MRAK Almanac: Denali climb report, Friends of Nike Summit open house


May 9, 1879: Alonzo E. Austin arrived in Sitka, the territorial capital, as a Presbyterian missionary. Two years later he would open a boarding school for Native boys that would be known as the Alaska Indian Industrial School. It was the germination of what became Sheldon Jackson School, which became Sheldon Jackson College, which folded due to low enrollment. The building is now owned by the Sitka Fine Arts Camp. Learn more about the camp here.

May 10, 1957: President Dwight Eisenhower nominated Mike Stepovich to be governor of territorial Alaska. Stepovich served as the last governor before Alaska became a state. Stepovich was born 100 years ago in March. He died in 2014 and the New York Times ran his obituary.

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Denali climb report: Number of climbers registered for the 2019 climbing year-923; Number on Denali presently-51; Number of summits-0; At least three teams have made it to 14,200-feet on the West Buttress; Completions last year: 45 percent.

May 8: Governor’s crime bill, HB 49, voted on on House floor 10:30 am

May 9: Fairbanks Borough Assembly continues its meeting from May 3. 6 pm

May 9: Wasilla Airshow Advisory Committee, Wasilla City Hall Council Chambers. 6 pm

May 9: Friends of Nike Site Summit and the Alaska Association for Historic Preservation invite the public to their 10th annual open house in Anchorage at the Atwood Building, 550 West 7th Ave. Information about the restoration of Site Summit, the former Nike Hercules missile battery atop Mount Gordon Lyon in Arctic Valley. Information about tours and volunteer opportunities and a slide show about restoration efforts. Free parking in Linney Pacillo Parking Garage if you get your ticket validated by an Atwood Security desk parking fairy. 5:30-7:30 pm. Details.

May 10: The Sixth Annual Alaska Mining Day. Gather at Matanuska Brewing Company in Midtown Anchorage, 4-7 pm to celebrate. Ken Peltier and band will be live, Alaskan-themed appetizers, signature mining beers, as well as a specialty cocktail. This is also the 80th anniversary of the Alaska Miners Association. Tickets here.

May 10-12: Valdez Fly-In,the granddaddy of STOL competitions, where pilots make their highly modified bushplanes take off and land in unbelievably short distances—9.5 feet for landing and 11 feet for lifting off. Who’s taking pics for MRAK?

May 10: Valdez Opening of the “On Beyond Ziegler: Art & Heritage of Valdez,” a rare glimpse of the art of Eustace Ziegler, Sydney Laurence, and others. This exhibit explores the artwork and inspiration of Valdez regional artists from the community’s formative years through the 1990s.

May 12: Call your mom. She’s known you longer than anyone, right?

May 15: Deadline for applications for Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly Seat E, which is vacant. Submit a completed Application, Statement of Interest and Public Financial Disclosure Statement that complies with the Alaska Statute 39.50 to the Borough Clerk no later than 5 pm, Wednesday, May 15. Application packets available at the Borough Clerk’s Office, 907 Terminal Street, Fairbanks or click here.

May 15: Constitutional end of Alaska legislative session.