Women continue to be dehumanized by the federal government, which under the Biden Administration is making efforts to normalize transgenderism at the expense of acknowledging women’s unique biology. It’s part of an anti-scientific movement pushed by the new gender ideology of the Left.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has this year changed its guidance on flu vaccines for women of childbearing age. No longer does the agency use the term “woman,” or “women” when referring to flu vaccines during pregnancy; the new term is “pregnant people.”
The change was revealed by reporters at The Daily Mail, who found all gender-specific terms such as “she,” “her,” and “mother,” have been scrubbed from the CDC website during its August update. Must Read Alaska has corroborated that finding.
“It is the latest example of CDC medical advice being de-sexed in an attempt to be more inclusive to trans people,” the Daily Mail reported. Last month, the term “woman” was also removed from the monkeypox guidelines at the agency.

The last time I got pregnant, my partner, Harry, requested termination of the fetus because he wanted us to travel unencumbered for a few more years before we established a family and settled down. When I went in for the abortion, the doctor told me that I was in the wrong building and that the psychiatrist’s office was next door. So, I made a new appointment with the psychiatrist and he performed a successful termination of our fetus. And he never got me off the couch. He was amazing! I recommend these kind of procedures to all the People.
Joe, eh? You and Harry? Pregnancy? This sounds like a case of “wrongful association” that Avenger was talking about! A psychiatrist and a terminated pregnancy? No exorcist? Joe and Harry, eh? You guys sound like two, old, lonely pilgrims living in a dilapidated, one-room, log cabin! This is a case that the Republican High Committee on Sexuality and Wrongful Association will eventually get whiff of.
A little advice: you definitely don’t want to draw any more attention to yourself than you already have! Seriously, think about getting out of state before winter sets in; otherwise, who knows what kind of new wonders cabin fever will bring upon the two of you!
Edit: The sentence “This sounds like a case of ‘wrongful association’ that Avenger was talking about!” should have read, “This sounds similar to the case regarding ‘wrongful association’ that Android Andy wrote of regarding pansexuality in his posting to the article ‘Lawsuit filed against cheechako candidate….’ ”
It was Android Andy and not the Avenger who made the “salient comments” that I was referring to! My apologies to both gentlemen for the error.
Gosh, and the CDC wonders why it has lost all credibility…
Party of “science” at it again.
So this “health” organization cannot state the obvious regarding biology because of political concerns… and we are supposed to believe that they give unbiased information? Sure. Lately one would do much better doing the opposite of what they recommend.
It has been quite a spectacle to see the CDC self immolate over the past few years and burn what little remaining legitimacy they had left.
Who would have guessed that the CDC would be infested with “science deniers?”
It really doesn’t enhance what is left of their credibility!
If anyone can find a biological man who is pregnant, I’d like to see that myself.
I’m especially interested on how the miracle baby gets out. Since only women have birth canals.
Probably from the same way homosexual men plant their seeds.
The CDC is like most woke people, confused. Quite possibly a democrat at the helm too.
I don’t always get pregnant, but when I do, I drink CDC Koolaid.
Stay pregnant, my (gender and pronouns non determined) friend.
So, here we are, with each of our politicized Federal agencies in a contest to out virtue signal each other, in a Bolshevist race to the bottom of the tree of liberty.
They cannot be fixed, and must be dismantled one by one.
Are not Women “people” too? Stop being so dismissive of Women! Drink the kool-aid and get over it.
The problem is current culture is trying to say trans women ARE women and trans men ARE men. So when we say man, it somehow includes these lunatics with a uterus that think they are pregnant men. Just typing it makes me shake my head. There’s no such thing as a pregnant man. It’s a woman who is in denial.
I just don’t understand it. If we don’t celebrate the lunacy, we get called bigots. Trans is not normal, made up genders are not normal. I trust God more than the CDC. Next, they’ll be rewriting the bible.
The Word of God is truth. Eternal truth that will not change. The culture changes but not the Bible. Appreciate your comment Ceak!!! Godspeed!
Well, the Biden admin does say every person born a biological man must still register for the Selective Service, regardless if they are living as a transgender. So, I guess they can reluctantly define a woman.
What’s most concerning is the skyrocketing number of children being diagnosed with body dysphoria. Ages 13 to 24 make up almost half of 1.6 million trans in the US. Why has the youth number doubled in 5 years? What has happened psychologically to our younger generation that they hold such hatred for how they were born? Does this generation really have more psychological disorders, or has society changed and projected detrimental delusion on our youth?
Based on the class action lawsuit at Tavistock Clinic, the ten additional years of evidence collected in Europe that they’re now reversing course on transitioning children. Doctors statements such as Dr. Jeremi Carswelle, the director of the pediatric gender clinic at Boston Children’s Hospitalon, on the harmful side effects of puberty blockers including sterilization, decline in bone density, neurological effects, and psychiatric problems. The medical community being divided, and irrevocable harm to those who eventually detransition. WPATH recommendations advocate puberty blockers begin as young as 8 and 9. This is just the start of lawsuits to come.
So- she/her is out. That leaves peltola as an It. Its pronouns were scrubbed. I hope It isn’t relected cause it signifies animal, and an animal has no place at the U.S House.
Truth does not change and neither does the definition of a woman! There have always been strong women in the world and always will be. God’s definition stands! Tolerance does not negate truth-just a fact that’s guaranteed by my first amendment right to say so!
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