Murkowski signals she will be a ‘yes’ vote for Tulsi Gabbard for National Intelligence director


Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she will vote to confirm former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii for the director of National Intelligence for President Donald Trump. The Senate confirmation vote is expected later this week.

“While I continue to have concerns about certain positions she has previously taken, I appreciate her commitment to rein in the outsized scope of the agency, while still enabling the ODNI to continue its essential function in upholding national security. As she brings independent thinking and necessary oversight to her new role, I am counting on her to ensure the safety and civil liberties of American citizens remain rigorously protected,” Murkowski wrote.

In response to her commitment made on X, Elon Musk replied, “Awesome.”

Murkowski did not indicate her position on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for Secretary of Health.

But Sen. Susan Collins of Maine told CNN she be voting yes for Kennedy, all but assuring his confirmation even if Murkowski votes against him, which appears likely. The Senate is expected to vote to confirm RFK Jr. this week as well.

For any confirmation votes this week, Vice President Vance is not going to be on hand to break a tie, as he is in Europe attending meetings with foreign leaders. He broke the tie vote on Pete Hegseth for Defense secretary after Murkowski voted against Hegseth.


  1. What Happened to voting for QUALIFIED PEOPLE?!!! Tulsi Gabbard is Extremely UNQUALIFIED & her background deems her to be a Major Security Risk! Many suspect her to be a Russian asset.
    It makes No Sense! Especially after All this Hoopla about DEI Workers as Unqulified, and then to confirm Tulsi to Run CIA is incredibly dangerous. Disappointed in Sen Murkowski.

  2. Elon signaled to Murkowski with his one word tweet, “Awesome,” that DOGE has likely discovered Princess Lisa’s money laundering with USAID $$$.

  3. Until she actually casts that vote for Gabbard, I’m skeptical. She can always flip on this. From the outside looking in, this might just be a PR ploy to gain more attention and to appear to be a centrist interested only in “good public policy.” At this point, the only good public policy will be for Lisa to be Cheneyed during the next primary. She’s proven that she is not a conservative and will vote with the other side of the aisle just as much as she did for Biden’s nominees.

  4. With Susan Collins announcing that she will vote for Tulsi Gabbard a couple days ago, it’s not a surprise that Lisa has acquiesced in her support for Tulsi. Senator Collins frequently seems to be Lisa’s ‘seeing eye dog’. At any rate, it is good news for Tulsi and for our intelligence services. We shall see what Lisa comes up with when considering Kash Patel and RWK Jr.

  5. Hare Rama Hare Rama
    Rama Rama Hare Hare
    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
    Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

    Gabbard’s a weird one. Fits right in.

  6. I am guessing that either Lisa wants to give republicans a token vote of support.

    Or, Elon found a huge pile of dirt on her.

    Or both.

    Either way, we got her to vote for someone competent for a change.

  7. We told our little princess to start cooperating with Trump if she expects a 5th, 6th, and 7th term in the US Senate. So proud of our little gal.

    • Frankie, isn’t there anything that you and Nancy can do about wiping that permanent “salmon just pulled from the net” scowl from Princess’ ever-sour face?

      • She’s had that same look ever since Christmas morning at 6 years-old because Santa never brought her the pony she had asked for. She’s still trying to get that pony, which explains a lot.

    • We are proud of our little heritage girl, keeping the Murkowski name on the front mind of every Alaskan in this beautiful state. But we paid the price too. We had an Olympic-sized outdoor pool built at our Fairbanks home, primarily for Lisa so she could be a star swimmer. Frankie bought her new cars. We put her in private Catholic schools. Frankie got her an easy job with a North Slope oil company where she had a full-time boyfriend at Prudhoe Bay. Next, we put her through law school and Frankie paid for all seven of her Bar Exam attempts. Then, we paid for her campaigned for Alaska State House. Frankie even appointed her to US Senate, though he had others in consideration before Lisa begged him. We paid for Lisa’s 2010 write-in campaign knowing full well that Joe Miller won the primary. And, Frankie paid for each and every other political campaign. Her house husband ran a small noodle stand in Anchorage but that didn’t even pay for the gas on Lisa’s cars.
      Even though Lisa has cost me many, many friendships over the past two decades, I’m still proud to be living as a privileged, former first lady.
      The Murkowski legacy lives on.

      • Nancy,
        You are correct about my noodle stand earnings. I actually was the first Alaska noodle stand bankruptcy case in Alaska, maybe even in America. Lisa broke my business dreams of making it big time in the restaurant business. My former business partner still won’t talk to me.
        What’s this about Lisa being shacked-up with a guy co-worker at Prudhoe Bay? This was never disclosed to me. I thought all Catholic girls were saving themselves. Lisa bungles everything it seems.

      • Thank you, Nancy, for all your hard work in bringing up your daughter to be the stellar exemplar of moral and intellectual integrity that she is. I would not deign to even touch the hem of her dress, so unworthy would I be of even being in her exalted presence. All we lesser mortals can do is try our best to live up to the supreme example of perfection that she has set for us. Truly, her apotheosis will be attended by all the angles of Heaven.

        • Jefferson,
          That’s what Nancy and I kept telling her. Think BIG. Dream hard. Go to mass. Stay loyal. Use your brain. You know, all the Republican values. But after her 6th or 7th bar exam, she went Democrat.

  8. Too little, too late. I’m afraid this won’t help Murkowski’s political career very much in the long run. Everyone knows she is a RINO, Uniparty hack.

  9. I’m impressed that Lisa followed through and actually voted for Gabbard. Perhaps the polling indicated that she’d be primaried next election if she didn’t get on board. Nonetheless, we have a disruptor at National Intelligence which, after what we’ve seen since 2015, would be a bonus. Still, Lisa needs to be Cheneyed.

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