New York’s rabid radical rides to the rescue for Peltola’s flailing campaign

Rep. Mary Peltola with Rep. Hakeem Jeffries at the White House holiday party.

The radical House member who Peltola voted for at least 18 time for Speaker is coming to the rescue of Mary Peltola’s reelection bid.

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, who is well-known as an anti-Semite, who supported defunding the police, and who is the highest-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, will be working with Alaska Democrats this week to make calls and get out the vote for Peltola. Jeffries is the former chair of the Democratic Caucus and, according to his note to Alaska volunteers, intends to be House Speaker in January.

“in just 2 weeks all eyes will be on Alaska as we fight to re-elect Mary Peltola and flip the U.S. House. Please join the next Speaker of the House, Hakeem Jeffries, TOMORROW at 5pm to make calls and get out the vote for Mary!” the text message to Democrat supporters said Tuesday morning. It gave a number for RSVPs.

Jeffries has been traveling across the country as he tries to protect Democrats in the House and grow the Democrat majority in the coming Nov. 5 general election. He’s also spreading rumors that Republicans may not certify Kamala Harris if she wins as president.

“It’s not clear that many of my right-wing extremist colleagues in the House Republican Conference are prepared to certify the results of the election if the American people elect Kamala Harris as the next president. That’s quite unfortunate,” Jeffries said while in Pennsylvania last week.

That is ironic, since Jeffries was a leading voice in 2016 in calling the election of Donald Trump “illegitimate” and advancing the conspiracy theory that Russia had helped Trump; it was later revealed that the entire “Russia dossier” had been fabricated by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton.

In fact, the Federal Election Commission in 2022 fined Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee for not disclosing they had spent money to build the make-believe “Russia” case against Trump.

Jeffries has become more radical during his five terms in Congress. He joined the Congressional Progressive Caucus and in 2019, and he was selected as one of the House impeachment managers for the Democrats’ first attempt to remove former President Donald Trump. He was an acolyte of lead impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff, who is now running for the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s California seat.

Jeffries was the one who made the closing arguments before the U.S. Senate during the first Trump impeachment trial, and said that acquitting Trump would be the “death blow” to the U.S. Constitution. 

Later, as Democrats tried to force a federal takeover of elections and prohibit voter ID laws, Jeffries called for the Senate to “detonate the filibuster” and said that voter ID laws are a “Jim Crow-era relic.”

Jeffries in Septembers forced Peltola to keep illegal immigrants voting in the U.S. elections. She voted against a commonsense bill that would have made it harder for them to vote. Axios reports that Jeffries put the squeeze on Peltola and other vulnerable Democrats.

Jeffries is on record saying that Republicans are a cult.

Recent polling in Alaska shows that Nick Begich now has the advantage in the congressional race.

A Republican from a family that has mostly Democrats, Begich has been endorsed by leading Republicans around the country and on Monday night, held a tele-town hall with Donald Trump and tens of thousands of Alaskans who dialed into the event.


  1. Enjoy it while you have it, Peltola. I’m talking about your congressional seat. But it also applies to Jefferie’s thing. I wonder if Arnold Palmer would be jealous?

  2. Politics makes for strange bedfellows. Figuratively. Not literally. Just when you think Peltola can’t make any more bad decisions. Exactly how does she think this is the kind of star power that will bring her success with this election? Does anyone in Alaska think that Hakeem Jeffries gives a rats backside about Alaska OR Alaskans? He’d be happy to scuttle the Alaska energy industry and lock up more land.

  3. The harder they lie, the worst it gets for them because their gig is up. Everybody sees through the trash talk on those mailers and TV ads.


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