Sen. Lisa Murowski is apparently not on board with DOGE — the Department of Government Efficiency.
On Friday she said dozens of Alaska — up to 100 federal workers — in Alaska lost their jobs due to the Trump Administration’s reduction-in-force of the federal workforce.
“Many of these abrupt terminations will do more harm than good, stunting opportunities in Alaska and leaving holes in our communities. We can’t realize our potential for responsible energy and mineral development if we can’t permit projects. We will be less prepared to manage summer wildfires if we can’t support those on the front lines. Our tourism economy will be damaged if we don’t maintain our world-class national parks and forests,” she wrote on X.
Not including military personnel, Alaska has 15,200 civilians in federal jobs. If Murkowski is right that there are up to 100 jobs that have been discontinued, that’s less than 1/2 of a percent.
“I share the administration’s goal of reducing the size of the federal government, but this approach is bringing confusion, anxiety, and now trauma to our civil servants—some of whom moved their families and packed up their whole lives to come here. Indiscriminate workforce cuts aren’t efficient and won’t fix the federal budget, but they will hurt good people who have answered the call to public service to do important work for our nation,” Murkowski said.
In fact, Murkowski has never made the size of the federal workforce an issue. Her history in the Senate has been dedicated to bringing more federal money and jobs to Alaska. President Trump is trying to reduce the $36 trillion national debt and cut government waste, fraud, and abuse. Murkowski has never mentioned these topics during her nearly two decades in the Senate.
“My staff and I are in close touch with agency and department officials, trying to get answers about the impact of these terminations. Our goal is to forestall unnecessary harm—for people and Alaska’s federal priorities—but the response so far has been evasive and inadequate,” Murkowski said.
Through a series of executive orders, federal workers have known this was coming. And it’s not the first time that a president has reduced the workforce due to budgetary constraints.
During the administration of Democrat Bill Clinton in the 1990s, Clinton eliminated 426,000 federal jobs in an effort to rein in spending.
The actual number of Alaska-based federal workers who have lost their jobs in this 2025 round of government job cuts is unclear, with Murkowski giving the only number that’s been revealed publicly, and she offered no documentation. But if it’s 100, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the 10,000 federal workers across the country given their walking papers on Friday.
The Trump Administration has also offered buyouts to many federal workers; if they accept and leave, they’ll still get paid through September. Federal labor unions sued to stop the buyouts, but a judge has ruled the buyouts are legal.
Trump has also ordered that for every federal employee hired, four must be released, the same formula he used to reduce regulations during his first term in office.
The first tranche of federal employees that are being let go are still in their probationary period, not as protected by the federal workers’ unions as those who are entrenched in federal civil service.
In Alaska, the Sitka-based Alaska Outdoor Alliance, has used the mainstream media to object to the federal workforce reductions. That group, however, is funded by the Alaska Venture Fund, which gets its funding through a pipeline of money that starts with liberal billionaires George Soros and others, coming through dark-money network of Arabella Advisors and the New Venture Fund, which funds many liberal causes in Alaska.
The Alaska Outdoor Alliance, a group that is not transparent about its finances, is not to be confused with the Alaska Outdoor Council, which receives no funding from George Soros.
Well, she’s a socialist swamp creature so 12 jobs hurts the whole state? In her mind sure.
Yes I agree with you. She is a true socialist that needs to retire asap.
So are you. If you drive on highways, turn on lights, flush toilets, turn on faucets, fly on planes, buy food from grocery stores, have a bank account or mortgage, etc.
Read the Constitution’s Preamble. Then, read John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government. Then, read Montesquieu’s Spirit of Laws. Then read Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s The Social Contract. The central ideas coalesce around the fundamental commitment to a government based on reason, liberty, and the consent of the governed.
Fact: if you’re a citizen of the United States of America under the rights, provisions, and freedoms the Separation of Powers under the Constitution provides, you live under a beautifully crafted Social Contract that created the greatest Social Democracy the world has ever known.
Chari; nope
Only 100? I would hope for many more, especially in the park service, forest service and fish & wildlife.
Also, I cannot help noticing that Beavis & Butthead must be the illegitimate children of Lisa Murk and Schumer.
