Moms for Liberty says those who join group can now have their schools exempted from Biden-Harris transgender policies


Two weeks ago, in a landmark legal ruling, Moms for Liberty secured an injunction to stop the Biden Administration’s rewrite of Title IX regulations from going into effect across the country. Biden’s interpretation of Title IX allows boys to be treated as girls and girls to be treated as boys in sports, locker rooms and bathrooms.

Moms for Liberty, which has chapters in Mat-Su and Anchorage, has now received clarification from a judge that says the preliminary injunction applies to both current and future members of Moms for Liberty, and that the group can continuously update its list of members and thus the schools covered by the injunction, as needed.

On Wednesday, Moms for Liberty launched a new function through its website, allowing members (current, new, and future) to opt-in to the protections secured by Moms for Liberty’s landmark legal victory. Opting your child’s school in is easy and can be done through editing your profile on the Moms for Liberty “member portal.”

Detailed instructions can be found at the group’s webpage. Find detailed instructions on how to opt-in your child’s school and answers to frequently asked questions here



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