Peltola casts first votes in a month, and goes against Rep. Jim Jordan and for Rep. Hakeem Jeffries as speaker


Alaska Rep. Mary Peltola voted for the first time in Congress since the death of her husband five weeks ago, when a plane that he was piloting crashed while flying moose meat out of a hunting camp.

Peltola was given a standing ovation for returning to work by colleagues sympathetic to the trials she has gone through losing her husband in the tragic accident.

She wrote on Twitter that she wants a speaker who can work with both parties. In her mind, that appears to be Hakeem Jeffries, House minority leader.

“Let’s … elect a Speaker that’s ready to work with everyone. Republicans and Democrats do this in AK. We can do it in DC,” she wrote, attempting to put a bipartisan face on what is a partisan process.

Rep. Jim Jordan was the Republican nominee, and Peltola voted against him. In January, she voted 15 times for Jeffries as speaker, sticking with all the Democrats.

This time she also voted for Jeffries, who received 212 votes — all from Democrats.

Although 200 voted for Jordan (and 20 for other members), Jordan needs 17 more votes in order to win. So would Jeffries, but with the makeup of the House being Republican majority, it’s doubtful any Republican would vote for the far-left Democrat.

There will be upcoming votes, as early as Tuesday evening, Jordan said: “We’ve already talked to some members who are gonna vote with us on the second ballot,” he told reporters.

Several people identifying as socialists on X/Twitter said they want Peltola as speaker.


  1. Illustrative of why we are where we are.

    Democrats vote lockstep when they need to. Republicans squabble like toddlers.

  2. Hakeem Jeffries the election denier, who quotes black rappers as words of wisdom, and calls all White people racist? That hateful idiot?

  3. I would not acknowledge Mary if I walked past her. She is clearly for no oil no free speech no privacy as the common taxpayer is being pushed into.

  4. Several people identifying as election/Constitution deniers on X/Twitter said they still want Jordan as speaker.

  5. She supports Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi is her mentor.
    There is nothing much lower tan that except for whale dung.

  6. “Peltola was given a standing ovation for returning to work by colleagues sympathetic to the trials she has gone through losing her husband in the tragic accident.”Trials?” Her husband died…nothing happened to Peltola that doesn’t happen to any surviving spouse but she gets a standing ovation??? I guess she’s heroic for coming back to work? I hope she got a commemorative plaque or trophy or something….you know, for the office. Should we all say that she’s a survivor now? Our government is filled with ridiculous people.

    • The commercial pilots use a little more discretion when hauling passengers.
      They require the antlers be placed in the baggage compartment so as not to cause any risk during the flight.
      Personal safety has a little more priority over their ego.

      • Word in the bush pilot community is he had very little experience in a super cub and it was a borrowed plane he wrecked. Supposedly the owner was warned against letting him borrow it.

  7. Obviously this news source caters to those of a certain persuasion, but still it is mystifying why folks seem surprised that Mrs Peltola who represents Alaskan Americans votes for Democratic candidates.

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