Newly recycled chair of AK Democrats: Mike Wenstrup


The Alaska Democratic Party has elected a new chairman: Mike Wenstrup of Fairbanks. Wenstrup was the first vice chair for the party under Chairwoman Casey Steinau of Big Lake and he served previously as chairman from 2013-2016.

Wenstrup, originally from the Midwest, had a Fairbanks law practice specializing in criminal defense, workers’ compensation, and elder law. He was a public defender for those needing a court-appointed attorney.

In 2015, he closed his practice and joined NEA-Alaska (National Education Association) as a full-time union representative and organizer for 12,000 members in Alaska. He is past chair of the Interior Democrats. Wenstrup earned a bachelor’s degree and a law degree from the University of Notre Dame.

Democrats have been meeting in Seward over Mothers Day weekend at their convention, where they listened to speakers, gave awards, updated the party platform, and voted in officers.


  1. He looks like a messed-up throw-back to the late 60’s. Maybe a Woodstock reject. The Dems can’t seem to get a break with normal looking leaders. Is it too much weed? Communist parents? Both?

  2. Well, at least he’s armed (or is it eared?) with his face diaper, just incase he needs to don it quickly.

  3. Just what we need another lawyer in politics. There should be a law against all lawyers keeping them out of the political arena.

  4. Lisa Murkowski passes the Democrat’s “purity test,” according to Democrat Grier Hopkins,…..
    who is the brother in law of Scott Kendall. In other words, the Democrats “own” Lisa. Good riddance. They can have her all day. I want out of this arrangement and I want to go back to my noodle stand where I can get some peace. Living with her is a pain in the *$$.

  5. Glasses, mask at the ready, all he’s missing is some blue dye for the hair and a he/she behind his name. He also should take more meds to get that crazy look in his eyes for the full effect.

  6. According to his LinkedIn profile, Wenstrup is the “UniServ Director” for NEA. I’m sure there must be a bunch of people who perform an honest day’s work that would look at such a job title and say “what the hell is that?”. This is the same position held up until recent years by Grier Hopkins; the two were often seen together in Fairbanks political circles in a BFF context. As for his law practice, I had enough opportunity to observe the sort of criminal defense lawyers that chase after contract work for the Public Defender Agency. Trust me, car salesmen are held in higher regard.

  7. The greater serious concern is how his experience helps weave the unions with the Democratic Party & specific, direct actions in these campaigns, on all levels, including local policy & changes to our municipal charter.
    This is BOTH within Alaska, and Outside National D Party & Unions.
    Wake up! What is being done about it?!!

    • A PS to clarify: Outside, National D Pty & Nt’l Unions are here & have been some time, heavily involved & are pulling strings w/ people sent up here, entrenched. Wenstrup is skilled at weaving them together within Alaska politics.

  8. What happened? I thought all of these Woodstock characters died off in the 70’s. Can we play some Janus Joplin or Innagoddadavida at the next Democrat pow wow? My pot smoking granny and gramps would have loved this bearded character.

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