New RDC director: Leila Kimbrell, former state director for Murkowski


Leila Kimbrell has been named the new executive director of the Resource Development Council.

“Leila is a proven leader and ideal for this role,” said Lori Nelson, RDC board president and manager of public affairs at Hilcorp Alaska. “She understands policy and politics and how they impact resource development in Alaska. Leila is also well versed in Alaska’s incredible resource potential, and the benefits it offers not only to RDC’s members, but all Alaskans. We look forward to her leadership and advocacy.”

Kimbrell served as Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s state director, a job she held for more than four years. She worked as an attorney in private practice for a variety of clients before joining Murkowski’s team in 2017. She is a graduate of the University of Alaska Anchorage, and holds a law degree from Willamette University’s College of Law.

Her career has provided her many opportunities to work on issues touching every industry RDC represents. She has advised clients on environmental and compliance issues, such as the Clean Water Act, and laws unique to Alaska, such as ANILCA. Kimbrell has also participated in numerous public meetings and hearings at all levels of government, on both sides of the table.

Kimbrell has worked on high-profile issues like ANWR, Willow, the Ambler project, fisheries management, and timber, including fighting the repeal of the Roadless Rule Exemption for the Tongass National Forest.

Kimbrell is a lifelong Alaskan, born and raised in the Soldotna area. Her experience with resource development spans generations, with her father and uncle having worked in Cook Inlet’s oil industry.

She will assume her new role at RDC on Jan. 24, 2022, replacing Marleanna Hall, who has left the organization in November after several years.

RDC is an Alaskan trade association with members in fishing, forestry, mining, oil and gas, and tourism, as well as the 12 regional Native corporations, labor, individuals, and others supporting the responsible development of Alaska’s natural resources. More information is available at


  1. She went to the same law school that Lisa went to, in Oregon. No doubt, she didn’t have to take the bar exam 6 times and burden her dad with law school costs, bar preparation costs, and licensure costs. Luckily, I had the resources from all of my elected government jobs to help my poor gal struggle through and eventually receive her royal crown.

  2. Frankie, your rather peculiar and extraordinary attempts at representing my parents may amuse some, but at least try to be a little more funny/clever for heaven’s sake. You are kinda getting stale. We don’t take it personally, but we don’t want your audience to suffer either.
    Best regards, BPM

    • Not many Alaskan kids get to attend Villanova University, unless their parents have oodles of cash and wear the”Alaska Royal” brand…….as you do. My kids suffer by entitlement. Frankie and I had to work our way up the ladder. Thank God I wear the pants and have the brains in this family. It wasn’t Frankie. The rest of you are all spoiled brats……..just like your spouses. And that’s why I’m supporting KELLY T.

    • Sounds like another spoiled Murkowski kid complaining. This one is a son. Whatsamatter? Do you think 42 years of Murkowskis in Alaska political office is not enough? BTW, glad you stay tuned to MRAK like thousands of other well-informed Alaskans. Suck it up dude! Everyone laughs when Frankie and the gang show up here. The British Royals have nothing on the Alaska Royals. Certainly, not in the brains department. ???

    • BPM:
      As a royal prince, you’ll get scrutiny too. Very public family name here in Alaska. Expect a lot more. It’s what your parents chose for you. It’s what your sister is making sure that you continue to get. See ya at the Trump Rally in Anchorage.

  3. Andy would know about being a Royal without brains. Me…….hell, I ran the Martell’s noodle stand with another woman in the 80’s. Very successful. Until Lizza arrived. Now I just kick back and drink my Crown Royal and try to forget who and where I am.

  4. They might all be on the same page number. But different books. That’s the Royals for you. Love the publicity. Apparently, even here at MRAK.

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