Mayor moves goalposts again: Now, it’s 70% vaccination rate to lift city mandates


Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson issued another emergency order today, easing some of her restrictions on Anchorage residents’ movement and behavior.

Emergency Order 20, which goes into effect Friday, has many of the same restricts as EO 19.

The order requires masks and limited contact outside of one’s household. Indoor gatherings are limited to 25 with food, or 35 without food. There is no capacity limits on outdoor gatherings. All restaurants, stores, gyms, entertainment, and personal care are open, but have capacity limits that are set by the physical distancing requirements of the mayor’s order. Spectators at indoor sporting events are limited to four per athlete, rather than two, in effect under the current order. Remote work is encouraged.

Quinn-Davidson said mass Covid-19 vaccination is the key to opening the Anchorage economy and said that when the city reaches the 70 percent mark for adult vaccinations, the order will no longer be necessary.

Last year, she said it was about flattening the curve of infections.

Quinn-Davidson said it’s time to have “hard conversations” with people who are vaccine-reluctant. She said that she and her wife do not have people over for dinner unless they have been vaccinated. This, in spite of the fact that the couple has already had the virus and have been vaccinated.

So far, some 36% of Anchorage residents 16 or older are fully vaccinated, the city reports.


  1. Yeah, come to me with your ” hard conversation”. I will show you what a hard conversation looks like, manipulative, useless article that she is. ADQ ia on her own little power trip and she us USELESS. She has done F all for Anchorage since she was elected onto the assembly and has continually decimated private industry under the guise of “the virus” in the mayor’s office.

  2. A mayor of a municipality doesn’t have the authority to waive god given constitutional rights. Especially not an unelected one.

  3. Wow! Just outside of Anchorage there is no mandate, no hospital crisis, no massive infection wave and no business shutdown. Costco should pack up and move.

  4. “Quinn-Davidson said it’s time to have “hard conversations” with people who are vaccine-reluctant.”

    I’m one of those people. Come have that conversation with me. I dare you.

  5. 70%? Based on what published study?
    The so called acting mayor and Assembly keep moving the goal posts to maintain their power!

  6. Thank you, unelected AQD! I’ve been waiting to hear from officials, elected and unelected alike, when I can begin living my life again! Your generosity is overwhelming!

    Anchorage will be released from the death grip of asinine emergency orders when 70% of the adult population has been stabbed with an experimental vaccine?!


    Doesn’t the city emergency declaration expire on Friday?

  7. We are supposed to live in a “free country” where the government cannot REQUIRE my neighbors to get vaccinated.

    But what about requiring me to wear a mask solely to alleviate irrational fear from those who refuse vaccinations. Or crippling my business or our economy.

    I’m thinking the “hot spot” must be that skating arena the city is going after where 12 people on a hockey team are jammed into the “close proximity” of a 100 ft. by 200 ft. rink where they briefly skate past each other.

    Yet it is “ok” for Alaska Airlines to place me in a sardine seat touching shoulders with two strangers for a 5 hour flight because the airline paid some Harvard researcher to calculate that you only have a “3/1000 or one percent chance of catching Covid on the plane.”

    I’m glad these decisions are all based upon “sound science,” because they sure fly in the face of intuition and common sense!

  8. Question: where does the acting mayor get the constitutional authority to issue edicts and mandates to control and restrict the citizens of Anchorage?
    Does it come from the municipal charter?
    Well, the municipal charter cannot empower a municipality with greater powers than exist under the state constitution.
    So, is this power in the state constitution?
    The state constitution can’t empower the state or its political subdivisions with more power than is found in the U.S. Constitution.
    So, is this found in the federal constitution?

    The answer is no…the federal constitution, the supreme law of the land that ALL state constitutions, municipal charters and all laws must conform to DOES NOT give any level of government the power to tell citizens that they must wear a mask or stay at home or limit their gatherings.
    And if it’s not in the federal constitution then it cannot be in anything downstream from it.
    That’s how it works and petty tyrants like this woman are abusing their authority.

  9. When does Quinn-Davidson and the person she is with get to move away to D.C?
    Health records are still private, and no one needs to know your vaccine report.

    Nor is the right anyone forcing you and your child to get a vaccine. I made that mistake, allowing two very young medical assistants to aggressively jab a resistant three year old.

    I thought afterward this is how we condition our Native girls to be sexually coerce/ raped by an acquaintance. When the child was very young, under five, and they were clear they didn’t want something, and you allowed them to go through it just to follow rules and expectations.

