Nick Begich is Hollywood A List material. Even Uncle Mark misses the B List.?

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