Murkowski votes with Dems to defund DOGE

Sen. Lisa Murkowski

Sen. Lisa Murkowski has criticized the Trump Administration for trying to streamline government and reduce waste, fraud, and abuse.

On Friday, she also voted to defund the Department of Government Efficiency — DOGE — which is headed up by Elon Musk on behalf of the president.

On an amendment to a bill, Maryland Democrat Sen. Chris Van Hollen moved Senate Amendment 1272 to H.R. 1968. The amendment would “prohibit the use of appropriated amounts by DOGE.”

Murkowski voted with the Democrats to defund the efficiency initiative, but the amendment failed, 52-48. All other Republicans voted against the amendment, even Sen. Susan Collins of Maine and Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, both who at times vote with Murkowski against the majority of Republicans and against President Donald Trump.

Murkowski makes no secret of her disgust with President Trump and her intent to oppose his every move to reduce the size and cost of government. But it is telling that she is now taking on head of DOGE, who also happens to be the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, who will no doubt find a way to support a Republican opponent when Murkowski comes up for reelection in 2028 — unless she does not intend to run again.


    • Reality.
      Nepotism – her father gave her the Senate seat – AND – the RINO, NeoCon, UniParty types insured she kept getting elected (the kind of people that have voted for the George’s, Jeb, McCain, McConnell, Lindsey, Romney…).
      She’s corrupt, do the deep dive on the riverfront Kenai land scam – where she got prime riverfront property for pennies on the dollar.
      Nepotism Lisa represents the old Republican party – free trade, open borders, endless wars.
      That’s why she hates MAGA.
      Wake up people…

      • “………the kind of people that have voted for the George’s, Jeb, McCain, McConnell, Lindsey, Romney……..)
        From 1988 to 2016, did you vote for Democrats? Because the ballots I saw had those names running against Democrats, not really special people……..whoever those might be.
        Just wondering what kind of person you are………….

  1. We have to get rid of rank choice voting and reinstate the Traditional Primary system, that is the only way to get this RINO out of Republican politics,

  2. Someone with Conservative Values that has a proven track record is soon to pop up. We are at the turning point of Our Nation…just takes Alaska forever to get moving…

    • “…….Someone with Conservative Values that has a proven track record……..”
      That unicorn simply doesn’t exist. Just one “mistake” makes one a RINO……or worse. Satisfying right wing conservatives is as impossible as satisfying left wing kooks.

  3. I will be happy to once again point out that civilian Federal employees and civilian Federal retirees are a very significant portion of Alaskan voters.

    Lisa knows this well, and she knows well that they are very supportive of her.

    It has nothing to do with any moral or ethical standards, except for Lisa’s ethics of “anything to win another election.”

    • Of the support of the three-legged stool, federal spending is the strongest and the one that will never go away. Hate that fact as you might, if it does goes away, so do you, since every other industry in Alaska is currently in deadly decline (except pass-thru aviation cargo, which Trump is desperately trying to kill). Since 1938, Alaska has been a military outpost no different than Ft. Bridger in 1875. And that certainly isn’t going to change………ever…….since this state is sandwiched between Canada and Russia (and Trump clearly didn’t earn any love in Ottawa lately, and his love affair with Putin is a guaranteed divorce), and Alaska domestically is just a series of parks surrounded by Native reservations.
      Maybe you’d be happier in Texas, which is devoid of federal lands…….outside Forts Hood and Bliss?

  4. Seems like Murkowski is out on the far handle of her broom alone, not even Collins is out there. I hope she knows that many of us have equal disgust for her. Resign…

  5. Daddy’s Little Princess has something to hide.
    It’s only a matter of time before we find it.
    She certainly doesn’t’ t represent Alaska – Alaskans.
    Buckle up baby doll, you’re going to be outed soon!

    • Not soon enough
      She still has time to wreek havok.
      Why doesnt the republican party of alaska boot her out of the party and censure her?
      She is guilty of so many crimes against us all.
      Her derangement syndrome is atrocious.
      She has violated her oath of office since day one, voting against alaska, against we the people.
      She is a total disgrace.

    • Cam, so following your logic, the current state of affairs of an ever expanding and unaccountable leviathan is efficient?

      In my experience I’ve often found that a scatter gun produces immediate results when employed against vermin and other pests.

      There are some things one cannot reason with. These include Red Squirrels, Garbage Bears and Democrat Party controlled governmental agencies. Like a parasite they will eventually consume everything you have and rob you of your freedom!


      • I was told that if I voted for Kamala Harris the stock market would crash. I voted for Kamala Harris and, sure enough, the market crashed. Just one example of how breaking the government can be the opposite of efficiency: Trump’s push to layoff half of the IRS workforce would cost the govt $350B over 10 years, as the revenue lost from unpaid taxes is about 9x the amount saved from layoffs.

    • Nancy,
      Check all of our bank accounts. Make sure that our Senate retirement, State of Alaska, Social Security, and the stash from our first bank job is all in place. Kash is coming! Tell Lisa to quit talking.

      • It’s hard to get her to shut up, Frankie. She’s our little traitor daughter. And she doesn’t care how much it hurts us.

    • Too true.
      For examples, just look at our state legislature.
      The Rs refuse to stand up for we the people of alaska, we CITIZENS.
      Their derangement is toxic to our state and nation.

  6. Defund What?!!
    My understanding and I believe, neither Trump nor Musk are drawing a salary and the D.O.G.E. computer auditors are being paid from Tesla, SpaceX and/or Musk’s pockets

  7. Is there a way we can get her out of office? She does not represent Alaska. She only represent herself. She’s an embarrassment to Alaska.

  8. No surprise here, She will continue voting against anything Trump does, even if it hurts Alaska.
    Lisa! Put aside your hate for President Trump and for once do what’s right for our state and country.

  9. Why doesn’t she just get it over with and join the Democrat Party? Or, for that matter, why doesn’t the Republican Party just kick her out!

  10. To Mr. Musk,
    We would be grateful for your help to eliminate ranked-choice voting, purge Alaska’s voter rolls, and expose dark-money donors and recipients, which, among other good things, should end the Murkowski problem.

  11. The Senator’s vote is a result of Alaska’s addiction to federal handouts. My rough analysis is that since 2020 the federal government has overspent by approximately seven trillion dollars. This excess spending has infected virtually everything in the US but it may be worse in Alaska.

    In the last fifty years, far too many institutions and individual Alaskans have sought to cash in on every give-away coming from Washington, DC. Federal appropriations are like opium. It feels so good at first but then becomes an absolute requirement. As institutions have learned to chase the federal dollars, they have failed to improve legitimate and sustainable business skills. Alaska’s economy has weakened and stagnated. Breaking the addiction to federal appropriations may be painful for Alaskans. Senator Murkowski was the only “Republican” to vote on the losing side here. The next three years do not look good.

  12. Lisa Murkowskis’ 2028 campaign slogan:
    “Government workers, unions and non-profit NGOs vote for me!
    I will support and defend ALL waste, fraud and abuse”

  13. Murkowski voted with the Democrats to defund the efficiency initiative, but the amendment failed, 52-48.

    That is the story.
    She failed as she always does, including her signature ANWR by voting for Deb Haaland who immediately tanked the legislation.


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