Murkowski votes with Democrats to defeat ban on taxpayer-funded abortion

Sen Lisa Murkowski, with Sen. Susan Collins in the background, in this 2019 file photo.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted with nearly all of the Democrats and Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine to defeat the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion bill today.

The bill would have made permanent the current ban on the use of federal dollars for most abortions.

Two Democrats voted in favor of the bill, as did Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska, a Republican. SB 109 was defeated on a 48-47 vote.

The bill needed 60 votes to make the ban on federal funding for abortion permanent, and five lawmakers did not choose to cast a ballot at all.

Tuesday is the 46th anniversary of the landmark pro-abortion Supreme Court decision Roe vs. Wade.

(This story is updated to clarify that Murkowski’s vote was not critical to the passage of this bill, as it needed 60 votes to pass.)


  1. Completely expected. Classic Lisa. She is not a Republican, plain and simple. She is either not running as one next election cycle, retiring, or preparing for a complete blood-bath, down and dirty losing campaign.

  2. Paying for premeditated murder is a very serious crime against humanity. The only difference between this and the gas chambers is that these children cannot scream.

  3. correction: house husband can’t draw unemployment, cuz he never had a job before. he lives off of Lisa’s gov’t check.

    • Larry I agree she’s a total loser, her father as Gov was even worst and that’s how she got where she is today. Here in Alaska she goes out in the Villages that’s where she get’s her vote’\s, she will run as a R but she runs with the DEM. I can only tell you, and she know’s she cannot win and represent Alaska in the next election Trump is the one that got ANWR passed, but like always, she will take all the credit.

  4. Literally, the worst vote I ever made. Thankfully, I learned my lesson in 2010 and didn’t repeat it in 2016.

  5. Are you proud of this child, Frank and Nancy? She’s making history in the 49th state. First US Senator in Alaska who has found a way to deceive and screw everyone. She’s all yours. The Murkowskis have been using Alaska for 40 years. Its time we put them on their place. Enough of this sh*t.
    We need to stand up against these Alaskan traitors.

    • Amen Jack. Exactly where I am at. Can’t afford insulin. Too bad I can’t get pregnant and get me some of that free health care!

      THANKS LISA. You’re a peach

      • Older versions of insulin are sold in other countries for a lot less. To keep the costs of medications cheap, India has has made a series of policy decisions. For example, until 2005, India offered no patent protection for pharmaceutical products, which made the generic pharmaceutical industry thrive. When India became a part of World Trade Organization (WTO) it passed patent laws in 2005, however the laws only offered weak protections to pharmaceuticals. Hence, when new drugs come to the Indian market, they typically face generic competition pretty much right after their launch. The result is that medication in India is ridiculously cheap and generic pharmaceutical industry continues to thrive.

  6. When a RINO does what RINOs do you’re surprised?

    Too bad recall procedures were not built into Alaska’s statehood documents and constitution.

  7. This morning I checked KTUU and KTVA websites and facebook page and (it can’t be!) there was no mention of this news. Tell me our Alaskan network stations aren’t Democrats mouthpiece.

  8. This position and vote of Lisa’s is no surprise, and just another reason, along with many others, why I will never vote for her again. Sorry that I did in the first place.

  9. If I stabbed a pregnant woman to death, I’d be charged with a double homicide, yet she can kill that same baby like it’s going to the dentist and pulling a tooth. Then, after she does it, I have to pay for it.

  10. Where is the big surprise? She’s voting for her constituencies; the Alaska native groups in public employee unions. If you Are a taxpayer, you have no representation.

  11. Lisa asked to have ANWR opened. We got it from Trump and she’s been most ungrateful (disgraceful) ever since. She has no sense of responsibilty to the conservatives in her party or the people of Alaska that expect a higher level of integrity from the elected leadership. Even while in the Alaska Legislature, she was never a leader. Her swaying in the wind continues today.
    Lisa, you can take me off your Christmas letter list.

  12. Lisa has turned out just like her daddy, Frank Murkowski… know, the man who drove a bank into the ground before he became a US Senator elected in Alaska in 1980. The Murkowski family’s star is falling rapidly, thanks to Lisa’s desire to ingratiate Democrats and Lefty women. Her daddy appointed her in 2002 because he was aware that she would fail on her own initiatives, and with a husband who doesn’t know how to work, Lisa would be a stranded mom raising two kids. But Frank taught her that lying to the constituency and receiving large government paychecks will take you to that glory place. Lisa, please quit sending us your phoney Christmas cards. Save your money and concentrate on wrinkle lifts. Your despair and shame is really showing. DUMP LISA 2022!

    • Wouldn’t that make Frank Murkowski a criminal in the eyes of the government? Why no deep investigation at the time? Let me guess…. Frank became a US Senator and got a seat on the Senate “Banking Committee.” The Murkowski have been living a life of luxury for decades, at government expense. Four decades, to be exact. Round-the-World cruises. Multiple homes in and around Alaska and the US. Private yachts. Grandkids in presigious law schools. Valuable land holdings in and around Alaska. And now, Alaskan have to put up with Lisa Murkowski, who in all reality is not a Republican, and undermined the will of the Republican primary voters in 2010. Her daddy, Frank Murkowski, and mommy, Nancy Murkowski, were benefactors of the Republican Party for decades. It was the Republican Party that was loyal to the Murkowskis, not vice versa. DUMP LISA in 2022. Where do I donate?

  13. Most everything and everyone has a limited shelf life. AND, I think her expiration date is Past Due. It’s time for her to go, NOW!

  14. Murkowski might as well come out of the closet as Democrat since she does not align with the values of the Republicans in Alaska. I think the Alaska Republican Party should not back her ever again. DIVORCE HER FROM THE REPUBLICANS IN ALASKA!!!

  15. Murkowski should come out of the closet as Democrat because she sure does not vote for her Republican Constituents, The Alaska Republican Party should strip her of the R behind her name and we should conduct a grass root effort to make sure 2022 is her last year in Congress.

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