New poll: Democratic Party hits generational low in the eyes of the American public


The Democratic Party has a 57% unfavorable rating among voters, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll. That is the lowest since 2008, when Quinnipiac began polling this question. Just 31% think favorably of the Democrats.

On the other side of the aisle, the Republican Party has a 43% favorability rating, also the highest since 2008.

In a question asked just one week after Trump was sworn in a president, 46% of voters approve of the job he is doing and 43% disapprove. 11% offered no opinion.

That compares to the same time in January of 2017, after Trump took the oath of office for his first term. Back then, 36% approved of the job he was doing, while 44% disapproved and 19 offered no opinion.

Among Republicans, 86% approve of the job Trump is doing and among Democrats, 86% disapprove. Among independent voters, 41% approve and 46% disapprove, with 13% offering no opinion.

A majority of voters who took part in the survey (54%) said they’re optimistic about the next four years with Trump as president, and 42% are pessimistic. These numbers line up with public opinion that was given to Quinnipiac following Trump’s first inauguration.

Voters are divided on immigration issues, according to the poll. 47% approve of how Trump is handling immigration and 46% disapprove of it, with 7% not offering an opinion.

But to secure the border, Trump has deep support. 60% approve of using U.S. troops at the southern border of the United States to ensure a secure border. 36% disapprove. 

That splits somewhat on party lines. 96% of Republicans approve, while 68% of Democrats disapprove. Among independents, 57% approve, while 40% disapprove. Among those in military households, 70% approve, while 26% disapprove.

Among Republicans, the top issue is immigration at 37% followed by the economy at 33% and no other issue reaching double digits.

Among Democrats, the top issue is are “preserving democracy in the United States” at 35%, followed by climate change at 18% and the economy at 14%

Among independents, the top issues are the economy at 24%, preserving Democracy at 23%, and immigration at 13%.

The Alaska Democratic Party will be meeting in Juneau this weekend for its quarterly State Central Committee meeting, and the new polling will give the party officers a lot to think about.


  1. Most democrats don’t even know we are supposed to live in a democratic republic, but The Swamp, with the socialists and their propaganda arm, the MSM have pounded The Lie into people for so long they really believe we live in a democracy rather than a democratic republic.

    • The United States is Constitutional Republic that uses a democratic form of voting to elect our representatives actually.

    • Just one minor change to your comment is that we live in a Constitutional Republic. Most really do not understand the big difference between them because for way too long they have driven that Democracy down the American public throat not realizing the a true Democracy can not sustain itself and will eventually implode when the 49% stop listening to the 51% that only want to remain in power. I always like to tell people a democracy is two wolves and one sheep discussing what is for dinner.

    • The consensus view of the Left is that democracy cannot function if people who disagree with them are allowed to participate in it.

  2. But they’ve reached a degenerate high and that’s what’s important to them. They didn’t learn a thing in the November election and just digging themselves deeper into the scumswill…(Okay, I just made that last word up..but it seems to fit)

  3. Don’t worry, sports fans, their polling will go even lower. They’re doubling down on Russia, Russia, Russia, 34 felonies, men in women’s locker rooms and all the top lame tricks in their playbook. The (D)ems just don’t get it. And that’s good for America. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

  4. The screeching of the communists is music to my ears as Trump turns off the $$$ spigot to their money laundering schemes. They can scream and throw their temper tantrums but it’s falling on deaf ears. Americans have had enough and we’re taking our country back.

  5. “…the new polling will give the party officers a lot to think about”

    No, I doubt it. They’re not at all interested in the things that normal people worry about and will continue fighting for things that nobody cares about.

  6. For a party that claims their top issue is “preserving democracy in the United States” you’d think they’d actually be concerned with upholding democratic values, like democratically elections. Yet the latest presidential election saw the Democrat Party depose their democratically elected candidate for president with a person who hadn’t received a single vote for nearly a decade. If that’s the version of democracy that is the top issue for the Democratic Party, I’d suggest they review exactly what democracy is…here’s a hint it’s not tyranny and it’s not the fascism they seem so intent upon pushing.

  7. Where are cman, Frank and Greg? they must have something dreamed up to say that is not revelent to squeak about.
    Common sense is at work.

  8. Their hilarious and cringeworthy DNC election last weekend tells me they are doubling down on woke and do not intend to change. Hogg as vice chair? really?

    • I used to be a screaming liberal up until 2015. When Trump was first nominated, I started to listen to him because I knew that Hillary should never be allowed back in the White House… like ever.

      Anyway, I saw that DNC video last week and that action alone has guaranteed President Vance’s election.

    • I could accept David Hogg as a co-chair if I knew of a single thing that individual has ever done. Aside from pushing gun control, nothing. And, frankly, six months after Parkland happened, no one was listening to him anyway.
      Aside from that, and running his mouth on X, I have zero idea what he contributes to society. And, I hazard a guess the DNC has no idea either. They are likely trying to get a few younger people into politics.

  9. Much like the children leftists emulate, the Democrat party is not willing to learn from their mistakes. During the last four years, pretty much everything they pushed and promoted was popular with only a small percentage of the people.
    But, instead of saying “Let’s focus on the majority of registered Democrat voters.” they instead moved further to the fringe. They must believe strongly that they are absolutely in the right, and everyone else just needs to recognize that.

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