That’s rich. ;
There are probably at least that many unfilled.
Of course she doesn’t like it. It’s Princess Lovelorn.
If Trump cured cancer she’d complain.
There’s no love lost between her and Trump, from before. She better be careful as her days are numbered in her position.
This is the problem with bureaucrats and politicians. They are spending other people‘s money and they believe that it will just keep on coming in and that they can just keep on printing more and more money to pay for all of the employees they feel they need to have. In business when things take a downturn or the season has ended you need to layoff employees to make sure that you do not go bankrupt waiting for things to pick back up again.
I believe that the Biden administration took every effort to grow government and to grow the union payrolls and to expand their bureaucratic power. Over the last three or four years when looking at the employment statistics, you could see the only thing really growing was the government payroll.
A bloated government must be cut back. We cannot afford to continue the way we have been going. We are $36 trillion in debt.
Lisa‘s inability to see this points clearly shows that she has never truly had to run a company and stay within a budget.
I’m sorry and forgive me but everything that Lisa Murkowski does I see as evil and incompetent.
No, Lisa. It will do more good than harm. Private employees create wealth. Government employees take away wealth.
Exactly !
Of course,,she says that, she’s never seen a pork project that she didn’t want to SPEND! SPEND! SpEND! On so long as it might buy her a few votes out comes that taxpayer-unded ATM card its not Daddy Dearest’s money, after all,might as well go on that shopping spree gotta get that shopaholicfix.
Yes I agree with you. She is a true socialist that needs to retire asap.
Where was outrage in the 90’s when they were downsizing the military. There wasn’t. I was among in that category back then. All I have to say to those being let go is Lean on Christ and God will take care of you. That is what I had to do.
Good advice. We better pray for them!
True theology. To choose to lean on and behold the Messiah.
We Murkowskis have always known that the best, most secure paychecks, with loads of benefits (both during employment and in retirement) are through government employment and the only way to go. We ingrained this thinking into Lisa.
That’s why Lisa hates Trump. Trump is an independent, free market thinker. It’s very difficult to get a government worker to see his logic. That’s because government workers have been guaranteed paychecks, benefits, and good retirement. Bank work in the private sector was not good for me. Too much temptation to take more than was mine to be taken. But after 43 years of the Murkowski family feeding at the trough of federal and state government, its hard to quit. Old habits die hard. I feel the Murkowski dynasty is being shaken up unfairly. It’s like drug addiction. We can’t help ourselves.
Good points, Frankie. Drop the drugs and try using more alcohol
So sad, now they can get a real job and work for a living instead of living off the taxpayers. Maybe we should cut down how many reps each state has. Do we really need two senators.
Telling, I guess we can’t do anything without government.
She has a warped sense about her. I don’t think she understands how a dollar is made.
Definitely brings nothing to the table in a leadership roll. Her time in grade does not off-set the smallness of her mind.
The only way she knows of a dollar being made is for the Fed to print more for her to go shopping with…
Crotalus murkowskii. The Alaska Snow Rattlesnake a,truly poisonous viper:thrives by killing the young of others, and eating nest eggs
interesting considering how many jobs were lost the first week Biden was in. – shut down oil and told people they would get green jobs – government has grown too big to work. its ineffective and cost too damn much. Trump is doing what a responsible person would do. find where he can reduce burdens & OMG has he found some doozies- something no president, congress or senate has ever done GO DOGE !!!
I agree!
Cut cut cut. If something needs done contract the private sector to get it done. Bureaurats suck.
If these small number of jobs are so crucial then the good Senator should easily be able to identify at least as many that are not. I’d hazard a guess and say she could identify ten times as many over the weekend if she were actually on board with the goal of reducing the size of the federal government.
This is Murkowski’s Fault for NOT standing up fo the People and voting against Trump’s Cabinet picks who she knew are dangerous and unqualified! Murkowski who refuses to stand up Against an UnElected Tech Billionaire & Trump Coup to make life Better for Billionaires at the expense of cutting benefits and services for Alaskans!
Teri, an appointed Billionaire working for an elected Billionaire.
Please get your facts straight.
BTW, this is exactly what Trump said he would do, and it’s going better than all of us could have hoped for.
