A photo of Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board member Bobby Burgess that has been circulating around social media has some members of the community calling for his resignation. In the photo, Burgess is wearing an apron with his bare-naked buttock to the camera.
At the Sept. 3 school board meeting, community member Rita Trometter told the board Burgess should step down: “Our school system needs to move in one positive step, in a good, constructive direction, by Bobby Burgess stepping down, resign, from the school board. He does need to step down. He is a poor representation of a school board member. Parents don’t want their students to be exposed to what members are exposing in public, on social media.”
Burgess told the reporter that it was a violation of his privacy and his family’s privacy. But according to Keith Fons, Sr., this is a photo that Burgess’ wife posted to social media. Someone simply sent him the photo and he reposted it to his own page.
Burgess’ wife posted the photo? That would be Kristen Schupp, the largest local contributor of cash to the Alaska Senate campaign of Fairbanks Assembly President Officer Savannah Fletcher, also at the center of controversy in Fairbanks.
Fons is no fan of either Burgess or Schupp, whom he describes as a Hamas supporter. Schupp has been highly vocal in the Fairbanks area about the war in Gaza, and she takes the side of Palestinians in the conflict, which began after Hamas terrorists raided Israel and took hostages and killed civilians.
As far as Fons is concerned, Schupp’s support of the Palestinians who started the conflict makes her a supporter of the international terrorist group.
Regarding Burgess’ other controversies, he was escorted out of a political event after causing a disturbance last month, and then went onto Facebook and called for “civility” in meetings.
Fons is pulling no punches as he goes after Burgess, Schupp, and Fletcher on Facebook.

A few of Fons’ posts about the radical leftists on the Assembly and School Board have been removed by Facebook for going against the “community standards.”
Facebook didn’t take the half-naked photo down when Schupp put it up on her page, but took it down when Fons reposted it, even though he had put an emoji over Burgess’ bare bottom. Facebook restored his version of the photo after he filed an appeal.
Fons said he has another photo of Burgess dressed in drag, but that was also taken down by Facebook, along with a photo of a teenager in Burgess-Schupp’s care holding a bottle of wine while looking at a birthday cake set in front of him. Those, too, were restored upon appeal.
Fons, who is a business owner in North Pole, was an organizer of the American flag convoy to Denali National Park earlier this summer after the National Park Service told workers in the park to stop flying the American flag.
The story at KTVF in Fairbanks is at this link
We have always known Fairbanks is a special place with special people.
The people who have a month long celebration of every deviant sex act imaginable complete with parades through the town center want him to resign over this?
Mental illness has reared it’s ugly behind in Fairbanks. A school board member who apparently is looking to attract something more than attention, and married to a massage therapist who teaches child rubbing and bodily manipulation. These people are sick. If they have their own kids, CPS should be advised.
Home Ec on the frigid north! Yep, right there at the end of the rail belt! This may be the prelude to “Burgess for Governor–choo-chooing with Bobby!
Sorta like a certain mayor
Why? Unless he has an only fans account, nothing good ever comes of these pictures.
The lack of good sense alone should disqualify him.
The Burgess family freak show. Children must be scratching their heads over these so-called adults.
Do you think it’s wise to bring their children up? What is wrong with you? Leave their kids alone you are the freakshow.
Control yourself, Jeannie. Get a grip! It’s all about the children. Real school board members know this.
Children don’t want to see a member’s butt, but Rita Trometer couldn’t control herself and handed out the photo. I wonder if she will be arrested for distributing pornography to minors? She would have to give up her housekeeping job for jail.
“…the photo distribution violates his privacy.” Haha A camera lens is a dangerous thing. Think twice before you have photos taken!
That’s not how the law works, Ginny. Leave it to lawyers, your 5th grade education is showing.
Control yourself, Jeannie. Get a grip! It’s all about the children. Real school board members know this.
Never marry a stupid woman.
He didn’t have much of a choice haha
Light up your wood stoves and get out your marijuana. Winter in Fairbanks always brings out the nut-job Democrats.
He won’t step down because this sort of thing isn’t abnormal to him or his supporters.
Why would it be abnormal for your wife to share a picture of you on your anniversary to her friends? The abnormal thing is stealing it and showing it everywhere while complaining that you can see it
Did you read what you wrote?
You state categorically that posting a picture of your almost naked husband for your friends is an acceptable way to celebrate an anniversary. Really?
I question that circle of “friends” and that person’s sense of decency. If the picture was posted in a forum accessible to the public, then it was NOT stolen and the whole point of posting WAS showing it off. I am puzzled why everyone beats up on the person pointing it out, but all make excuses for the poster herself, who made it available to all and sundry.
That’s bc you don’t have an education and you can’t follow logic. I’m sure a lot of things confuse you. Were you raised by a stump?
I get it, it is political season, BUTT it seems this guy is in his own home. (not the bathroom at city hall) It is his business, what he wears around the house. (too drafty for my taste)
What is questionable and should give everyone pause, is that the wife seemed to think this is an appropriate photo to post on any site….. His complaint about privacy needs to be directed at his spouse.
