Michael Tavoliero: It’s all a conspiracy? A look at the underlying narratives



What if there was a plan, conceived in the incredibly productive times of the 1950s and 1960s, to reshape the world order as we knew it? 

What if this plan involved an unlikely alliance between the global elite and Islamic radicals? 

It might sound far-fetched at first but consider the profound societal and cultural changes that have occurred since the tragic events of 9/11. 

Has there been a noticeable shift in the social and cultural fabric of countries like the United States and parts of Europe? 

Are we witnessing the erosion of the post-World War II consensus, which once upheld principles of interdependent mutuality and collective security against the evil that plagued the world in the ‘30’s and ‘40’s?

Amidst the relentless barrage of tragic news and loss that inundates our daily lives, one cannot help but wonder if powerful individuals and groups are collaborating to disrupt the already fragile homeostasis in the world. 

Could they be orchestrating a transition towards a fear-based existence, ultimately paving the way for the rise of totalitarianism on a global scale? 

It does seem like a scenario straight out of ancient prophecies or Alex Jones, yet recent events have given rise to the reality of such speculations.

While conspiracy theories often elicit skepticism, it is worth delving into the underlying narratives that fuel such conjectures, especially when many conspiracy theories have turned out to be grounded in reality. At the core of this particular theory lies the notion that the global elite, consisting of influential figures from the realms of wealth, politics, and industry, are seeking to consolidate their power and influence over the masses. In their pursuit of dominance, they purportedly view Islamic radicals as valuable allies, leveraging religious extremism to sow chaos and instability in strategic regions around the world.

The adage, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” is often attributed to Winston Churchill.

In this narrative, can the collaboration between the global elite and Islamic radicals serve as a means to an end – the establishment of a totalitarian regime marked by authoritarian rule, pervasive surveillance, and the suppression of dissent? This dystopian vision paints a picture where individual freedoms are sacrificed in the name of security and safety, and citizens are subjected to behavioral modification, constant monitoring and control.

While such a grand conspiracy seems implausible to some, there are historical precedents and contemporary developments that lend credence to these concerns. The rise of authoritarian regimes, the erosion of democratic norms, and the proliferation of surveillance technologies all contribute to a growing sense of unease and distrust.

In the United States, the conversion of individual states, like Alaska, changes the idea of a constitutional republic into a shaded and clandestine monopoly of bureaucracies which urges the surrender of principles like free speech and association to a treatise of rules to be obeyed in day-to-day living. 

Not in Alaska … Hmmm … Remember Covid?

However, it is crucial to approach these theories with a critical eye and a healthy dose of skepticism. While there may be kernels of truth in some of the claims, attributing complex geopolitical events to a single, overarching conspiracy oversimplifies the intricate web of global dynamics. Instead of succumbing to fear and paranoia, it is imperative to engage with the world around us in a rational and discerning manner, focusing on empirical evidence and critical analysis.

Russian collusion enjoys the convenience of made-up empiricism to distract certainty, right?

Attributing complex geopolitical events and social phenomena to a single, monolithic conspiracy overlooks the multifaceted nature of global dynamics. The world is shaped by a myriad of interconnected factors, including politics, economics, ideology, culture, and history, making it challenging to reduce complex phenomena to simplistic explanations.

Should we omit climate change from this discussion?

While the idea of a conspiracy involving the global elite and Islamic radicals may capture the imagination of some, is it essential to approach such claims with caution and skepticism ignoring emotion and feelings and rely on empirical proof? Is this reminiscent of the person experiencing a flood only to be told there were several rescue attempts before their demise?

Or am I just a racist?

On the other hand, recently a family was investigated by Indiana officials for refusing to refer to their son using pronouns and a name inconsistent with his biological sex. Despite the unsubstantiated claims of abuse, the State of Indiana claimed the parents made the child’s eating disorder worse and thus removed the child from his home even though this eating disorder worsened after he was removed and placed in a “transition-affirming” home. 

Michael Tavoliero is a writer at Must Read Alaska.


  1. A secular observation of Biblical predicted reality …what’s wrong becomes right and what’s right becomes wrong.

  2. Well Gee, Let’s not forget about a $35 to $50 Trillion Debt, $2 Trillion Annual Deficits, failing schools and endless payoffs to buy votes and enrich benefactors.
    Are we insane or just stupid?

    • TMA, your comment is of course a play on the oft-repeated quote “never attribute to malice that which can adequately explained by incompetence”. Which I have always thought to be a clever-sounding but patently stupid saying, as it implies that malice does not ever exist.

      • Jefferson, Agreed. In fact, the inverse is what is truly the fact. We should never attribute to incompetence that which can be adequately explained by malice or conspiracy.
        Fact: humanity is evil; rotten to the core. Reference: Book of Genesis (downfall and curse).

      • Jefferson,
        “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism… Seems Thomas Jefferson identified and properly described a “conspiracy” in his Declaration of July 4 1776.

