Naked and afraid? School Board member is butt of controversy after bare derriere shared on social media

Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board member Bobby Burgess

A photo of Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board member Bobby Burgess that has been circulating around social media has some members of the community calling for his resignation. In the photo, Burgess is wearing an apron with his bare-naked buttock to the camera.

At the Sept. 3 school board meeting, community member Rita Trometter told the board Burgess should step down: “Our school system needs to move in one positive step, in a good, constructive direction, by Bobby Burgess stepping down, resign, from the school board. He does need to step down. He is a poor representation of a school board member. Parents don’t want their students to be exposed to what members are exposing in public, on social media.”

Burgess told the reporter that it was a violation of his privacy and his family’s privacy. But according to Keith Fons, Sr., this is a photo that Burgess’ wife posted to social media. Someone simply sent him the photo and he reposted it to his own page.

Burgess’ wife posted the photo? That would be Kristen Schupp, the largest local contributor of cash to the Alaska Senate campaign of Fairbanks Assembly President Officer Savannah Fletcher, also at the center of controversy in Fairbanks.

Fons is no fan of either Burgess or Schupp, whom he describes as a Hamas supporter. Schupp has been highly vocal in the Fairbanks area about the war in Gaza, and she takes the side of Palestinians in the conflict, which began after Hamas terrorists raided Israel and took hostages and killed civilians.

As far as Fons is concerned, Schupp’s support of the Palestinians who started the conflict makes her a supporter of the international terrorist group.

Regarding Burgess’ other controversies, he was escorted out of a political event after causing a disturbance last month, and then went onto Facebook and called for “civility” in meetings.

Fons is pulling no punches as he goes after Burgess, Schupp, and Fletcher on Facebook.

The photo posted by Keith Fons Sr. on social media, which shows a man in an apron cooking. The man appears to be Bobby Burgess and Burgess has said the photo distribution violates his privacy. Fons put the emoji face on Burgess’ butt.

A few of Fons’ posts about the radical leftists on the Assembly and School Board have been removed by Facebook for going against the “community standards.”

Facebook didn’t take the half-naked photo down when Schupp put it up on her page, but took it down when Fons reposted it, even though he had put an emoji over Burgess’ bare bottom. Facebook restored his version of the photo after he filed an appeal.

Fons said he has another photo of Burgess dressed in drag, but that was also taken down by Facebook, along with a photo of a teenager in Burgess-Schupp’s care holding a bottle of wine while looking at a birthday cake set in front of him.

Fons, who is a business owner in North Pole, was an organizer of the American flag convoy to Denali National Park earlier this summer after the National Park Service told workers in the park to stop flying the American flag.

The story at KTVF in Fairbanks is at this link


  1. The people who have a month long celebration of every deviant sex act imaginable complete with parades through the town center want him to resign over this?

  2. Mental illness has reared it’s ugly behind in Fairbanks. A school board member who apparently is looking to attract something more than attention, and married to a massage therapist who teaches child rubbing and bodily manipulation. These people are sick. If they have their own kids, CPS should be advised.


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