Reporters in the U.S. Capitol said that Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski would not answer questions from the media after her Tuesday meeting with Pete Hegseth, Donald Trump’s choice for Secretary of Defense.
Manu Raja, chief congressional correspondent for CNN wrote, “After meeting with Pete Hegseth, Lisa Murkowski avoids cameras and ignores questions.”
POLITICO’S Anthony Adragna gave the same account, that Murkowski “roundly declines all questions from reporters EXCEPT to say she isn’t meeting with Gabbard this week.”
Huffington Post reported Murkowski saying, ““I had a conversation. I appreciated the opportunity for the exchange.”
CBS reported Murkowski saying, “I had a good exchange with Mr. Hegseth and let’s see what the process bears,” as she headed for the members-only elevator.
As for Hegseth, Fox News reported him saying of the conversation, “It was excellent. I appreciate her input a great deal.” But he also did not answer reporters’ questions about whether he has Murkowski’s support.
The Senate is the body in Congress that has the constitutional power to confirm or not deny the president’s nominees. All of President Joe Biden’s nominees passed the Senate in 2021, but several of Trump’s are in peril, including Hegseth, who has been attacked by anonymous sources and unfounded “me too” allegations of the sort lodged against now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation. Trump has nominated unconventional, non-Swamp nominees to run the many departments of his administration, with the hopes of bringing back prudent government to a country that has been besieged by Biden’s bizarre, woke leadership team.
Hegseth is scheduled to meet with another reluctant senator, Susan Collins of Maine, on Wednesday. Both Collins and Murkowski, members who are in the Senate because of ranked-choice voting and in Murkowski’s case non-party primaries, are considered unfriendly to Hegseth as a nominee for Defense, and both are routinely hostile to Donald Trump as a president.
Hegseth met with Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan last week, and Sullivan had praise for the nominee, who is a war veteran.
“I had a productive meeting with SecDef nominee @PeteHegseth today,” Sullivan wrote on X last week. “We focused on the importance of restoring lethality and warfighting as the core mission at the Pentagon as well as the strategic importance of Alaska. I’m confident Pete will work to refocus our military on lethality and peace through strength, as well as getting rid of the damaging woke policies of the Biden admin, some of which I witnessed firsthand as a Marine Corps Reserve Officer.”
Hegseth met with several other senators, including Sen. John Thune and Sen. Joni Ernst, who now appears to be a “yes” vote for Hegseth.
I bet it wasn’t that good My guess is she is being told to tow the line or get out of the party
That doesn’t scare her
And she was taught to be that way by the GOP.
“and let’s see what the process bears,”
That answer tells me that she is going to vote against him….
If possible, I’m thinking she’s going to take a lesson from Peltola and vote present.
Just like most times, this is the only time Murkowski gets attention. Otherwise she’s nothing to anyone. She has no respect of the Republican party being a RINO and the Dems will use her by they don’t trust her either.
Excellent description of Murkowski. ?
Based on her past actions, she will join Collins and vote against Hegseth. She’s NOT a Rhino, she’s an out and out Democrat AND needs to be gone!
This sounds to me like Lisa code for “still not going to vote to confirm him.” Her Trump derangement syndrome is at Level 10. She’s not going to confirm Hegseth no matter what doublespeak she uses. Trump took a bullet, got up, said fight-fight-fight and dragged the Republicans into the majority with the popular vote, the electoral college, every swing state, the Senate and the House. The American people, and Alaskans in particular, sent a mandate. And they are watching. How many (D)ems voted against Biden’s cabinet choices? Zero. If she chokes on even one of Trump’s pick, she needs to become Alaska’s Liz Cheney.
I thing she is already there
Maybe Lisa will wisen-up, take a cue from Sully.
But then(?), maybe not?!?!
“NOT” The Princess has read the room, she is toast were she to run again. Her disdain for President
Trump, trumps her ability to deal with reality of the overpowering support he received from Alaska, means naught to her narcissist persona.
What a tragic turn of events, though President Trump has vowed to not retaliate against those who have disappointed him, how can a normal thinking person not champion the thought of doing so with the outright hostility Murkowski is showing publicly.
Who really cares about princess, we should just ignore her and hope she goes away.
Hegseth is a creep. We can do better.
Fake news. Speaking of creepy, you probably think Rachel (Richard) Levine and “gender-fluid” Sam Brinton were great picks.
Well you gotta admit they were a lot “prettier” to the “hair sniffer” in charge….even though Sammy had no hair to sniff.
I am predicting a “Present” vote.
That’s OK, it appears Jon Fetterman has joined Truth Social. His first Truth posted was bashing the Dems over their weaponization and use of Lawfare. I’m calling him a dark horse dem to vote to appoint 47s cabinet.
Yeah. How dare they use the law against law breaking.
Put up or shut up greg. You make a lot of accusations against trump with little to no proof. All of the lawfare cases are disappearing. Go ask Jack Smith and Fanni how there cases are working out.