Let’s be honest: many of us drop our guard and do goofy, immature, and – if made public – em-BareAss-ing (pun intended) things at home or among friends. So this leads me to wonder who the real idiot is: the School Board member, or his dingaling wife who had the indiscretion to post it online.
Absolutely the wife, but also Rita Trometer who paid over $50 to print and hand out the picture, as she broke the law and can be sued. What a thing to do in an election year, we don’t need crazy women screeching and having sexual fits over photos they scraped online.
Rita Trometer, Keith Fons and April Smith must have a weird sex club where they get together and talk about all this the way they keep going on and on.
Well, how do you rate idiocy?
Minus 15? Minus 25?
The combined idiocy IQ of these two perverts is probably -145.
Prime time for serious psychiatric help.
Rita Trometer really spent weeks and weeks planning this stunt, only to come off like a batty, hare-brained lunatic that is weirdly obsessed with Bobby Burgess. This is like Barbara Haney’s obsession with Savannah Fletcher. It’s obvious. Rita is very attracted to Bobby and is upset she can’t be with him. Barbara is jealous that Savannah has everything she never did, a law career and a loving family.
Nancy, I am not sure who is the deranged one with that laughable rant of yours. It seems your adolescent insinuations are designed to avoid addressing real concerns people have with Mr. Burgess and Mrs. Fletcher’s politics and policies. I will give you that the butt picture is a bit out there. However it does indicated that Mrs. Schupp has no clue about appropriate boundaries and considering her husband sits on the school board that is concerning. Nothing every happens in a vacuum.
People’s families are their own business. It is very poor taste to bring people’s families into your gossip. It’s poor taste for everyone to be gossiping it says alot about you and not about them.
Barb Haney has a doctorate in Economics, a field of study that Savannah Fletcher has a third grade education in. Get your facts together, idiot Nancy.
Barb is an idiot. If she got a phd in anything it’s smoking and drinking. She’s a card-carrying dunce, she just wants to be the center of attention. Ask her about her family, she doesn’t have one, they refuse to talk to her. She remarried while her first husband was still warm. She’s that type.
Ask Barbara about her daughter. She certainly didn’t get a degree in motherhood.
Your pals, Burgess and Schuppe, are on full display as pervs. Haney is actually sticking to her constitutional guns and pursuing justice for everyone in the Borough. Your comments are at the sewer level. You must be proud of your pervert friends.
Shame on everyone for gossiping and taking part in a pointless attack that now includes his children. Everyone should be ashamed of their actions.
What about local pervert Rita Trometer and area crack head Keith Fons sr? Can we talk about them?
Rita spends most of her time fantasizing about Bobby, and Keith fantasizes about the local republicans thinking he’s not garbage. Fat Chance!
Really Jeannie, really?
You admonish people about gossiping here, while posting garbage like THIS:
“Jeannie Baker: Rita Trometer, Keith Fons and April Smith must have a weird sex club where they get together and talk about all this the way they keep going on and on.”
When a local school board member and his spouse show such poor judgment, it is of concern to the local community. What they do in their own home is their business, but they chose to make it everyone’s business.
Now you all claim victim status for them, while beating up the community members, who voiced their concerns. Sadly your misplaced allegiance manifests in the most juvenile and unprofessional manner!
You aren’t a community member, you’re a crackhead from Oregon who everyone wishes would go home and leave us alone.
Cute AND funny! Sadly assuming facts not in evidence!
Bobbie Burgess should be ashamed of himself, acting like a teenager in front of all the teenagers in Fairbanks. Burgess needs to resign, immediately. He’s a very poor role model for kids.
Radical leftist Democrats have no shame.
Bobby Burgess should be investigated by CPS. Children are not safe with him, especially since he sits in judgment of normal, civilized adults with children.
In front of what teenagers, Naomi? Acting how? What are you talking about? Are you one of Rita Trometer’s pervert friends? We only saw a balding insane woman hand out photos she said were lewd…..what are you talking about?
It’s all over the internet, dumdumb. Kids at high school are talking about at lunch and laughing at Bobbie Burgess. (He’s got a lousy *SS.)
Is that your fantasy? High schoolers have much better things to do, I promise, unlike you.
No high schoolers don’t care or know who is on the school board, what an utterly insane think to think about to begin with!
Wow! Fairbanks is abundant with wildlife.
I feel lucky I was always “just passing through”.
Maybe People don’t know this but sharing photos that aren’t yours is a felony in Alaska now, and every time they are shared it’s an offense. Hope those crackheads have a good lawyer!
To my knowledge, sharing photos of an intimate nature without consent of at least one party, is a criminal offense.
It seems that all comes down to consent. The one person, who presumably had consent to share this image with the public, was Mrs. Schupp, who posted it “for her friends” implying consent to disseminate. If however she did so surreptitiously, we have another legal issue that directly goes back to her.
Does Schupp get consent Everytime she takes photos of Bobby’s a$$ and puts them up on the Internet? These people are complete losers. Savannah Fletcher was an idiot to take their money. Now Fletcher will pay the price.
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