  10. Unelected illegal mayor will continue to move goal posts. She has no authority for she was unlawfully installed by the assembly against state law using Covid as an excuse. I will not wear a mask anymore. Enough is enough, follow the science. You have a 99.8% chance of surviving this “virus” if you did contract it. Your chances of contraction here in Anchorage is about the same as drowning. We should all wear life vest in Anchorage to protest this stupidity.

  11. “Hard conversation” with our neighbors. AQD is telling people to bully others into getting the vaccine. Pressure them. If that doesn’t work, there will be another emergency order. Just watch.

  12. Stop it!!!!!
    Everyone just ignore her. Everyone just ignore the Anchorage Assembly. Go back to work and go back to restaurants and open up 100%. Damn these Marxists!

  13. I have said it once, and I’ll say it again, God Bless the Matsu-Valley! Anchorage will continue to decline while the Matsu grows and flourishes. Hopefully Mr. Bronson gets elected and can revoke those absurd emergency mandates destroying small businesses and the Anchorage economy.

  14. It will be nice when we elect Dave Bronson and finally have someome with a brain and not a wannabe Queen
    She is useless as you know what on a Boar Hog

  15. I couldn’t agree more. COVID-19 is NOT a hoax, it really does exist. The hoax is treating a disease with 99.8% survival rate like it was Ebola and treating YOU as a “killer” unless you mask up. I like your life preserver idea.

    And masking science is even more sketchy. If we all put up chain link fencing, but mosquitoes still get through, AQD might then mandate a SECOND layer of chicken wire. Admittedly, it is NOT 100% effective, but it “can’t hurt” and probably “flattens the curve” a bit because those pesky mosquitoes have to slow down as they fly around the wire.

    What population segment–ANYWHERE in the world–got a “pass” from COVID because the minions masked up? How can anyone call this science?

  16. I will not be held hostage by a jumped up wannabe. You wanna hard conversation? I dare you to have one with me.

  17. She’s running out of time to play Dictator. Tick tock, tick tock…..VOTE people because Forrest Dunbar will be WAAAY worse than this.

  18. My sympathies are with you all. However, the US Supreme Court declared in a case that the government has the right to supersede individual rights in some ways, when an epidemic has been declared. I think it was in the 1890s.

  19. The vaccine could be very dangerous!!! Something called Antibody Disease Enhancement. Essentially the virus might mutate to use the vaccine antibodies to attack the immune system. I hope not, but it is a possibility. As for dinner with her, I would rather eat from my dogs bowl.

  20. This is So Ridiculous. The whole state is open.
    You’re not the mayor. I have not played by any of these stupid games, this whole last year.
    I have lived my life as if nothing has changed.
    People, we are in charge of our lives, not some Fake mayor.

  21. Say no to this experimental kill shot! They don’t have the right to dangle your freedoms in front of you like a carrot until you take their experimental mRNA slow kill injection. Government doesn’t have that authority nor should it ever! Watched a video earlier today of mental disabled people being force vaccinated while screaming no. It was like something you would see out of Nazi Germany but happening right here in the USA! Shot in the arm or shot in the head…it’s the same outcome in the end. This vaccine is wrong on so many levels! It is evil and sick. Welcome to Biden’s America! These democrats turning out to be nothing more than eugenic serial killers.

  22. The way this person is behaving perhaps the only way to end the shutdown is to replace the mayor by electing Dave Bronson. If I was Forrest Dunbar, I would be furious. Continuing the edicts only increases the public opposition to the ruling regime.

  23. Haha….Are there actually people who are still abiding by what she wants.
    Not to worry unelected mayor, pretty sure a lot of people would prefer not to be invited to any of your dinner parties.
    If the door prize for getting vaccinated is dinner at the unelected mayors house, or her like minded peoples houses, I definitely made the right choice to Not get vaccinated.
    “Harsh conversation” ….All I’ll say to that comment is “Your not the boss of me, mom is, so there, nanee nanee boo boo”

  24. LISTEN UP Citizens of Alaska : The acting Mayor has openly in her tyrannical tactics has issued to the citizens of Anchorage and ultimatum mandating vaccinations in order to establish a free market, this is a clear “VIOLATION of your civil liberties and she can personally be held FINANCIALLY liable for all damages and the city of Anchorage can also be held financially liable along with everyone on the assembly that has gone into agreement with the Mayor.

