Anchorage Mayor-elect Dave Bronson announced today that former Lt. Gov. Craig Campbell will be his chief of staff, and former Assemblywoman Amy Demboski will be the new city manager when he is sworn into office on July 1. Campbell has been a key member of his transition team since Bronson was elected and is a former columnist for Must Read Alaska.
Bronson introduced several other people joining his administration, including:
- Portia Noble, Director of Community Engagement
- Colby Hickel, Director of Enterprise Services
- Adam Trombley, Director of Community Development
- David Morgan, director of Health and Human Services
- Niki Tshibaka, Director of Human Resources.
- Mike Robbins, Director of Anchorage Community Development Authority
- Travis Frisk, Chief Fiscal Officer
- Sami Graham, Librarian
- Lance Wilbur, Director of Public Works
- Terrence Shanigan, Director of Legislative Affairs
- Stephanie Williams, Director of Boards and Commissions
- Kolby Hickel, Director of Enterprise Services
- Karl Raszkiewicz, Director of Office of Management and Budget
- Ronald Thompson, Director of Building Services
- Saxton Shearer, Director of Maintenance and Operations
- Christina Cope Hendrickson, Director of Real Estate Services
- Rachelle Alger, Purchasing Director
- Marcus Dahl, Director of Information Technology
- Dr. John Morris, Homeless Coordinator
Retained Directors:
- Alden Thern, Municipal Projects Director
- Molly Morrison, Municipal Controller
- Carrie Belden, Transportation Inspector
- Ralph Gibbs, Director of Merrill Field
- Steve Ribuffo, Director of Port of Alaska
- Mark Corsentino, General Manager, AWWU
- Mark Spafford, Director of Solid Waste Services
- Josh Durand, Director of Parks and Recreation
- Kent Kohlhase, Director of Project Management and Engineering
- Bob Doehl, Director of Development Services
- Michelle McNulty, Director of Planning
- Dan Moore, Treasurer
- Jamie Acton, Director of Transportation
Previously announced:
- Ken McCoy, Police Chief
- Doug Schrage, Fire Chief
- Patrick Bergt, Municipal Attorney

Amy Demboski, the new municipal manager, is currently the deputy commissioner at the Department of Commerce in the Dunleavy Administration. She is a former assemblywoman for Chugiak-Eagle River and has a business management education and background.
Bronson will be sworn in at 8 am on July 1 at a ceremony that will be a fundraiser for Beans Cafe. He will have a ceremonial swearing in that evening on the Delaney Park Strip, when an inaugural block party is planned for 5-9 pm, with the swearing in at 5:30 pm.
A press conference is being planned for July 1, during which he will outline key priorities for the mayor, said volunteer Communication Director Matt Shuckerow.
Wow you can hear the smugness in the media questions. Can these people not be more one-sided in the questions trying to sharp shoot the new Mayor and his team.
Maybe the pool isn’t that deep but sure are seeing a lot of establishment hacks in there..
Excellent choices, especially in Trombley, Robbins, and Portia Noble!!
That oughta curdle the assembly’s milk. Lovin’ every minute of it.
The concerning thing is politicians are placed in job sectors and positions some with no degree in that area. The getting a job is more about the persons’ political affiliation and not their educational training and preparedness for that particular position. Being highly qualified with educational training and a degree in a particular field should be paramount.
I absolutely agree with Sam! I was hoping Mayor Bronson would appoint people who actually had solid experience and qualifications—-instead “political” involvement. As Governor Dunleavy has Ben Stevens and now Mayor Bronson has Craig Campbell. But as we have seen, all failed politicians came out of the woodwork at any chance of a job with Bronson! Campbell resigned as Lt. Governor after obtaining Lisa Murkowski’s endorsement as CEO for the Alaska Aerospace Corporation in Kodiak! Campbell only looks out for his best interest! Watch your back Mayor Bronson!!!
Craig and Amy seem like a couple of good choices, and I imagine that as city manager, Amy is going to shake things up and will undoubtedly be the topic of many outraged stories in Anchorage’s leftwing “news” (propaganda) outlets.
I look forward to that……..
I did not see Barbara Jones or Kate Vogel listed as hold overs..!! or does that mean they are moving with AQD out the door and down the back stairs…!!
Some great people to help run the Muni. Congrats Amy Demboski and Portia Noble–well deserved posts.
Nice job Mayor Bronson!
Please consider appoint a capable person to run the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation (AEDC). AEDC is currently the most ineffective economic development group in the USA.
Congratulations on Dr. John Morris,
Would someone please ask EKLUTNA, CIRI, NANA, Chugachmiut, Calista, and the other corps out there if a grant writer could write a grant for a parcel of land with septic and water on it.
There are older Indigenous folks who have RVs and need a safe place to be.
You hear a lot about how people are resistant to solving the homeless problem. Yet, there are homeless people who don’t want to be involved in agencies.
Good choices, Mayor.
But who is going to be the CEO of the Alaska RailRoad now that Craig Campbell is moving up?
Craig is on the railroad board, not the CEO
Thanks, Dan. Does Campbell have to give up his seat?
Big fan of these two.
Go Bronson go.
Yes, you put in your people.
Why would Bronson put in more losers like the Assembly crowd. Except the two good Assembly ladies.
I have to ask the obvious question; how many of these people and how many of these agencies are really necessary? Each position comes with a staff and budget and often represent the excesses we have come to expect of Alaskan politics.
I was hoping Mayor Bronson would ask which of these sectors of government could just be eliminated.
I think of these people as servants perhaps capable servants. Thinking of them as “leaders” gave us last year. We are free inhabitants of this city. These people do not interpret anything. They give an oath to obey and defend the US Constititution, the state Constitution and the Charter of Anchorage Corporation. Sovereign creation power remains with and only in we the people. They have the words, as written. No new words and interpretations are needed. The words as written and their meaning when written. That’s it. The judiciary is not the people and can’t “interpret”.
I believe it is a federal offense for a Judge to practice law from the bench. Please stop asking them to do this. It is not their jurisdiction. I believe they apply court rules evenly and fairly or we lose justice. They make sure proper process is carried out in civil and criminal cases. That’s all. If processes are unconstitutional we hope they will note this in their orders. Our civics studies offered to us in public education are severely substandard. We are all dumbed down in this regard. Quite bad for our liberty and justice effects.
For the record, Kate Vogel’s replacement was announced by Bronson awhile back.
Barbara Jones reports to the Assembly so she won’t be going anywhere. She should, however, be investigated for ethics violations relating to keeping her daughter on payroll with a high-paying salary and benefits despite the fact she doesn’t even live in AK or actually work for the MOA. (Former employee insight).
Is it Kolby or Colby?
SR – It appears to be Kolby. -sd
G Aleutian: What on EARTH are you prattling on about?? Judges are triers of law while jurors, i.e, “The People,” are triers of fact in courts of law. This obtains whether the court in question hears civil or criminal cases.
I will give you one thing:
In the Southern United States and many Midwest from post-Civil War to the present day, jurisdictions elect judges, magistrates, and justices of the peace who have NO law degree. Therefore, these judges CANNOT “practice law from the bench.”
Personally: I prefer qualified, highly-educated professionals making life-altering decisions regarding me, my family, my community, and the society in which I live.
I know — adherents to sovereign citizen doctrine… believe otherwise…
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