New allegation made that Anchorage mayor’s office has been spying on employees who enter Ombudsman’s Office


A memo from the Municipal Ombudsman to the Anchorage Assembly says that members of Mayor Dave Bronson’s administration have been downloading security videos that shows who has come and gone from the Ombudsman’s Office. The memo was included in the packet for Thursday’s special meeting of the Assembly, during which members will go into executive session to explore their options for punishing the mayor for other allegations, which came to light in recent days.

Darrel Hess, the Municipal Ombudsman, has also requested a review by municipal Law Department, as spying on employees who are whistleblowers may be considered a form of misconduct.

“Recently, multiple Municipal employees have contacted the Ombudsman’s Office alleging that an executive with the Municipality had stated that the Mayor’s Office has been downloading copies of City Hall surveillance videos to see who is accessing the Ombudsman’s Office and interacting with Assembly Members. Employees have stated that they are hesitant to visit our office because they are afraid that access to our office is being monitored. The employees perceive the alleged statements by the executive to be an attempt to intimidate them to not
contact the Ombudsman’s Office,” the memo says.

“Anchorage’s Home Rule Charter states that the people of Anchorage have the right to the services of an Ombudsman. Accusations of attempting to intimidate Municipal employees to discourage them from contacting the Ombudsman’s Office are serious, chilling allegations — even if no videos have been pulled. Given the gravity of the accusations, and based on the statements of multiple Municipal employees, I reasonably believe that there may have been a breach of duty, misconduct, or illegal activity by a Municipal employee. I believe that I have an obligation under AMC 2.60.l70* -Misconduct by municipal personnel – to refer this matter to the Municipal Prosecutor’s Office for review, to determine if there have been any violations of Municipal Code or any other applicable laws,” Hess continues.

“If the Ombudsman believes there is a breach of duty or misconduct by an officer or employee of the municipality, the Ombudsman may refer the matter to the appropriate department head, to the Mayor, to the Board of Ethics, or, when appropriate, to the Municipal Prosecutor, District Attorney, or any other agency,” the memo concludes.

The mayor is already embattled because former Municipal Manager Amy Demboski has set forth several allegations relating to improper contract awards and other actionable items, which were already part of Thursday’s meeting.


  1. If verified, this behavior is indicative of weak, insecure leadership who, down deep inside, know they’ve done wrong.

  2. If you just had left Amy go with a kind word and handshake instead of talking…

    Cover ups are always much worse than the crimes when they blow up.

    Rightly or wrongly, this is gonna hang on Bronson’s neck like an anchor.

  3. Maybe Bronson isn’t the no-nonsense can-do mayor you hoped for. Instead, he is overtly incompetent, maybe a crook and burdened to the point of ineffectiveness by his studly ego.

    • Oh come now Sarah. You stalked the chit out of that Royal Russian trust fund baby. That you treated like Cinderella, all while take take take. What ever happened to that one as a kid you used against them. Domestic terrorism is being polite. Such a long long detailed list. Even while mayor and governor. Now why did you resign? Oh. Right. Stalking the emails. Now how’s that crime spree going? No more stalking? I guess now the DOJ is wanting to talk to you. Better start liquidating. Otherwise they will take everything from you and your family. Poetic justice for Yas! You can move in with Putin now. Hurry and move!

        • Newt has kept the prosecutor (s) away. Not anymore. The only trouble is going to be for Palin. She went after many thru her Pie Spy LLC operation, until it was exposed. Todd says she’s a demon. I believe it. She’s evil.
          The only danger to anyone is a courtroom. Last I checked no one got in trouble for that!

    • Hey. Maybe Sarah can join the principal at Colony HS who got committed. AST were there at her home to take her away! Tick tock there Sarah!

  4. It’s just a matter of time before the FBI steps in, then Dave and Larry are going to go through some things.

  5. So let me get this straight. People come forward saying they are concerned about talking to the Ombudsman because somebody at the Mayor’s office can get video.
    However, a video camera doesn’t exist by the Ombusdman office. Also, these people had no fear of filing this complaint. What the hell? This makes no sense

  6. Cosmic irony. Darrel will accept complaints about the executive missteps but not about unelected servants being uncomplicated with the US Constitution. Run that jurisdiction thingy by me again.

  7. The irony in all of this is that Amy D was trying to steer Bronson away from anything the assembly could use against him. Now, even if the Mayor is 100 percent clean, all of these allegations will hang over the administration like a black cloud and ruin his chances of making positive moves in the future. Oh well, I’m losing faith in his ability as he seems to be following the assembly….that damn lion hotel.

  8. Oh no! Not that! Being observed! On the job! I can’t go on. It’s too much for me. Do you mind terribly if I take a shower? In your office? THANKS! EVER SO…much.

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