“this is exactly what Trump said he would do, and it’s going better than all of us could have hoped for”
Well said Mr. Schenker!
Terri; do you ever get tired of being wrong?
I’ve spent an hour trying to explain this to my cats…
Max the wonder cat, general cuddles, & Mr wiskers…
I believe spending an hour trying to explain it to Princess Lisa would be useless…
at least the cats get it
No, to the lazy idiot Murkowski! They put in for retirement because they have met their life plan and goals. The agencies are downsizing and will follow the laws for employees to retire. Those that want too, are doing just that. Whole agencies that are shut down are not a part of the downsizing process.
Murkowski shows why she can’t really function well in her job. She can’t communicate “truth” and she doesn’t understand OPM rules for employees. Its called “the law” hidden away in the Code of Federal Regulations and the Statutes under the US Constitution. Remember that it took five tries for Murkowski to pass her bar exam!!!
The onlyOPM sleaze is understands is Other People’s Money, which is what she just LOVES to SPEND!! Because she” knowsbetter” how to spend it than those ” garbage” people do
Lisa wouldn’t like it if Trump gave all his money to Saint Jude children’s hospital. She is a Trump hater and a thorn in Alaska’s backside.
I totally agree with you about Lisa.
Bitter Murkowski….
She knows a thing or 2 about “doing more harm than good”
Lisa wouldn’t like it if Trump gave all his money to Saint Jude children’s hospital. She is a Trump hater and a thorn in Alaska’s backside.
Murkowski claimed “I share the administration’s goal of reducing the size of the federal government.”
Liar Murkowski has consistently embraced more spending.
Here’s a little jewel of wisdom…..
I know this has been posted before, but fits well here:
“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. WHAT ONE PERSON RECEIVES WITHOUT WORKING FOR, ANOTHER PERSON MUST WORK FOR WITHOUT RECEIVING. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. YOU CANNOT MULTIPLY THE WEALTH BY DIVIDING IT”.
Anything that Murkowski is against is probably good for us.
Write her a letter telling her that you don’t approve of her job performance and she should be fired … like when she’s up for re-election and the whole state will vote her out of office … I wonder what her robo-letter would say … “Thank you for your interest in …blah,blah blah … Senator Murkowski”.
She’s so f-ing phony, like a three dollar bill … we have to get rid of her!
See my letter to her. I have hearing more and more that she will run for Governor at the end of her term. NOT!
All this woman does is harm….and no good. She and her cronies are responsible for destroying the dollar by creating all these “jobs”
I think Lisa simply enjoys being contrary. Maybe for the attention. 100 positions is nothing and will not cause even a ripple in our economy. I doubt those whose jobs are on the line are as fretful as Lisa and likely just updating those resumes. If they are good employees they will be in new positions pretty quick.
Lisa needs every single one of those Federal civilian employee votes.
News for ya, they pretty much vote in blocs and they vote one way.
Look at the past two presidential elections. Now examine the McKinley Village precinct (very high proportion of Federal employees) and take note.
There may not be a stronger Democrat stronghold in Alaska.
Again, Lisa needs them and intends to do whatever she has to in order to keep them.
“Wild fire management “? ? ?
Like the one on the Kenai a few years ago ?
How about the Superintendent of Denali
Removing the American Flag ! ??
What did Lisa do then ?
I for one welcome the thinning of our useless
Government workers!
Pimple on the a– of progress
The old crone is a dolt and 100 is nowhere near enough, let’s hope there’s more firings coming!!
Senator Murlowski’s quote itself IS the reason to support cutting federal jobs in Alaska.
MY staff and I are in close touch with agency and department officials, trying to get answers about the impact of these terminations. Our goal is to forestall unnecessary harm—for people and Alaska’s federal priorities—but the response so far has been evasive and inadequate,” Murkowski said.
AS OUR HIGHEST RANKED SENATOR-she has the power to get answers. But she does not get answers.
She goes on to say, “ “I share the administration’s goal of reducing the size of the federal government, but this approach is bringing confusion, anxiety, and now trauma to our civil servants—some of whom moved their families and packed up their whole lives to come here. Indiscriminate workforce cuts aren’t efficient and won’t fix the federal budget, but they will hurt good people who have answered the call to public service to do important work for our nation,” Murkowski said.”
