Must Read: 1776 Report


The 1776 Commission, created by executive order of President Donald Trump and comprised of scholars and historians, released its report rebutting reckless “re-education” attempts, such as the New York Times’ 1619 project, which seek to reframe American history around the idea that the United States is not an exceptional country but an evil one.

Read the report at this link.

The report comes out on the penultimate day of the president’s four-year term.

The 45-page report Monday offers “a definitive chronicle of the American founding,” according to the White House.

“States and school districts should reject any curriculum that promotes one-sided partisan opinions, activist propaganda, or factional ideologies that demean America’s heritage, dishonor our heroes, or deny our principles,” the report said.


  1. While I’m grateful to President Trump for this report, I believe this report will be ignored and even ridiculed. We’ve returned to the era of free stuff due to past wrongs. We’re no longer a Judeo-Christian society. If we were, we would be walking in forgiveness and love, rather than blame, reparations and hate.

    • The US was founded by Christians, and they got to murdering people almost immediately. People are people, and they are naturally greedy. Every man that owned slaves thought himself a “Christian” too ?? Religion means whatever you want it to.

  2. I urge people to download, save and read this report. It is about ninety-six percent accurate. The new Regime will immediately de-publish the report and prohibit discussion of it. The media and Leftists in the schools will do the same. They will do this because the report accurately identifies the roots of identity politics — Marxism.

  3. Mainstream media will never even mention this report. What really should happen is this report should be it’s own newspaper on a given day starting on the front page but that will never happen. It is free to download and read but most won’t read the entire document. Most that would be interested in what this report has to say seem to have already given up a lot of hope. We are seeing history repeat itself but Trump and all Patriots are, and have been, up against a darkness that is unrelenting and has been growing for more than a hundred years. Time to look at history and understand that we are all at fault for letting the darkness encompass us all. Now, can we generate enough prayers and light to overcome the darkness?

  4. Thank you for linking to the actual 1776 Report. It makes for very interesting reading, the clear historical context of the emergence of Progressives, Fascists, Communism, etc. — especially for those who have been misled as to what these terms really mean. The section on racism and identity politics is also very illuminating. I recommend it be downloaded and made available to all students and anyone interested in gaining some insight of what became of the brilliant ideas and how we can begin to again instill a wholesome Constitution-based appreciation for our Founding Fathers and what makes America great. To quote the great American President Ronald Reagan, “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”

  5. Thanks for linking to the actual 1776 Report. It makes for very interesting reading, the clear historical context of the emergence of Progressives, Fascists, Communism, etc. — especially for those who have been misled as to what these terms really mean. The section on racism and identity politics is also very illuminating. I recommend it be downloaded and made available to all students and anyone interested in gaining some insight of what became of the brilliant ideas and how we can begin to again instill a wholesome Constitution-based appreciation for our Founding Fathers and what makes America great. To quote the great American President Ronald Reagan, “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”

  6. This “report” cracked me up. Talk about petty, Hot Trash Trump tried to re-write history a day before leaving office? Waste of time, he should be looking for a good lawyer ??

    What a buffoon.

  7. Your comment only serves to encourage fellow conservatives that in a short time, your people will screw things up so badly, and leave the ranks of the stupid like they always do, and we will be able to vote in another conservative president to fix your screw ups like always happens. You can make Bank on that.

  8. None of the people who worked on this are historians. It is Trump’s attempt to rewrite our history into a mythology fantasy of what he would like folks to believe. It will not withstand solid scrutiny.

  9. Isn’t it funny how so called Christians love to rewrite history when they feel threatened by any type of progress in the direction that doesn’t suit them. What a joke.

    • Takurat – I suppose a copy will surface elsewhere. The Biden Administration has taken it down. -sd

      • We former History students of Terrence Cole buried a copy next to his grave site, so he has some good reading at his side during the cold spells. Of course, Cole is an immortal and will come back to UA and spread rumors of his demise.

  10. To everyone who’s saying that this is an attempt by President Trump trying to rewrite our history, what do y’all think the 1619 project is? This whole taking down statue whether they be confederate or not, that’s part of America’s history. Changing names of schools and street that may be controversial? That’s what rewriting America’s history looks like. Yes America’s doesn’t have a perfect past and this great country wasn’t started by perfect people. But show me or point to me a better country than America, and if you do find it feel free to move there, leave America how America was supposed to be, Free, for the folks who do believe in America exceptionalism!

  11. Yep they wasted no time in pulling it down because it didn’t fit their Marxist narrative. While I think it was a good idea the question begs to be answered WHY wasn’t it done four years ago just like WHY didn’t the Trump Administration look at the incestuous relationship between the so-called Press and Media Monopolies under Antitrust Laws (including blocking Fox’s acquisition by Disney ABC?). The press is no longer objective because as part of megacorps they can afford to bleed money to become propaganda tools for their owners (Ministry of Truth) than try to attract larger viewership). What was conceived as Freedom of the Press has devolved into nothing more than an extended editorial page. Combine this with the ability of social media to censor President Trump and others in the name of preventing violence but not Antifa (probably because they would have to admit they exist) and the hypocrisy is more than evident to anyone but the most brain washed leftist ideologue

  12. All people better wake up as this is hitting overdrive speed right now. This includes democrats who really don’t know what the operation is. It looks good now but they are next. Read history – Night of the long knives ring a bell?

  13. America and its peoples have have experienced such rapid change in its 245 years. Laws that have improved since before the Salem Witch Trials to well after our Civil Rights Movement. Science/Technology as well is progressing at a pace that even swaths of generations of Americans are looked at as “fossils”. What we all need to fully understand across the board is that Americans are stricken with Presentism. Presentism is when historical accounts are judged by the standards of the present. Most scholars will agree that it’s rather ignorant way to look at things. It is remarkable that our American Declaration of Independence, our Constitution with Bill of Rights (a living document) is the pinnacle of freedom for all humans on this globe. Yet, it is now the most challenged. Our freedoms are being threatened from all directions.

  14. Very timely indeed! Thank you! I was just trying to start a fire in the woodstove, and this “report” is just what I needed.

    • Sounds like you’re really wanting is a good ole’ fashioned bonfire- just like 1930s Germany! Or was that Stalinist Russia? Mao’s China? Take your pick…

    • What about your carbon footprint? Very irresponsible! Surely your Puget Sound neighbors will have you in chains.

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