        Pity that we as a society have neglected our shared American Scripture and by doing have fallen prey to the tyranny of the absolutist in our midst. Another selection from Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration appears below, sound familar?
        “He hath erected a multitude of offices and sent hither a swarm of officers to harass the people and to eat out their substance”

      • “…….it implies that malice does not ever exist.”
        Malice itself is yet another symptom of stupidity. Read Bonhoeffer:
        “……..Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force………”
        Adam and Eve didn’t eat the fruit through malice.

        • Reggie, rebellion and stupidity are not the same thing either, I don’t think. I’ll have to goback and review what Bonhoeffer said in his Treatise ” Creation and Fall”.

  3. As a kid growing up in the 60s, I could go out and get a job and there was no law that said I could not. I had unlimited freedom to pursue improving myself, I could go anywhere I wanted, work as much as I wanted with no problem. Today, you can’t even buy a plane ticket for cash without a bunch of hassle, no way can a kid of 12 get a job greasing a truck or changing tires or pumping gas. There are rules for EVERYTHING. There are permits needed for everything anymore and they have pretty much outlawed a kid working. People today don’t realize how much freedom they have lost over the last 50 years. I learned most of what I use today before I was 24. I am 67.

    • I have been saying that our freedoms are being taken from us every day.
      When the law is on the politicians side then the playing field is not level.
      Get ready for the end game and remember who’s doing this to us.

  4. “…….What if this plan involved an unlikely alliance between the global elite and Islamic radicals?…….”
    Sorry, I can’t find my way there. I’ll concede that there are conspiracies within the global elite and various Islamic factions (as well as a few hundred other global entities), both sides would as soon cut each others throats as yours or mine. The Energy Wars are taking yet another turn as we type. Pretty soon, the automotive industries are going to have to collect up all the EVs they can’t cajole us to pay BIG money for and give them to second world governments. That silliness is pretty much iver.

  5. By the way, for you Anchorage political prisoners, I was shocked yesterday to pull in for gas at Costco and find it priced a full $0.20 higher than I regularly get it in the Valley. Then I remembered that your illustrious Assembly initiated a municipal gasoline tax some time back. I looked it up. It started in 2018 as a $0.10 per gallon tax. True to Californicating form, it just “automatically” grew to $0.12 per gallon last month.
    Your problem isn’t Islam or Brussels. Your problem assembles at the library each week……..

  6. This is Old News.
    Revelation has been prophesying a One World order led by the One World leader the dragon or anti-Christ. It’s been a developing showdown since the fall of man. Good thing we know how this all ends.

  7. I am glad to see an article FINALLY addressing the REAL things that are happening in our state and country instead of dancing around them. Once we start talking about what is really going on, we can effectively address the correct issues and the correct demonically-possessed people.

  8. Muslim is not a race, so…..not racist. It may, however, be discrimination of religion? In order to maintain harmony among a resident culture and an invasive culture, there must be a formal commitment by the invasive culture to abide by the host’s laws, and if there is no intent for the invasive culture to assimilate to the host culture, at a minimum the invasive culture must xommit to tolerance and yield to the hist culture. If there is unwillingness to do so, entry into the host culture should be denied. These assurances by the invasive culture cannot be achieved when there is no control over entry to national borders with no expectation by the invasive culture to abide or be held accountable to abide. It also diminishes all benefits and motivation to become a citizen, also diminishing any expectation of loyalty to their benefactors and a gracious nation.

  9. Good article, Mike. I read George Orwell’s “1984” while in college. Later, I read several books by little known author, Gary Allen. His books foretold of conspiracies that generated as early as the 30’s and involved big money men, corporate connections and human control by a one-world system of government. And just before I graduated from college, I went to several John Birch Society meetings and was introduced to a small group of middle-aged and elderly white men as an unbrainwashed young man studying at college.
    Later, I mentioned these books and my meeting to a college professor who advised me to steer away from such books of fiction and stay far clear of the super conservative, radical JBS types.
    It’s now 50 years later. I survived college brainwashing and clearly see the wisdom and truth of the so-called conservative radicals. It’s happening here in 21st century America. Right before our eyes.

    • “…….an unbrainwashed young man studying at college………”
      If there was ever a contradiction in such a short phrase, that’s got to be it.

  10. “Has there been a noticeable shift in the social and cultural fabric of countries like the United States and parts of Europe?

    Are we witnessing the erosion of the post-World War II consensus, which once upheld principles of interdependent mutuality and collective security against the evil that plagued the world in the ‘30’s and ‘40’s?

    Amidst the relentless barrage of tragic news and loss that inundates our daily lives, one cannot help but wonder if powerful individuals and groups are collaborating to disrupt the already fragile homeostasis in the world.”

    This quote perfectly applies to Trump, his attempts to dismantle NATO and to Putin.

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