Murkowski measure to address infant mortality advances in Senate


 The U.S. Senate’s Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee advanced legislation led by Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski to improve maternal health, address infant mortality, and support nursing mothers in the workplace. The bills now head to the full Senate for consideration.

The Rural Maternal and Obstetric Modernization of Services (Rural MOMS) Act will give help to new and expecting mothers living in rural communities. The MOMS Act focuses on data collection on maternal health, increases funding for rural care grants, expands maternal telehealth resources, and broadens training opportunities for healthcare professionals in maternal health.

“Coming from Alaska, these disparities – both geographic and socioeconomic – are particularly concerning, which is why I am proud to co-lead the Rural MOMS Act. Every expecting mother deserves the best care available for herself and her baby, regardless of where they live,” said Sen. Murkowski.

The Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) for Nursing Mothers Act provides salaried employees in traditional office environments with adequate break time and a private place to pump breastmilk. The bill specifically would expand a 2010 law, which provides space and time for hourly employees who are nursing.

The HELP Committee also advanced the Maternal Health Quality Improvement Act, of which Senator Murkowski joined as a cosponsor. This bill aims to improve maternal health by enhancing evidence-based programs, such as the implementation of rural obstetric networks, maternal telehealth programs, and integrated health care services for pregnant and postpartum women. The legislation also includes provisions to promote vaccinations for pregnant women and infants.


  1. That’s great! But she could make a huge improvement in reducing infant mortality of Alaskans and the other 49 states by defunding PP. I still pray for her heart to change.

  2. Pro abortion Murkowski “worried” about babies’ health. Hmm, maybe if They weren’t ripped out of their mothers’ wombs, they would be healthier………….

    “Religious” Murkowski and Biden both are pro abortion. Oxymorons or just morons???

  3. Wow! Miss abortion rights!
    Talk about speaking from “ both sides of mouth”

    We pay for both now?

  4. Wow! Miss abortion rights!
    Talk about!! Speaking from “ both sides of mouth”

    We pay for both now?

  5. What a sick puppy Murkowski is. It’s all public perspective of her losing the people she thought she had as supporters. Hmmm, her wanting to support of abortions may not have gone so well for her! Move on somewhere else, Lisa.

  6. I never suspected that it’s possible to double-down and snatch defeat out of the jaws of defeat. (Not a typo)

  7. Daddy’s Little Princess!!! … Her ‘true’ character and moral compass on full display. How anyone can see any meaningful value and.or benefit in her as an elected representative, as a fellow Alaskan, as a human being, is simply beyond comprehension. May God have mercy on your soul.
    It’s long over due for a change!

  8. Further proof that nepotism is not only incestuous, but also insane(pro abortion/pro babies’ health}.

  9. This one demands taxpayers subsidize Planned Parenthood’s baby-butchery industry, America’s mass infanticide industry.
    Now it wants to “address infant mortality”.
    We naturally wonder how much its concern about infant mortality might be related to the baby-butchery industry’s production statistics.
    More to the point perhaps, this looks like a feeble, amateurish campaign play, cobbled together by someone with good reason to fear her competition, Kelly Tshibaka.
    Seems awkward, doesn’t it? You don’t kiss the very babies your infanticide-industry supporters want to kill, but you know your adoring public love images of cute and cuddly babies who Planned Parenthood somehow missed.
    So… how’s this, get lots more money, maybe a blank check for your Native Corporation owners, hand it over ceremoniously, for them to do with as they please -no accounting!, and pimp the ripoff as the Rural MOMS Act, thereby showing everyone you, not Tshibaka, own keys to America’s piggy bank.
    And the best part is you can use China flu for an excuse not to kiss any babies!
    What’s not to like?

  10. What is the difference between those babies she is aiming to protect and other pregnancies targeted for termination?

  11. Lisa is a cafeteria Catholic. She believes in abortion. Period. Did her campaign handlers tell her to advance this legislation so her Alaska constituents have a reason to support her? Probably. DUMP LISA 2022!

  12. The difference between Republicans like our Senator Lisa Murkowski versus the likes of Texas Senator Ted Cruz or Gov. Greg Abbott is that she cares what happens to babies in her state AFTER they are born.

    Cancun Ted ran to vacay on the beach in Mexico while millions of Texan children sat — and numbers began dying — in the freezing dark.

    By the end of the same disaster, Governor Ghoul Greg Abbott allowed over 300 children to freeze to death when he could have prevented the natural gas shortages that led to the the shutdown of the Texas electric grid.

    So — Lisa Murkowski shakes out as the #1 Pro-Life Republican in THIS group.

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