Merrick drama again? Republicans file complaint about former party chair’s letter to editor


Former Republican Chairwoman Ann Brown, as the immediate past chair of the party, is still a voting officer of the party and thus must abide by party rules when it comes to using her title in endorsements.

A complaint has been filed inside the party because Brown, although free to endorse any candidate she wants as a citizen or even as a member of the party, cannot use her official Republican Party title or position in an endorsement for a candidate who is not also supported by the party. She violated party rules.

“Ann Brown has violated our party rules specifically: Article I – Purpose and Policy, Section 3: Support of Candidates (a) All Republicans have the right as individuals to support the candidates of their choice, provided that they may not use any official ARP position or resources for the support of candidates not endorsed by a district, the SCC or an affiliate,” the complaint explained.

On Sept. 12, Brown co-wrote a column in support of Sen. Kelly Merrick that was published in the Anchorage Daily News.

“In this letter, Ann Brown used her current official title with the Alaska Republican Party to sign the letter. ‘Ann Brown is a retired attorney. She currently serves as the immediate past chair of the Alaska Republican Party,'” the complaint to Party Chairwoman Carmela Warfield said.

The letter to the editor was then used in a campaign mailer for Merrick; once again Ann Brown’s name was listed as the immediate past chair endorsing Merrick.

Merrick has not been endorsed by the State Central Committee. Even Gov. Mike Dunleavy has endorsed her opponent, Jared Goecker, also a Republican.

“Members of the SCC are not allowed to use their titles to promote a candidate that doesn’t have the endorsement of the State Party. Chugiak-Eagle River has made a different choice in supporting Jared Goecker. Both districts have voted to endorse, and representatives from these districts have promoted his candidacy to the SCC, where the State Party unanimously endorsed him,” the complaint said.

Brown is strongly connected to Big Labor political leaders; both she and Merrick are married to people who are essentially on union payrolls. Merrick is married to Laborers’ Local 341 Business Manager Joey Merrick and Brown is married to a lawyer who specializes in union health care plans.

Donald Handeland, the regional representative for the Republican Region 3, said it is “very disheartening to see a former chair and current member of the SCC promoting a candidate who has not been endorsed by the party over one who has the support of the districts and the State Party. As a former chair, Ann Brown should be setting a positive example for our party. However, her actions have been disappointing and have undermined our party’s integrity.”

Handeland called for Brown to resign or suggested a vote should be taken on whether to remove her from her position as past chair in the party, thus removing her as a voting member of the State Central Committee. And he asked Party Chairwoman Carmela Warfield to also find ways to minimize the impact of the letter in the Chugiak-Eagle River election for Senate Seat L.

Last week, Merrick had a complaint filed against her by members of her own party, who said her campaign had accepted illegal donations from a private business. That complaint was filed with the Alaska Public Offices Commission.


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