NBC, WaPo decision desks call Alaska races: Sullivan and Trump for the win



The mainstream media has called President Donald Trump and Sen. Dan Sullivan as winners of their respective races in Alaska.

NBC and the Washington Post both announced these races on Wednesday morning, after results were released late Tuesday night. About one-third of the vote is yet to be counted in the state.

Although Congressman Don Young received more votes than the president or Sullivan at this point, the news media did not call that election. Young won 150,443 votes, to Alyse Galvin’s 108,269, making Young the highest vote-getter in the state this election, so far.

It appears Young will be elected to his 25th term in office, making history for Alaska once again. He has served since 1973.

At the latest count from Nov. 10, Sen. Sullivan had 149,669 votes to Alan Gross’ 97,608, a crushing 57-37 landslide. More votes are expected to be counted that will close that margin but are not likely to overtake it.

Gross has not yet made a concession statement. On Twitter on Tuesday night, Gross wrote: “More than 100,000 ballots left to count. 30% of the vote not counted out there! We can win this.”

Like Gross, Trump has also not conceded defeat, although he has an uphill battle through the courts, should he choose that path.

In Alaska, Trump won 148,624 votes to Joe Biden’s 102,080, a 56-39 victory. Alaska’s three electoral votes will go to Trump.


  1. Hopefully, Gross can go back to commie Cali, and jobless, unemployable, Alyse can go riot with her daughter in Portland.

  2. I feel so sorry for Gross.. I will miss those 6 cards I received in my mailbox each and every day for a month telling us how bad Sullivan was and how big Gross’s cojones were. I will miss his California ballot harvesters walking my neighborhood every day looking lost as they go door to door trying to steal ballots. It’s such a shame that Gross had so much money to spend from his lower 48 Democrat Party donors and so few Alaskans to spend it on. Maybe Gross had bought every voter a moose steak dinner instead he would have fared better.. Well at least his kids can hop off the boat and go back to their home in California now…

    • I would like to know exactly how much he spent trying to buy this election. Heck, I’d even take a beef steak dinner! Maybe we can figure out if it would have been cheaper for him to outright buy our votes by giving each of us our share of the dollar total.

  3. This is tragic. What is Alaska’s own Bear Doctor going to do now? Given his training in the practice of medicine and his extensive experience with bears and salmon, maybe he should try to elbow some young person out of a slot in veterinary school. Watch out for the avalanches, Big Al.

  4. This is a great start. Now Trump can add 3 electoral votes and clean things up with the courts. He will be duly elected in December when the Electoral College meets. Guaranteed!!!
    As for Gross, this nightmare of a doctor should still be considered dangerous and a polluter of the great state of Alaska. He had set us back into the Dark Ages of incivility and naked dishonesty. A mean-spirited man with false pretenses and zero compassion.

  5. Young received my vote this year but will not receive it in 2022. He has betrayed the Voters of Alaska by congratulating Biden who has not been declared anything except by the MSM and the last time I checked the Constitution the MSM does not pick the winner of a Presidential Election. Remember 2000 Gore Elected President by MSM only to lose and go back to 1948 and the Newspapers declaring Dewey the Winner over Truman and he was not.

    • Oh my, how “holier than thou” can you get. Did you ever wonder why or how Don Young can consistently bring home million$ in aid for Alaska, or how he has passed more legislation than any other in congress? He can still be rough around the edges, but he can get along with most everyone. I will vote for him until he himself decides it is time to hang up his cleats.

  6. An old saying in Alaska is “you dance with the one the brought ya.” Don Young has already thrown the President under the bus (You expect it from murkowski) I hope that Sen Sullivan gets in front of a microphone and stands up for the President that brought him. murkowski/young 2 peas in a pod. What are you going to do Senator Sullivan?

    • Mr. Evans: Don Young and Lisa Murkowski did what decent politicians normally do — congratulated the individual who obviously prevailed in the presidential election. Senator Sullivan will do the same in his own way, according to the schedule he believes is appropriate.
      Sullivan ran an effective campaign. So did Congressmen Young. Stop yipping and yapping about matters of small consequence.

      • Geez Joe spoken like a perfect liberal democrat that ignores the breath taking corruption of your party. Joe the media does not select the president elect, the state does and they have not. Young and murkowski are RINOs. When someone goes out on a limb and supports you only a democrat would throw him under the bus. The small consequence is your party that is so dirty that they think they can get away with this crap. Yip and yap all you want but the fat lady has not sung

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