It is not that federal agency employees are suddenly told to “not advocate” how efficiently they do their job to transfer congressional appropriations through their departments to get to the intended purpose.
It is that Senator Murkowski values civil servants above the intended recipients -the Alaskan People that voted for her- and she uses her power on the appropriation committee – to fake the appearance of winning – while bogging down the congressional authorization language to perpetuate the good people that relocate to Alaska as federal civil servants.
She did not say one thing to advocate for her appropriation votes and the people those appropriations were intended to elevate.
Out with the old and in with the new… Anybody want to guess what a Federal Government run by AI Terminators is going to look like… ???
@cybro if we are truly embarking on a more effective and efficient federal administration-it is time to interject on what we want going forward. Which clearly happened-hence the greatest President of all times, Donald J. Trump.
It’s already turning the world on its head with an American President that is an actual CEO.
To reduce his efficiency and effect to a cyber robot-is a stupid way out of facing the fact that voting for f”g lawyers to rule the greatest country of the free world has been the outcome of where we all are at.
Lawyers, by design, are good at debate.
At a young age of 30 years old, and CEO of the Alaska Native Health Board, the statewide voice and intergovernmental affairs entity – I had at least three national law firms on retainer.
Lawyers have a significant role, but it is never going to be leadership.
The difference between CEOs and Lawyers in leadership is CEOs live on a high wire of foresight- competitive advantage-lawyers in leadership are inherently backward looking.
If you take a step back, it is astonishing to hear the wails and protests from the Left when there is ANY reduction or change by the new Administration. These folks apparently think the status quo is the ONLY acceptable path. It is NOT, nor is the march towards state socialism inevitable. I have been skeptical of the Trumpster’s ability to get things done. I want to be pleasantly surprised.
Note to Princess Lisa, the 71+million of us who voted for Trump DO NOT CARE what you think about anything. The only thing we will pay attention to you would be “I will not be running for re-election in 2028.”
I’m sure she’ll bemoan opening ANWR too which will create jobs
Murkowski is only sounding off because Trump name is attached.
Biden did a Reduction in Force(RIF) did you speak out?
Trump did a RIF did you speak out in his first term?
Obama did a RIF did you speak out?
Bush did a RIF did you speak out?
Clinton did a RIF did you speak out?
No you did not to that I remember. I can understand and accept some one not liking a Trump
You it is a vindictive hate As a US Senator I feel this is Unprofessional Unethical not good for ALaks a Resign if you can not will not work with Our President
What is the average IQ of democrat voters??
Is it higher or lower than caribou?
Explain to people why not voting for Murkowski is good for them.
I wrote to Lisa the following. Hey folks, Lisa doesn’t read these posts, yet she does see and understand what is written to her!
I see that you are upset at 100 federal workers in Alaska, appears these are probationary (last hired, first fired) being let go. This is from Must Read Alaska so quotes will be from there.
You said: “Many of these abrupt terminations will do more harm than good, stunting opportunities in Alaska and leaving holes in our communities. We can’t realize our potential for responsible energy and mineral development if we can’t permit projects. We will be less prepared to manage summer wildfires if we can’t support those on the front lines. Our tourism economy will be damaged if we don’t maintain our world-class national parks and forests,” President Trump is reducing “permitting”, since that has been an impediment to Alaska being able to drill, mine, etc. So, with less permits, less workers needed. Most of our wildfires are put out by State of Alaska firefighters, why do we need a federal worker? At Denali Park, we had, just last year, a blatant violation of the First Amendment for flying the US Flag, yet, the park flew the Gay Pride Flag.