    This case against the city and the mayor is cut and dry in the state Supreme Court, case law and case precedence has already been set all it takes is for you business owners to come together in a class action law suit and you will win.

    b) The Governor and all state agencies with follow tenants and protocol that were established and excepted from the trials of “Nuremberg 1947” and laying down 10 standards which physicians must conform when carrying out “experiments” on “human subjects”. “Universal Declaration of Bioethics and human rights”.

    c) Explanation of standards:
    This judgment established a new standard of ethical medical behavior for the post World War II human rights era. Amongst other requirements, this document enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body. The principles established by this code for medical practice now have been extended into general codes of medical ethics.

    The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. 1947 Nuremburg Code, BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996.

    Further, the International Community has also adopted the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights which asserts three fundamental rights:
    1.Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention (such as masks or vaccines) is only to be carried out with the prior free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.
    2.Scientific research should only be carried out with the prior, free, express, and informed consent of the person concerned. The information should be adequate, provided in a comprehensible form and should include modalities for withdrawal of consent. Consent may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without any disadvantage or prejudice.
    3.In appropriate cases of research carried out on a group of persons or a community, additional agreement of the legal representatives of the group or community concerned may be sought. In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent.
    Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights. As the Second Circuit Court of Appeals articulated in the case Abdullahi v. Pfizer, Inc., 562 F. 3d 163, 176 (Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit) (2009)

    d) Nor does any private individual, business, Entity or Corporation have the policing power given to the State Legislature to force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or the use of any other means to demand conformance from any citizen who does not voluntary act at will through the protection provided by the US constitution or the State of Alaska Constitution.

  25. Airlines are beginning to fill middle seats, whole states are opening up & the unelected Mayor of Anchorage wants to double down on disproven Covid mitigation theory? The wheel is spinning, but the hamster’s dead!

  26. One could be forgiven for suggesting civil disobedience.
    No, not Minneapolis mayhem… there’s a big difference.
    City mandates succeed only because residents fear losing their stuff more than they fear losing their Constitutional freedoms.
    Things’ll improve only when residents tell their Fraudulent Hyphenated-Mayor they’re not riding in the back of that bus anymore, they’re returning to their lives, liberties, and pursuits of happiness, “city mandates” now and forever be damned.
    Anchorage’s Fraudulent Hyphenated-Mayor can’t put everybody in jail, can’t take everybody’s stuff, doesn’t want the career-ending publicity of trying to do so.
    Should be fun to watch the wretch run for cover when Anchorage Americans actually get “woke” and say no mas in so many different ways…
    Now that’ll be a “hard conversation”.

  27. I really hate it when little girls play doctor.

    Herd immunity comes with a combination of vaccinations, people who have already had the virus and recovered, and people who tested positive. Subtract from that the people who died in some way from the disease. Add the kids who are for some reason immune. AQD is completely ignoring everyone who had the disease and / or tested positive for it and the kiddos.

    As of today, at least 2 of the vaccines – Astra-Zenica and Johnson & Johnson are being restricted due to deadly side effects. The ChiCom vaccine seems to make it easier to get the virus. And finally, it is still an experimental medical procedure she is demanding in return for liberty.

    Remember this the next time you see a Forrest Dunbar ad, as he is one of the ones who gave AQD her emergency powers. Cheers –

  28. Next thing on the unlawful mayors docket:
    No admittance to any and all Public property without a valid COVID-19 certification. #papersplease #yeahwevegotthis

  29. HA..HA.. she’s full of baloney. she is attempting to push this knowing she only has a couple of months before she’s out of office.

  30. The public needs to understand that before these medical fascist can force a vaccine on the population through oppressive tactics, they need 80% of the population to be injected. So every person that cowers and gets this shot will be complacent in facilitating tyrannical medical fascists to oppress their neighbors. Nazism 101! It is the percentage of the majority that is needed before they can oppress the minority. If you value freedom of choice for medical treatment then resist these shots with every fiber of your being. Warn as many as you can to the dangers of these shots. Once the state reaches their numbered goal it’s game on in oppressing those that choose to say no to forced experimental medical treatments! So stand for freedom Alaskans instead of cowering in fear to medical fascists!