You really don’t want me to shut up. That would mean you are against the first amendment of the constitution.
No I want you to stop littering the comment section with your hearsay and slurs. You honestly need to read some articles before posting. It only embarrasses yourself
Lisa is useless. Time to organize a campaign four years out to replace the dark money deceiver.
I wish someone would inform her that she looks like complete hell, she could pass for a villain on any horror film, she looks just like all the other miserable liberal lunatics with TDS, she obviously needs a complete make over and some counseling , what is it with all these TDS women with this condition , it’s got to be huge lack of self esteem that fry’s their brain! But I’m guessing she’s probably a closet drinker aswell. She is orettty Ruff Ruff Rough looking, kinda sad really!
I’m thinking ad hominem attacks do more harm than good …
Yes, and she looks like the wicked witch of the North. She has turned into ugly and its shocking but true. She has a great disdain for Trump and promised to get her buddies together to vote in the negative on his picks for his cabinet. Anyone of them will go through the wringer with her attitude. This is just the beginning of the rounds for position confirmations. One has to remember that her famous mentor was none other than deceased Sen. Diane Feinstein from California and remember the “hell” she set up for Kavanaugh? Well, Murkowski has all the same charming and well practiced talents and will put those skills to use in the next few weeks. She has already given the high sign to each of her buddies and will kill every appointment that has to run that gauntlet.
Ugly is as ugly does.
Everybody knows that Murkowski is a chameleon. I’m not a political animal, but I’d work with Begich to unseat her! Think about and organize! Otherwise, sit back and whine!
Edit: “Think it about and organize! Otherwise, sit back and whine!”
She must have an election coming up.
Not soon enough. Sadly she “won” these past two terms with her underhanded scheming.
Don’t just comment here, email her (‘ or call her!
Murkowski knows she can’t vote against every one of Trump’s picks, even though she’d like to. She’s saving her NO vote for Kash Patel …
Based on the accompanying photograph, methinks that if he had chosen to grab ’em by a different part of the anatomy, things between Murkowski and Trump might have turned out quite differently …
Lisa Murkowski has only one agenda during the next four years of her remaining term, that is,
to disrupt, harass, annoy, and derail Donald Trump at every possible turn. She prides herself on being the Democrat patsy still standing up to Trump branding a Republican label. She is an intellectually dishonest person to the core. She literally has no leadership skills whatsoever. Her legacy still is, and always will be, her daddy’s little pet project to keep the Murkowski name in the Alaska history books. Such a little mouse of a woman with nothing better to do than show off to her Democrat friends that she is really one of them. Lisa is a mentally ill woman who’s psychological capacity for discipline has never matured beyond 7th grade.
Maybe she would trade her vote for Hegseth as DOD Secretary for the “Bridge to Nowhere aka Gravina Island”. Apparently, the M family owns much land there. Just saying.
“Daddy’s little girl” is looking for attention again! A traitor to Alaska, the Republican Party, Conservatives and America. Please go away, you wore out your welcome years ago!
AIPAC has deemed Tulsi Gabbard as not trustworthy as pertains to their Zionist agenda. Pete Hegseth, however, appears to be completely attuned with the Greater Israel Project.
When you’re a D with an R on your lapel, you’re worse than a D…!…The D shoe fits you Lisa, fits you well.
Do something worthy of the R before your pathetic career ends, simply get out of the way of the MAGA movement…
She never has a straight up answer as she is not even capable of making that on her own.
She must first go ask permission from her installers how to vote.
Lets see now where are all those notes and orders from “Mom”(Diane Feinstein).
She is still ruling the roost from her resting place in Cali with her drone Lisa calling the shots for her.
What a pathetic representative for Alaska.
Just so we all remember-
Lisa Murkowski voted to confirm every single Trump 45 cabinet member.
Lisa Murkowski voted to confirm every single Biden cabinet member but Alejandro Mayorkas.
Lisa Murkowski voted to confirm every single Obama cabinet member.
Donald Trump won the popular vote in Alaska by 14 points.
Those are all the salient points that Lisa needs to know to decide how she will vote on Donald Trump’s cabinet choices.
She will cave and vote for Trumps cabinet. Not doing so will not fair well for projects and spending which Alaskas economy desperately needs. Then she will use that for Lisa 2028.
Murkowski won’t be honest and direct ever. She wants what is best for Lisa and not Alaska. She is after Mitch Mc Connell’s position. He is failing. Remember Lisa is a Military Industrial Complex Supporter!!! That puts her on the Other side.
Kenaijoe was wondering about totem in pic also? Spirit animal holding their breasts? Not sure I would want that anywhere especially a government office. Unless you’re sucking up to a certain crowd
It’s art. Got a head of a dead guy in the oval office. Spooky.
Did you invest in Hunters art?
A good exchange?? How large was the bribe????
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