You said: “I share the administration’s goal of reducing the size of the federal government, but this approach is bringing confusion, anxiety, and now trauma to our civil servants—some of whom moved their families and packed up their whole lives to come here. Indiscriminate workforce cuts aren’t efficient and won’t fix the federal budget, but they will hurt good people who have answered the call to public service to do important work for our nation,” So, by your number of up to a 100, that is a drop in the bucket. If this was me getting a job with the federal government, as a probationary, would I want to sell my home, pack up and leave the Lower 48 to Alaska? No. If I was a long term worker, yes, as a probationary, nope. These are not “indiscriminate”, these are targeted. What about all the good workers in the civilian sector that have lost jobs because of the Biden economy, the massive eroding of wages, again due to Biden? What about the 426,000 axed by Clinton? From article, “Trump has also ordered that for every federal employee hired, four must be released, the same formula he used to reduce regulations during his first term in office.” This is solid business practices. Federal workers are not sacred cows! We are in the hole over 36 Trillion Dollars! No Congress, no President has ever taken a hard line to reverse this! In fact, each month when unemployment numbers come out, it shows on average for the last 4 years, 30 thousand plus new government workers! Yet, the really important sectors of employment have had 10’s of thousands in in the negative. We have a bloated government, these cuts and this approach can and will make our government less costly and more responsive. Neither of which the Socialists and yes the RINO’s want. For more government means more individual power. No Lisa, the POWER is in WE THE PEOPLE.
From Must Read: “In Alaska, the Sitka-based Alaska Outdoor Alliance, has used the mainstream media to object to the federal workforce reductions. That group, however, is funded by the Alaska Venture Fund, which gets its funding through a pipeline of money that starts with liberal billionaires George Soros and others, coming through dark-money network of Arabella Advisors and the New Venture Fund, which funds many liberal causes in Alaska.” So do you support George Soros? How about the millions that were funneled to him by Biden?
Bottom line Lisa is we have a new CEO, Commander In Chief who can look at the “business” of government and whom can surround himself with other businessmen and women who know how to vastly improve, streamline and make more “responsive” our government that we own and pay for each day!
Lisa – “Who is going to process all those permits?” – Change the permit process and eliminate much regulation… duh. When the USBLM has the audacity to tell us what we can and can’t do on private, State, and Native land under the guise of the “Middle Yukon resource Development Plan” – covering border to coasts north of Fairbanks – with the goal of eliminating ALL resource development – we can be sure that there is a surplus of BLM employees and a deficit of intelligence. Shall I pick on a few other agencies?
This is coming from someone who has obviously never worked in private industry.
Sorry, Lisa, but good people get laid off all the time, and the company does just fine. Same with the local economy. A month after the layoffs, production continues chugging right along.
What makes you think the Federal employee is some kind of super special? Like losing one will cause the system to grind to a halt?
she is more worried about Mt. McKinley than illegal aliens, DOGE savings to Americans & hating any and everything Trump is doing for our country!
You left-wing nuts are a special bunch, flakes-nuts-berries!
No, not special. They are a mentally ill bunch. So is Lisa Murkowski. And why is she a US Senator? Because her daddy Frank put her in, and the mentally ill Democrats keep her in, with RCV.
Let’s have DOGE and citizens of Alaska evaluate Murkowskis’ productivity; add Peltola. Murkowski should retire to New York. Illegals have ‘lovely’ hotel rooms.
The FIRING that will do the most good for Alaska is the “canning” of LISA MURKOWSKI!
Strange; I don’t remember Lisa commenting about the disaster when tens of thousands in Alaska were losing their jobs during covid, or when private industry laid off taxpayers. She’s a bit tone deaf, or really doesn’t care about the rest of Alaska.
I am glad to see that our dear Princess Lisa is clearly preparing for her political demise and burial by starting the mummification process while still ambulatory.
Lisa, you’ve done more harm than good…! Important good history is being made with President Trump as Commander in Chief. We almost lost America due to evil forces including stupid actions by you. You will be remembered as an almost overlooked footnote of Alaskan history, and only for being in the way of MAGA’s efforts!…P.S. You should write a proposal to change the name Denali to Mt. Trump! And maybe change the popular hiking area east of Anchorage called Flat Top to Mole Hill Murkowski…….
I propose a ballot initiative renaming the Eagle River landfill as “Mt. Political Legacy Of Lisa Murkowski”.
The only ones “harmed” will be those fired fed workers. Sorry, but get another job with that excellent resume. Nobody will miss them in Alaska.
We voted for Trump. Murkowski is against everything Trump. She and Dan Sulivan were two of eight republican senators to confirm Alejandro Mayorkas as head of Homeland Security under Biden. We need representation that aligns with our mandate for Trump. She must go!
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