  31. Covid was invented for the vaccine! Not the other way around! Stand up against medical fascism! Just say no!

  32. In order for the state to forcibly oppress and mandate vaccines on those who choose not to take it, they need 70- 80% of the populace injected. So always remember that is the golden number. So resist this shot. They can only oppressively force it once it hits that percentage majority. Plus all these people who say they had their shots and are fine, let’s see how fine they are 5-10 years down the road when they are diagnosed with cancer, or an autoimmune disorder, or sterility, or miscarriages, or birth defects in their offspring, or just plain dead from unknown causes. All of this takes years of testing and data to understand the proper risks; something this Covid shot never had. I feel really sorry for those that have already taken this shot because they have no idea what is in store for them down the road. For those with already bad health issues being told you need to be vaccinated, for those who are afraid to not have access to proper medical treatments and surgery without your vaccine. Tell your doctor what I told mine. “I will never get this shot. If you deny me medical treatment and I die because of that, my blood and death is on your hands and the hands of every person complacent to this shot. You helped in facilitating a fascist medical system, and every person that is refused treatment because they refuse the shot and are suffering and dying, is because of you and your choice of saying, “everyone needs to take the vaccine because it’s hospital policy.” I am not afraid to loose my life in defending the freedom of choice for generations to come. I will gladly die from my medical condition before I cower to this fascist medical system. Hopefully there are enough brave Alaskans to make the same choice. After all, what good is it if you gain the world yet forfeit your soul?

  33. Got to wonder if “she and her wife” ( I actually chuckled typing that) actually have and takers for dinner?
    Figures, the pretend mayor is guided by pretend science.

  34. You are right on. There is a German doctor that is naming Global entities in a lawsuit using this legal argument. And this Assembly and members have been warned of this previously.

  35. Not going to happen. Im an RN and this is ridiculous. You will not force us to vaccinate… so run anchorage to the ground….have been exposed, have traveled throughout entire pandemic… non vaccinator…

  36. This idiotic totalitarian mayor can not be replaced soon enough. This is the face of leftism, inexperienced, clueless, dogmatic about their ideology and well, just stupid.

  37. “Herd Immunity” comes when between 60-90% of the population is either:

    1) vaccinated -or-
    2) has had the virus and now carries antibodies

    You must add BOTH numbers to reach herd immunity. The typical natural immunity rate is 38-45% in any metropolitan area. Los Angeles is 45%. So, if we have 36% fully vaccinated now, and have ~40% natural immunity, we’re at 76% total. We are within the definition of Herd Immunity. Time to end this.

  38. So if I rob a bank and say it’s because of a emergency, it’s ok? The liberals are never going to let the pandemic go. All these people dyeing and going broke are a gift to them This mayor is illegal and is not a health professional, not even a “Doctor of Dirt.” I say break one of her orders and then go to court- she has no standing because she is not a legitimate mayor. Suspending all these rights is a soft “Marshall Law”.

  39. Angry Viking: It is stated clearly that the “vaccine” doesn’t prevent getting Covid. It merely reduces the symptoms. Only the one’s who have had Covid develop the “Holy Grail” of herd immunity.
    The one’s who have gotten the “vaccine” are the real danger, as they will think they can forego any safety precautions. Apparently we can still easily catch Covid from anyone who has gotten the “vaccine”.
    All the one’s who have gotten the “vaccine” may still need to get Covid, to develop immunity. Problem is that we’re now finding out that one or two of the “vaccines” may actually prevent developing immunity to Covid … possibly making them more susceptible to getting any of the mutation variants.

  40. I do not consent to this unelected woman and her entourage of baby sitters to be my sitter. Thanx.

  41. Anchorage will NEVER reach a 70% vaccination rate! That’s the point and they know it. Masks forever people,…and mandatory gay pride stickers on Tuesdays.
    This is what happens when you put the spoiled, portly unpopular girl who never developed any social skills in high school in a position she has no business being in. Just like back in school, her puppets are cruel and have an agenda that she lacks the ability to grasp or fully comprehend.

  42. Forced vaccination in the private sector…………. Illegal, that’s why their doing it. Gov. can’t

    “Informed Consent” “COVID” vaccination is a experimental vaccination only being used in emergency capacity. Not approved by FDA and for emergency only. No clinical trials, no clinical evidence.

    The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. 1947 Nuremburg Code, BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996.

    Further, the International Community has also adopted the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights which asserts three fundamental rights:
    1.Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention (such as masks or vaccines) is only to be carried out with the prior free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.
    2.Scientific research should only be carried out with the prior, free, express, and informed consent of the person concerned. The information should be adequate, provided in a comprehensible form and should include modalities for withdrawal of consent. Consent may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without any disadvantage or prejudice.
    3.In appropriate cases of research carried out on a group of persons or a community, additional agreement of the legal representatives of the group or community concerned may be sought. In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent.
    Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights. As the Second Circuit Court of Appeals articulated in the case Abdullahi v. Pfizer, Inc., 562 F. 3d 163, 176 (Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit) (2009)

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